Exercise Science
The exercise science degree prepares students to work with individuals and groups to assess fitness and recommend exercises for overall health, injury prevention, rehabilitation, and sport performance.
Consider this degree if you…
Want to learn the science of human performance
Enjoy working with and helping people
Have a passion for wellness & fitness
Years 1 & 2
The core curriculum in exercise science will familiarize you with principles of motor learning, functions of the human musculoskeletal system, and the field of exercise science and its professional applications.
Years 3
In upper division classes, you’ll explore physiological and psychological responses to physical activity, changes in motor behavior across the lifespan, and how to adapt exercise for different age groups and abilities.
Year 4
Your coursework will culminate in an exercise science internship so you can bridge the gap between theory and practice. If you’re in the pre-education track, you’ll take advanced courses in best teaching practices for physical education.
See what real WOU Exercise Science students are learning…
Where this degree can take you
Pre-Clinical Track & Fitness and Human Performance Track
The exercise science pre-clinical track and fitness & human performance track will prepare you for entry-level positions in health care support areas such as hospital cardiac rehabilitation and physical therapy assistance, in corporate fitness centers, in athletic and health focused fitness clubs, and with organizations that provide fitness and activity programming such as YMCA and Boys & Girls Clubs.
These tracks will prepare you to apply to graduate school in medical fields such as occupational and physical therapy, dentistry, medicine, chiropractic, as well as for Master’s degree programs in related human movement sciences.
Physical Education Teaching
EXS Pre-education non-licensure
(BS degree at WOU, master’s teacher licensure program à master’s degree and teaching license)
EXS pre-education non-licensure and Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) students take all the same EXS coursework at WOU to increase content knowledge of teaching physical education (PETE Core), but take different pathways to becoming a licensed physical education teacher. If you want to be licensed to teach with a master’s degree, follow the PETE track, graduate, and pursue a Master of Arts in Teaching program.
Physical Education Teacher Education
(PETE program + undergraduate teacher licensure program à BS degree and teaching license)
If you want to be licensed to teach with a bachelor’s degree, you should follow the Physical Education Teacher Education track in which you pursue a B.S. in Education with the physical education specific concentration. See the undergraudate teacher licensure program for more information.