07:17 PM
Yes: FERPA authorizes the University to make public disclosure, upon request, of information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.
Yes: To withold disclosure of directory information, written notification must be received in the Office of the Registrar. The restriction will be in force permanently, until rescinded by the student, in person with photo ID, or in writing with the student’s signature witnessed by a notary public. See Restricting the Release of Your Information.
Yes: Student addresses and telephone numbers are releasable unless elected confidentiaility. See Restricting the Release of Your Information.
No: A student’s class schedule may only be released with the specific, written, signed authorization of the student.
Yes: The restriction of information is permanent until revoked, in writing, by the student. See Restricting the Release of Your Information.
No: A faculty member or any other university official must demonstrate a legitimate educational interest in the information in order to gain access.
No: A law enforcement official must present one of the following in order to have access to education records: a specific written, signed release from the student; a valid subpoena; or judicial order. In the case of a valid subpoena or judicial order, the university will notify the student before releasing the information unless the subpoena or judicial order appropriately specifies nondisclosure.
No: Grades, GPA, and academic standing may only be released with the specific, written, signed authorization of the student.
ONLY by using randomly generated codes or numbers known only to the instructor and the student.
They may not use the student ID#/part of the ID# or the SSN/part of the SSN for this purpose. The list has to be sorted in a random order, not by student name.
No: If you will see the grades of other students when retrieving your assignment it is not allowed. The return of graded papers or other assignments must also be accomplished in a manner that protects the identity of the student. Instructors should NOT leave graded assignments out for students to rummage through.
Yes: Participation in recognized university activities is releasable unless a student has opted out of releasing their directory information. See Restricting the Release of Your Information.
No: FERPA allows, but does not require, schools to recognize dependency for tax purposes as an exception to parental access to education records. Western Oregon University adheres to the basic FERPA principle that, upon enrollment at an institution of higher education, all education record access rights are conferred upon the student.
No: Once enrolled at the university, students control parental access to their records.