
Your eligibility for federal and state aid is based in part on the following considerations. Other considerations may apply. These are the most common items that impact your eligibility. For more information on aid eligibility, visit https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/eligibility.


Degree Program

The degree that you are working on determines, in part, the type of aid you are eligible to receive. Below is a summary of the type of aid you may be eligible for in your current degree program. Other considerations apply, including your Expected Family Contribution, your lifetime loan borrowing limits, your dependency status, and others.


Degree Program Types of Aid – Federal and State

First Bachelor’s Degree

*Note: You must demonstrate financial need for most of these programs

Federal Pell Grant

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (freshmen/sophomores)

Federal Work Study

Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans

Federal TEACH Grant

Federal Parent PLUS Loan

Oregon Opportunity Grant

Second Bachelor’s Degree (Post-Baccalaureate Students)

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan


Certificate programs (not to be confused with initial teacher licensure programs) are not eligible for federal financial aid with the exception of the following two graduate level criminal justice certificates:

* Social Justice

* Advanced Juvenile Justice Studies 

Conditional Admission to Master’s Program Conditional admits to a master’s program are not eligible for federal financial aid
Master’s Program

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan



Enrollment Level

Undergraduate/Post Bacc Graduate
Full time = 12+ credits Full time = 9+ credits
3/4 time = 9 – 11 credits 3/4 time = 7 – 8 credits
1/2 time = 6 – 8 credits 1/2 time = 5 – 6 credits
Less than 1/2 time = 1 – 5 credit(s) Less than 1/2 time = 1 – 4 credit(s)


Every student is offered financial aid with the assumption that they will be enrolled as a full time student. For undergraduate students, 12 credits is considered full time. For graduate students, 9 credits is considered full time. Your aid will not disburse to you unless you are enrolled full time, or unless you notify us that you will be a less-than-full-time student. Your aid amount may be adjusted based on your less-than-full-time enrollment level. Here is a summary of types of aid and their required enrollment levels:

Type of Aid Enrollment Level Amount Proration

Federal Pell Grant

Federal TEACH Grant

At least 1 credit

Pell Grants are awarded based on Enrollment Intensity

TEACH Grant Proration:

12+ credits = 100% of award

9 – 11 credits = 75% of award

6 – 8 credits = 50% of award

1 – 5 credits = 25% of award

Oregon Opportunity Grant

At least 6 credits


*Note: the Office of Student Access and Completion sets eligibility criteria for this award; see their website for more information

12+ credits = 100% of award

6 – 11 credits = 50% of award

Less than 6 credits = Ineligible

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan for Undergraduates

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan for Undergraduates

Parent PLUS Loan 

At least half time (6 credits)

No proration; full amount of awarded loan up to cost of attendance

*Graduating seniors’ loans are prorated in their last year based on enrollment level; ask the Financial Aid Office for more details

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan for Graduates

Graduate PLUS Loan

At least half time (5 credits)

No proration; full amount of awarded loan up to cost of attendance


Federal Work Study

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

At least 6 credits No proration; total aid may not exceed Cost of Attendance

WOU Tuition Remissions

(including, but not limited to, WOU Grant, Presidential Scholarship, and Diversity Commitment Scholarship)

Full time enrollment at WOU Total awards of remission may not exceed actual tuition and fees charged



Census Date

Your eligibility for all types of federal, state, and institutional aid is based on your enrollment level as of the Census Date of every term. The Financial Aid Census Date at WOU is always the second Friday of each academic term. Your enrollment level at 5pm on that date will be the enrollment level upon which we base your financial aid for that term, regardless of whether you add or drop courses after that date.


Complete Withdrawals

If you completely withdraw from all courses (including community college courses for DPP Students), at any point in the term, your financial aid could be retroactively canceled—in full or in part—based on the date you withdraw. Being granted a Medical Withdrawal does not change your financial aid eligibility; withdrawals for any reason are treated equally for financial aid purposes. Students who do not participate beyond the 60% point in the term have not earned all their aid for the term, a portion will be canceled and returned to the federal program and an owing balance may occur on your student account. 

Unofficial Withdrawals

 An unofficial withdrawal may be determined by administration and for circumstances such as illness, accident, grievous personal loss, or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. 

Repeated Coursework

If you are repeating a course for which you received a W grade, you may receive financial aid for the repetition of that course. If you are repeating a course for which you received credit (A, B, C, D, S, or P), you may receive financial aid for the repetition of that course only once. If a student chooses to repeat a course to improve their grade, only the most recent grade and credits will be used to calculate the student’s GPA, even if the earlier grade was higher. Please see the online catalog for the most current academic regulations. 

Conflicting Information

Federal law requires us to resolve any conflicting information that we have. For instance, if you report on your FAFSA® that you will be in your 3rd year of undergraduate studies (as defined by earning 90 credits or more) but you have only earned 85 credits—even if you have attended for 2 years and will be entering your 3rd year of study—this is considered conflicting information. We would change your grade level from what you reported on your FAFSA® and your actual grade level would determine your aid eligibility. Another example of conflicting information is if your parents report that they are married on the FAFSA® but their tax filing status is Single or Head of Household. This is considered to be conflicting information. We would reach out to you for more information and may require you to amend your taxes to accurately reflect your parents’ marital status before we package you for aid.  

Satisfactory Academic Progress

You must make satisfactory progress toward your degree to receive financial aid. For full details on our SAP policy, visit Satisfactory Academic Progress for Undergraduate Students / Graduate students.

Please note that Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for financial aid eligibility purposes is different than WOU’s Academic Standing. Please see Academic Advising’s informational page on Academic Standing: https://wou.edu/advising/academic-standing/.


Financial Aid Office

toll free 1-877-877-1593 | or e-mail: finaid@wou.edu | Location: Welcome Center 140