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Observation Hours
Observations are a part of life for teachers. We consistently are observed by administrators and other staff members, and we consistently observe our peers to learn from what they are doing. As a future teacher, you will be conducting 60 hours of observations in two, 30-hour sets.
Observation hours are required for all pre-education students. Upon completing each set of observation hours, you should inform the classroom teacher that you will send them a survey link. The survey results will be used to determine admittance to the undergraduate licensure program.
First 30 Hours* | Second 30 Hours |
Meant to be an exploration of your interests. | Meant to be a preparation for your student teaching. |
Must be completed in a public K-12 classroom, during the regular school day, and at any grade level you may be interested in teaching. | Must be completed in a public K-12 classroom, during the regular school day, and in the subject area and grade level you would like to teach. |
Contact your advisor for exceptions if you are employed by a school district. | Observe in one classroom to see what it’s like to be a public school teacher in your desired subject and grade level. |
Preferably completed within your first two years of college. | Must be completed within 18 months of applying to the licensure program. |
* Your first set of 30-hour observations can be waived via an approved practicum based course. Contact your advisor to determine if your course meets the application requirements.
FAQs About Observation Hours
Can I be paid for my observation hours?
Yes, as long as you are meeting the rest of the requirements.
How do I set up my classroom observation hours?
Contact the principal’s office the term before you want to start; get your paperwork/background check completed; identify which teacher you will observe; set your schedule and start/end date.
What if I don’t know where to get my first 30 observation hours?
Your first 30 hours are very flexible, given that they be completed in a public K-12 classroom. We always suggest reaching out to educators you may know personally. You can also connect with your advisors for assistance finding opportunities to fulfill the Observation hour requirements.
Can I observe in my parent/family member’s classroom?
No, but they probably have teacher friends that you can observe.
How many classroom teachers should fill out my recommendation survey?
We ask that each set of hours be with a different classroom teacher, so you will need two seperate classroom teacher recommendations.
How do I submit my my observation hours?
When you complete your program application you will be asked to submit your supervisor’s contact information and a survey will be sent out to them to complete to confirm your observation hours and when they were completed. We are no longer taking letters of documentation.