09:58 AM
To attend classes at Western Oregon University you must register for those classes per the university’s Course Registration Policy
WOU has an amazing Schedule Planner. Just as the name implies it is a tool to help you plan the perfect schedule for your academic and personal needs. You identify the classes you need and any schedule restrictions you may have and the system will generate all the possible schedules that meet your needs.
Here are some things to know in order to get the most of it:
The Schedule Planner is easy to use, but if you need help there are plenty of resources:
WolfWeb contains many services for students, ranging from registering for classes to viewing your unofficial transcript. You can register for classes in Wolf Web as well as through the Schedule Planner.
To access WolfWeb registration:
The following actions can only be completed using the WolfWeb registration tools:
To search for classes select the Look-up Classes to Add function:
To register without searching select the Register for Classes function:
How are they different:
How are they the same:
Refer to the academic calendar for the drop and withdrawal deadlines for a given term. If you have registration holds preventing you from dropping/withdrawing classes online email registrar@wou.edu for assistance, the email must be sent before the deadline has passed.
To drop/withdraw online:
A closed class with an active wait-list is not eligible for a capacity override (aka an override that allows you to register for a closed class). Once wait-listing has ended instructors can provide capacity overrides.
For example, if you were to receive a prerequisite override for a closed class you would wait-list the class. If you did not get the opportunity to enroll from the wait-list into the class you could, after wait-listing concludes, ask the instructor for permission to register for the closed class. If it is appropriate the instructor would provide a capacity override in addition to the existing prerequisite override. Don’t forget, having an override does NOT equal being enrolled. Login to Wolf Web and register for the class!
Once wait-listing has ended instructors may issue capacity overrides to allow a student to enroll in a closed class. If your instructor provides a capacity override you will need to type the CRN of the class in the boxes at the bottom of the Registration page in Wolf Web.
The best way to find the CRN, if you don’t already know it, is in Wolf Web using the Check Your Registration Time & Status menu item to view your override(s) which include the CRN of the class. Once you have the CRN open the Register for Classes menu, type the CRN into the box at the bottom of the page, and submit changes. Verify you successfully enrolled by confirming that the class is added to your list of enrolled classes with a status of “web registered”.
You can view registration overrides that have been granted to you in Wolf Web using the Check Your Registration Time & When you select a term and open this menu if you have had any overrides issued you will see them near the top of the page in the section titled ‘Registration Permits and Overrides’.
This is particularly helpful when checking to see if an override you discussed with an instructor has been added to your record. Additionally, if you received an override but are still unable to register check here to compare the overrides you have with the error you are receiving. You may need to reach out to your instructor to help resolve the remaining issue(s).
Do not forget that during the wait-listing period capacity overrides are not available for closed classes. If the class is closed and wait-listing is ongoing you should wait-list yourself for the class. If you do not get in the class during the wait-listing period you can follow up with the instructor after wait-listing ends to determine if a capacity override is possible. Don’t forget, having an override does NOT equal being enrolled. Login to Wolf Web and register for the class!
Due to the accelerated pace of a quarter system, it is critical that students attend class and engage in class material from the beginning of the term. Although the university’s deadline for enrolling in a class is Friday of week two the expectation is that students register and engage in the class from the start of the term.
In order to register for a class as late in the term as week two, you must receive instructor approval in the form of an override. If you receive such an override register right away.
After Friday of week two, you are not eligible to participate in or attend any class that you are not registered for. Should you attend a class after that deadline without being registered your instructor will ask you to stop.
See the Course Registration Policy for details.
Academic Standing Holds
Accounts Receivable Hold
You have a past due balance from a prior term or a missing or incomplete revolving charge form. You cannot register until you pay the outstanding balance or complete the revolving charge form. Contact the Business Office at 503-838-8201 to arrange payment of your prior-term balance or for completion of the revolving charge form.
Collection Agency Hold
You have a past due balance that has been turned over to a collection agency. Please contact the Business Office at 503-838-8201 regarding the steps to clear your hold.
NDSL Perkins Loan Hold
You have a past due balance on a Perkins Loan from WOU. You cannot register until you make enough of a payment to bring your account current. Contact the Business Office at 503-838-8201 to arrange payment of your past due balance.
A judicial hold prohibits a student from registering for classes, sending and receiving transcripts, and conducting most forms of business with the University. A judicial hold is typically placed when a student fails to complete sanctions assigned by the Office of Student Conduct.
Contact the Office of Student Conduct with questions regarding a judicial hold at 503-751-4057 or email studentconduct@wou.edu.
A dean’s hold prohibits a student from registering for classes, sending and receiving transcripts, and conducting most forms of business with the University. A dean’s hold is placed when a student receives a medical withdrawal from the University. The student may not return until a return from medical leave is approved.
Contact the Dean of Students Office with questions regarding a dean’s hold at 503-838-8221.
A U Got This! – Student Affairs hold prohibits a student from registering for classes. A U Got This! – Student Affairs hold is typically placed when a student fails to complete the mandatory, one-time bystander and sexual misconduct training, their first term at WOU.
Contact Student Affairs at 503-838-8221 or studentaffairs@wou.edu for questions about the U Got This! – Student Affairs hold.
A medical hold prohibits a student from registering for classes. A medical hold is placed when a student is not in compliance with immunization requirements, which include both MMR and COVID-19 vaccinations (or an approved exemption).
Contact the Student Health and Counseling Center with questions regarding a medical hold at 503-838-8313 or health@wou.edu.
Holds placed on MSSP students for various reasons including but not limited to:
*Note for Diversity Scholars: You must maintain a minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA and be a full-time student (36 credits by the end of the year)
*Note for Bilingual Teacher Scholars: You must maintain a minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA and be a full-time student (36 credits by the end of the year). Sophomore thru Senior Year: You must maintain a minimum of a 2.75 cumulative GPA and be a full-time student.
To remove the hold, students are required to meet with their MSSP advisor. To schedule an appointment with an advisor, please call the MSSP front desk at 503-838-8837 or email mssp@wou.edu.
The Admissions Office has not received your final transcript verifying either a date of graduation (for high school transcripts) or final grades or degrees awarded (college transcripts). WOU requires these transcripts in order to finalize your admission.
To remove the hold, please send the requested transcripts to the Admissions Office. They can be sent electronically through an official transcript service (such as Parchment) or mailed directly to the Admissions Office at 345 N Monmouth Ave, Monmouth, OR 97361.
Contact the Admissions Office with questions regarding the admissions hold at 503-838-8211 or admissions@wou.edu.
Waitlisting is available for certain courses that have reached their maximum student capacity and are closed.
To waitlist a class:
Priority is given to students on a waitlist on a first come first serve basis. For example, if you are the first student to waitlist the class you will be the first student to be given the opportunity to register for the class if a spot becomes available.
Once you are on the waitlist for a course you must check your WOU email at least once per day, but we recommend checking it twice daily.
If an opening in your waitlisted class becomes available, an email will be sent to your wou.edu email account.
You will have 24 hours to register for the class. The clock starts from the time the message is sent.
If you do not register for the class within 24 hours you will automatically be dropped from the waitlist, at which time the next student on the waitlist is offered that open space.
You may waitlist the course again, but you will be added to the last student on the waitlist.
To audit a course, you must be an admitted student. You can be any type of admitted student (undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, graduate, or non-degree). If you are not an admitted student, you will need to contact the Office of Admissions to complete an application to become an admitted student. You will be required to pay any admission fees. Click here for the Office of Admissions application process and contact information.
Please follow these steps on how to audit a course for an admitted student:
Once you are registered for the audited course, you will be responsible for the same tuition and fees for the course as any other student. An audited course receives a grade of AU on the transcript regardless of how much participation you do (or do not) in the class. This grade does not have any impact on the GPA.
If you are faculty/staff auditing a course, you can complete the staff rates benefit form and submit the form to HR for processing, click here.
If you are 65+ years old, you will need to contact Accounting & Business Services to confirm your account is in order to have the tuition waived for the audited course. You will be responsible to pay any course fees. Click here for the Accounting & Business Services contact information.
Students who do not attend or participate in a class at least once during the first two weeks of the term (comparable time frame for Summer sessions) will be administratively dropped from the class by the Office of the Registrar. The student’s permission is not required when dropped for this reason. Students must notify faculty of any situation that may prevent class participation during the first two weeks.