FEMA Reservist, Dr. Thew Hackett
WOU’s Protactile Language Institute (PLI)

WOU continues to lead nation in ASL education and advocacy
Research & Resource Center with Deaf* communities receives federal grant funding

COE graduate talks about how Coronavirus outbreak is impacting ASL interpreting
“There’s no historical precedence. It’s unnerving. On the emotional side, it’s weird and scary.”

Grad profile: Camryn Skari
“Working with the deaf/hard of hearing/deaf-blind population has always been my goal, and there are only two universities in the nation that offer any type of counseling specialized to fit this population.”

Grad profile: Kailee Goodrich
“I was not interested in linguistics; I had a very difficult time in English linguistics, but this class changed my perspective about it all.”
Deaf interpreter and WOU alum finds herself in the spotlight
Certified Deaf Interpreter, Thayer, advises students seeking employment as interpreters not to wait for…

Faculty spotlight on Dr. Patrick Graham
“I believe everyone’s on their own personal adventure…”