` Faculty spotlight on Dr. Andrea Emerson – College of Education

Faculty spotlight on Dr. Andrea Emerson

Faculty spotlight on Dr. Andrea Emerson

Dr. Andrea Emerson

  • Work Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Studies (ECS)
  • Home Wilsonville, originally from Tennessee
  • About

    “I’ve worked in a variety of settings with a variety of ages everywhere from teaching 2-year-old in front of two-way mirrors to substituting in public K-3 classrooms.

    I accepted a position at WOU because I saw myself in WOU students – I love the diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and identities on campus. I am so grateful to be a part of our campus community!

    When I’m not working, I love to travel abroad, practice yoga, chase my cat ZuZu (she doesn’t like to snuggle), or hike with my family.”

Contact info for Andrea Emerson

Life Philosophy

“I had a good role model in my father, who came to the US from Colombia to pursue his dream of becoming a pilot when he was 18. I believe in taking big leaps. I believe discomfort usually leads to growth. I know that mistakes are inevitable. I know the journey is worth the risks.”

Research Interests

“I like to conduct research with local agencies like Early Head Start. I love sharing research with undergraduates in small increments. A professor in my undergrad gave me a chance to experience research in ECS and it changed the course of my life!”

Teaching Philosophy

“I like to connect to students’ personal experiences. I do my best to make the content I deliver in class ‘sticky’ – things are more memorable when they relate to our own lives.

Many of our students come with a pre-existing understanding of how fun nourishs young children. I really enjoy shaping that knowledge towards an informed intentionality in teaching.”