Data Requests

Internal Requests

Affiliated with Western Oregon University? Use the Data Request Form.

Please expect your request to take at least 2 weeks to complete. Reach out if you have an urgent request.

If you need information faster, please check data sources already avaliable: IPEDS, Institutional Research’s website, WCS, WolfWeb, Division Chair Reports, etc.


Level 1: Campus decision makers, mission critical initiatives, and external entities (HECC, IPEDS, NWCCU).

Level 2: Specialized accreditations, grants, Program Review, and other institutional reviews.

Level 3: Student support, student outreach, retention efforts, etc.

Level 4: Individual faculty and staff requests (ex. data for specialized research or conference presentations).

Level 5: General interest requests not related to university goals or initiatives.

At our current staffing levels, the IR Office completes approximately 28 ad hoc data requests per month in addition to all of our standard data reports such as IPEDS, Division Chairs reports, the Common Data Set, and other standing reports. As of April 15th, we have 32 open ad hoc data requests on our task list. 

External Requests

If you are not affiliated with Western Oregon University, you will need to submit your request as a public records request as allowed by the Freedom of Information Act. Please submit your request using the Public Records Request Form.