` Faculty spotlight on Dr. Patrick Graham – College of Education

Faculty spotlight on Dr. Patrick Graham

Faculty spotlight on Dr. Patrick Graham

  • Work Associate Professor & Program Coordinator, M.S.Ed. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education (DHHE)
  • Home Monmouth, originally from Michigan
  • Family Married with 3 kids (ages 14, 11, and 6), all adopted from the foster care system
  • About

    “I’ve always had an identity that’s been accessible.

    Early on, my parents met people who were culturally Deaf and learned ASL. So I was able to access my parents’ culture, education, and books at a young age.

    Then when I came out as gay male at a young age, I was able to access the gay and lesbian community. A lot of that idea of ‘access’ drives my professional life.”

Contact info for Patrick Graham

Fueled by a “thirst for adventure”

I believe everyone’s on their own personal adventure. From a social justice perspective, I’m always trying to share my knowledge.

I do service work in Ghana and Nicaragua because I believe it’s my responsibility as a citizen of this global world and my responsibility as an educator. I want students to see what’s beyond this American bubble.

Passionate about social justice

To me, social justice means:

  • giving everyone equity
  • knowing that everything you do will have an impact
  • working your hardest to ensure people have an equal say
  • looking at the world like we’re all coexisting together

Born deaf to a hearing family

I wish mainstream classrooms were more culturally sensitive. Right now, it’s one deaf kid who must adhere to hearing social norms.

It’d be more equitable if everyone learns sign language together, everyone learns about hearing and deaf cultural norms.

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