Course Scheduling – University Registrar

Course Scheduling


An overview of the process

  • Sections from the previous year’s term are copied for the upcoming year (e.g. active sections from winter 2017 are copied to winter 2018).
    • Basic course information (subject, course number, maximum capacity, etc…) is copied, but more variable information such as days, times and instructors are not. See resources for more details.
  • Scheduling worksheets are created and distributed to schedulers in academic departments.
    • To assist you we provide, for your reference, a list of the previous year’s courses (active, inactive, and cancelled) with capacity and enrollment information.
  • Schedulers request changes to the copied courses as needed and may request additional sections be created.
  • Schedulers forward their schedule to their Division Chair for review.
    • Be sure to allot enough time for the worksheet to be reviewed by the Division Chair before it it is due to be returned to the Office of the Registrar.
  • The Division Chair forwards the finalized worksheet to the Office of the Registrar for processing.
  • The schedule is created and made publicly available.
  • Submit requests for changes as needed.
  • Dean’s Assistants will place sections into rooms.

Scheduling Worksheet Instructions

Below are instructions for some common requests. Detailed instructions are provided on the Instructions tab of the scheduling worksheet.

  • Inactivate a section that was copied:
    • Select “I” in the Status field. No other action is necessary.
  • Add a new section:
    • Select “N” in the Status field and complete the required fields.
  • Request meeting days and times for a hybrid course:
    • Use the days of the week, begin and end time fields as you would for any other course.
    • We will automatically assign a portion of online instruction to any course with an Instruction Method of “H” (hybrid).
  • Keep a section hidden until it is decided that it will be offered:
    • Choose “N” in the Do Not Display Online column.
  • Apply non-standard meeting dates/days/times:
    • Refer to the Instructions tab for more detailed instructions and enter your instructions in the Notes field for the section.
  • Request that sections be cross-listed:
    • Use the Notes field to inform us which sections should be cross-listed.
  • Multiple instructors:
    • When more than one instructor is assigned to a section, indicate in the Notes field who is the primary instructor and the percentage of responsibility for each instructor.