Strategic Scorecard
Promote student success, learning and graduation through personalized support in a student-centered education community.
Cultivate academic success
1.1 Provide a campus environment that enhances learning and the development of the whole person.
- Student Success and Advising uses a system of nudges to help students connect with advisors and enroll in appropriate coursework. For examples of evidence of the impact of the nudges, see the “Nudging Toward Success” fall 2019 presentation.
- Club sports, student clubs/organizations, leadership opportunities for students through Student Affairs. See WOU Student Organizations.
- Faculty and programs, along with their students, participate in a variety of campus events. See the LAS Dean’s news page,, the Division of Education and Leadership’s news page, and the Vice-President for Academic Affair’s newsletters,
1.2 Strengthen and centralize programs and practices that support academic achievement for all students.
- The Free Tutoring Consortium ( is working towards centralized tutoring in a planned Student Success Building, see the final draft of the 2018 campus master plan.
- Transfer Pathways office rollout Fall 2019 (
- General Education office petition process established for centralized review of General Education requirements (, 183 students assisted between October 2018-August 2019, four of whom completed graduation requirements with review).
- Wolf Connection System upgrade (2020) to allow for wider adoption of tool to best support students;
1.3 Strengthen programs that support graduates’ career, professional, and graduate school preparedness.
- Service Learning and Career Development runs a Career Mentoring Program. See for information.
- Advisory boards have been created in Gerontology, Computer Science, Criminal Justice and Professional Writing. to help inform programming decisions that best meet the needs of students in these majors. External advisory boards are comprised of external constituents (e.g., alumni, employers, content experts) who can provide connections and input about industry needs, graduate employment outcomes and relationship building.
- Established Invent-OR chapter on WOU campus
- Providing LSAT preparation and funding to pre-law students in need (
- A number of programs are externally accredited including Educator Preparation programs (CAEP), Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling (CACREP), Interpreting Studies (CCIE), and Music (NASM). See the 2017 HECC 2017 University Evaluation.
- Western Oregon University’s (WOU) Regional Resource Center on Deafness has received a $1 million grant from the federal Rehabilitation Service Administration to support its Rehabilitation and
Mental Health Counseling (RMHC) program. - The Department of History engages with alumni mentors who visit core history courses such as History 301 Introduction to Research Methods and History 499 Senior Capstone, to meet with and mentor students in the History program. This includes providing support for the capstone process and information about their graduate school experiences and job experiences. Additionally, History faculty conduct an annual “preparing for graduate school” workshop open to all students and include curriculum vitae workshops in several upper-division courses.
Streamline university requirements and academic pathways to graduation.
2.1 Provide intentional and effective paths to graduation within 180 credits.
- Each existing program checked during mid-cycle report 2019 and four-year plans within 180 credits are required for all new programs and significant program modifications.
- Sample four year degree plans available for each major and updated annually (
- To address student success, student access and to create more seamless interfacing with our new General Education program, faculty have created new courses, updated existing courses and updated existing programs to better serve our undergraduate and graduate students. See the curriculum archives at and the WOU catalog.
2.2 Provide intentional and effective transfer paths to graduation.
- Transfer Pathways office rollout Fall 2019 (, includes designated director, new transfer evaluation system (TES), increased dual-enrollment agreements and degree partnership program, published articulation agreements, a new Articulation Agreements & Articulation Agreement manual, and many resources for students.
- General Education review and alignment to transfer pathways (OTM, Transfer Compass, WICHE), including individual course review and articulation of all courses transferred in from community colleges in last three years (2017 – 2019).
2.3 Improve access to coursework for degrees, programs and certificates.
- Increased online, hybrid, alternative delivery and Salem offerings; Psychology and Criminal Justice developed fully online degree programs; all COE and LAS units have expanded hybrid/online options.
- NWCCU approval for WOU in Salem AB in Liberal Studies and Master’s in Organizational Leadership.
- WOU purchases Vick building in downtown Salem for increased access for adult learners.
- MS in Rehabilitation Counseling program has added a fully online option for those students selecting the Deaf track.
Align, assess and improve the academic effectiveness of learning outcomes
3.1 Align curriculum with learning goals for all programs.
- Course goals are published for all courses.
- Faculty engage in assessment of institutional learning outcomes and course goals at the undergraduate and graduate levels via faculty-led PLCs.
3.2 Improve curriculum based on effective assessment of student learning outcomes.
- Program assessment and review annually is underway via the Office of Academic Effectiveness, including:
(1) annual assessment of program learning outcomes with reports of findings and actions submitted to and archived in TK20
(2) assessment of institutional learning outcomes at the undergraduate and graduate levels via faculty-led PLCs
(3) 7-year cycle of program reviews has been initiated and is ongoing
(4) annual Assessment Day has been established during fall kickoff weeks
(5) General Education Program assessment protocols established with FYS as first area to be studied in 2019-20 - Faculty use department assessment of student needs and learning outcomes to update majors and programs to best serve the needs of the students. See and the proposal archives to see faculty progress.
3.3 Support curricular innovation and accountability.
- First cycle of Undergraduate Learning Outcomes (ULO) assessment completed.
- Graduate PLC has developed three pillars of Graduate outcomes model for assessment.
- The Office of Academic Affairs increased resources to support curriculum innovation: Curriculum Committee and General Education Committee chair course releases (; General Education director hired,
- Dean of Library and Academic Innovation hired (see Hamersly Library News F19).
- Online PLC ongoing, hired consultant group (SU19) for online course development.
- Revamp of Honors General Education curriculum (SP19, Honors Committee Curriculum Reform Proposal,
- Developed additional language learning support structures for international students via the English Tutoring Center (English as a Second Language), a member of the WOU Free Tutoring Consortium.
- A search for a director of the Academic Innovation unit was launched fall 2019.
Streamline and improve university processes in support of student achievement.
4.1 Improve academic advising for all students.
- Student Success and Advising uses a system of nudges to help students connect with advisors and enroll in appropriate coursework. For examples of evidence of the impact of the nudges, see the “Nudging Toward Success” fall 2019 presentation.
- Development of Advising Resource Guide, Advising Connections events, new faculty workshops during fall kickoff week, and General Education advising training provided to professional and faculty advisors to assist advisors in having the tools and information needed for effective advising.
4.2 Develop user-friendly catalog, scheduling and registration systems.
- Completed online catalog project,
- WOU has launched the My WOU app to help student navigate WOU.
- WOU has purchased and launched College Scheduler to enhance scheduling planning and registration for students and advisors.
4.3 Provide culturally responsive support for students from diverse communities.
- Convened University Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (UDIAC)
- Continued success with MEChA de WOU, Unidos Club, Omega Delta Phi (ODPhi), Kappa Delta Chi (KDChi), Multicultural Student Services & Programs, Diversity Scholars, Program, Multicultural Student Union, see WOU Student Organizations...
- Academic Affairs has implemented the Faculty Diversity Fund. This diversity fund can be used to improve our ability to successfully hire diverse faculty candidates by providing additional financial support that can be used for professional development or summer projects.
4.4 Strengthen commitment to diversity and equity by enhancing support and academic services for students.
- Increased Student Enrichment Program staffing.
- Under construction | Pursuing federal grant (CAMP) that will provide funding to recruit and support students from migrant farm worker families..