CJ & CIE Advising
The Criminal Justice Sciences Division offers in-house, major-specific advising. Students have the opportunity to work one-on-one with specially trained faculty/advisors who can help guide students to degree completion.
How do I find my CJ advisor?
All CJ students are assigned a CJ advisor. To find your advisor, log on to Degree Tracks and check the student information section at the top. If you are a new student and you have not been assigned an advisor yet, you can email cjadvising@wou.edu for Criminal Justice advising or advising@wou.edu for general advising. If no advisor is listed in your Degree Tracks after your first term, please reach out to the Criminal Justice Main Office at criminaljustice@wou.edu or 503-838-8733. While you are assigned an advisor, you are encouraged to make connections with any faculty member with whom you feel comfortable. When your hold is placed, however, only your assigned CJ advisor can remove your hold.
What is an advising hold?
Advising Holds are a temporary lock on registration which is placed on all undergraduate students during week 5 of every term. This hold prevents students from making any changes to their schedule, including registering for new classes until the hold is removed. Ideally, these holds are placed to encourage students to meet with their advisor and ensure they are on track for graduation. For more information on Advising holds, please visit the Student Success and Advising website.
Freshman Advising Information

- Get familiar with Degree Tracks and consult with your CJ faculty Adviser each term
- Take Introduction to CJ (CJ 213D)
- Take Research & Writing About Social Justice Issues (CJ 267C) Prereqs: CJ 213D & WR 122
- Take GenEd (General Education) FYS courses
Sophomore Advising Information

- Meet with your CJ Adviser each term
- Choose a minor if desired (not a university requirement)
- Continue taking your CJ core classes and General Education requirements
Junior Advising Information

- Meet with your adviser & begin to discuss practicum. Practicum Requirement: 2.67gpa OR consult with your adviser to discuss your options
- You may complete your practicum this year or your senior year. Plan ahead, finding and securing a placement can take time.
Senior Advising Information

- Fill out an Application for Graduation as soon as you reach senior status (135 credits) to set your intended graduation date
- Check your Degree Tracks regularly and consult your adviser to ensure you are not missing anything
- Completion of your degree requirements is your responsibility
WOU General Advising
The Student Success and Advising Office offers many advising resources for WOU students. There are many tools and guides to help students navigate their academic experience.
WOU General Education
The General Education Program website contains resources to answer all your questions about general education requirements.
Center for Professional Pathways
The Center for Professional Pathways offers students resources to help transition students into the workforce such as resume help, interviews and career development.
Useful Tools & Resources for Registration
Tutorials on ‘How to…’:
CJ/CIE New Student Orientation Resources
Contact the Criminal Justice Sciences Division
We look forward to hearing from you! Additionally, please explore our website for more information about our degrees and programs.