Internship Position Descriptions

  • Tutoring and Academic Support Intern (Student Success and Advising)
  • Business Operations & Accounting Intern (Wolfstore)
  • Donor Stewardship Intern (WOU Foundation/Advancement)
  • Microscopy Research Intern (Biology, NSM Division)
  • PURE Intern (Program for Undergraduate Research Experiences)
  • National Student Exchange (NSE) Program Assistant (Office of Student Affairs)
  • Campus Exhibitations Intern (Art & design)
  • Bilingual (Spanish-English) Communications Intern (Modern Languages)
  • Early Childhood Program Assistant (Early Childhood Program, DEL)
  • Fostering Success Intern (Fostering Success)
  • Alumni Relations Intern (WOU Foundation/Advancement)

Time remaining to apply:








Applications are due by October 22, 2024 at 11:59 PM

Tutoring & Academic Support Intern (Student Success and Advising)


Internship Host Department: Student Success and Advising (SSA)

Work Schedule: Determined with supervisor

Hours Per Week: 10 Hours (approximately)

Wage/Salary: $14.70 / hr

Start Date: January 6, 2025

End Date: June 6, 2025

Department Description: The Student Success and Advising (SSA) Office coordinates academic advising, student success, and tutoring and other academic support programs at Western Oregon University. Our office assists students in acquiring and maintaining the academic skills necessary to succeed in their college careers. The SSA office provides timely, accurate, and developmental academic advising. In addition, SSA helps current prospective, and returning students with program requirements, policies, and procedures. Specifically, SSA advises Exploratory students, Pre Nursing students, students in academic difficulty, and Degree Completion students. 

Learning Objectives: As a result of this internship, the intern will: 

  • Practice and improve upon their professional verbal and written communication skills.
  • The intern can expect to learn about the administrative side of higher education, as it pertains to academic advising and student success with a focus on tutoring and peer academic coaching. 
  • The intern will learn about academic advising theory, such as proactive and holistic advising.
  • The intern will learn about best practices in learning strategies for students transitioning to college. 
  • The intern will also grow in their understanding of WOU’s academic support options including tutoring, supplemental instruction, and peer academic coaching.”

Learning Activities: 

  • The intern will conduct outreach to students who need additional academic support. 
  • The intern will be tasked with helping to develop academic resources including academic success workshops. 
  • The intern will attend  weekly meetings with the Learning Specialist/Tutoring Coordinator and the SSA Associate Director. 

Required Qualifications: 

  • Works well with others, can communicate in a professional and  appropriate manner with other students and staff.
  • Good organizational and time-management skills.
  • Student must be comfortable contacting other students via email, phone call, and text (a work email and phone line will be provided). 

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Junior or senior standing
  • Experience with Google suite
  • Experience working with other students in a leadership, mentorship, or tutoring capacity

Major(s)/Minor(s) Desired: Any major

Additional comments: We have built out additional academic support options over the past year. An intern in our office would get to be a part of shaping new programs and helping their peers.

Business Operations and Accounting Intern (Wolfstore)


Internship Host Department: Wolfstore

Work Schedule: Determined with supervisor

Hours Per Week: 10 Hours (approximately)

Wage/Salary: $14.70 / hr

Start Date: January 6, 2025

End Date: June 6, 2025

Department Description: The Wolfstore serves the students, community, faculty and staff of Western Oregon University.  The Wolfstore is committed to helping keep the costs of course materials low for students.  We are institutionally run as a break-even operation, so we only succeed with the support of the students and staff at WOU. Besides textbooks and WOU gear, we also carry school and office supplies, art supplies, electronics (including headphones, cell phone and computer accessories, etc.), general interest books and reference materials, personal items (such as health and beauty aids, candy, gum, and snacks), and a variety of gifts, calendars, journals, and greeting cards.


Learning Objectives: As a result of this internship, the intern will have an understanding of the various financial components behind Western Oregon University’s operations, have familiarity with governmental accounting, strengthen Excel skills, evaluate project goals, timelines, and daily tasks to determine work priorities, and demonstrate professional verbal and written communication.


Learning Activities: The intern will get exposure to the different financial aspects within the Wolfstore: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Preparing Daily Bank Deposits, and Reconciliation.  The intern will also be able to build relationships with various departments on campus through email communications and face-to-face interactions.


Required Qualifications: Good interpersonal communication skills, experience with MS Office and Google Suites


Preferred Qualifications: It is preferred that the candidate is wanting to receive an internship for credit. Interest in future careers in higher education, governmental, or non-profit work will be given higher preference. Preference will also be given to students who have completed accounting courses, ie: BA211, BA212, BA213


Major(s)/Minor(s) Desired: Majoring in Business or Accounting preferred, but not necessary

Donor Stewardship Intern (WOU Foundation/Advancement)


Internship Host Department: Advancement & WOU Foundation

Work Schedule: Determined with supervisor

Wage/Salary: $14.70 / hr

Start Date: January 6, 2025

End Date: June 6, 2025

Our Mission: The Western Oregon University Foundation exists to strengthen relationships and provide resources in order to serve and support the mission and vision of Western Oregon University

Our Vision: Ensuring every student has the opportunity to have access to a quality educational experience that increases their ability to succeed in our ever-changing global economy and society.

The WOU Foundation works to advance the mission of the university by identifying, cultivating, asking, and stewarding donors to the university. Whether through our annual giving program, our over 250 donor-funded scholarships, or the acquisition of major gifts for capital projects, the WOU Foundation builds, strengthens, and sustains relationships between the university and individuals, corporations, and foundations. A large part of that work is through donor stewardship.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Intern will learn best practices in annual giving and donor stewardship.
  • Intern will have the opportunity to improve written and oral communications skills.
  • Intern will gain a working knowledge of Blackbaud and Gravyty software, two of the leading software systems used by nonprofits.
  • Intern will learn about and execute donor-centric communications strategies for both individual donors and large groups of donors.
  • Intern will experience working as part of the Foundation team to deliver exceptional outcomes for university donors, potential donors, and stakeholders.

Learning Activities: 

  • Intern will meet weekly with the Director of Annual Giving and the Philanthropy Officer and will be an active participant in the development and execution of donor stewardship plans and strategies.
  • Intern will work directly with the Director of Annual Giving on plans for the university’s annual Giving Day.
  • Intern will work directly with the philanthropy officer on the stewardship of major donors.
  • Intern will help staff Foundation events, such as the Wolves Athletics Auction.
  • Intern will help participate in event planning activities.

Required Qualifications:

  • Strong written and oral communications skills. 
  • Interest in nonprofit work.
  • Good interpersonal skills.


Preferred Qualifications:

  • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Some knowledge of communications strategies.
  • Familiar with nonprofits and/or fundraising.
  • Creative problem-solving skills.


Major(s)/Minor(s) Desired: English Studies, Communication Studies, Theatre, but all are welcome to apply.

Additional comments: We are grateful for the opportunity to submit this proposal. Dina and I are committed to ensuring that the internship experience will be one where the student gains transferable skills for any career post-graduation.

Microscopy Research Intern (Biology, NSM Division)


Internship Host Department: Biology, NSM Division

Work Schedule: Determined with supervisor

Hours Per Week: 10 Hours (approximately)

Wage/Salary: $14.70 / hr

Start Date: January 6, 2025

End Date: June 6, 2025

Department Description: The Biology Program’s mission is to provide students with foundation courses that present major concepts in biology and provide opportunities for science and non-science majors to experience laboratory experimentation. We are concerned that all students become comfortable with quantitative data analysis, interpretation of observations, and the evaluation and application of new information. We facilitate the mastering of concepts and methods through specialized courses that involve research – whether in terms of analyzing and understanding current literature in particular sub- disciplines or participating hands-on in original faculty-driven projects.

Learning Objectives: As a result of this internship, the intern will develop skills in microscopy and analysis of anatomy and morphological plasticity induced by environmental stress. The intern will:

(1) Become proficient in the use of a specialized high power dissecting microscope.

(2) Learn how to perform standardized counts using grid tools and use these data to determine density.

(3) Learn important data organization and analysis skills including randomization, subsampling, and data management.

(4) Gain practice at keeping careful laboratory records and notes and organizing scientific specimens.

(5) Work as part of a research team.


Learning Activities: During this internship the student intern will meet weekly with the supervisor for training and reporting on tasks and will also meet regularly with the greater research team in the supervisor’s lab. The intern will be trained in skills for specific tasks and then once proficient, will use those skills to analyze specimens. The student intern will:

(1) Gain confidence and experience with laboratory skills for handling and analyzing preserved specimens as part of a long-term ecological research project.  

(2) Learn to keep a detailed research notebook of their findings, conduct data entry and organization, and perform some basic analyses on the data.

(3) Interact with the larger Garry Oak Ecological Research Group to better understand the collaborative nature of research. 

(4) Demonstrate an understanding of the standards that define ethical scientific behavior.


Required Qualifications: Attention to detail, ability to use a dissecting or compound microscope for an extended period of time, ability to maintain focus and efficiency though repetitive and monotonous tasks.

Preferred Qualifications: Average grade point of B or above in relevant science coursework, familiarity with Microsoft Excel, successful completion of MTH 111Z or equivalent. 

Major(s)/Minor(s) Desired: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Forensic Chemistry/Anthropology, Science Education, IDS (Biology/Science focus), pre-medical, pre-MLS, pre-dentistry or dental hygiene, microbiology, and any students who desires a STEM career in a field that emphasize ability to perform detailed work at a microscope (e.g. blood smear counts, plate counts, etc). 

PURE Intern (Program for Undergraduate Research Experiences)


Internship Host Department: Program for Undergraduate Research Experiences

Work Schedule: Determined with supervisor

Hours Per Week: 10 Hours (approximately)

Wage/Salary: $14.70 / hr

Start Date: January 6, 2025

End Date: June 6, 2025

Department Description: The mission of the Program for Undergraduate Research Experiences  (PURE) is to promote undergraduate research, in its broadest sense, at Western Oregon  University. PURE strives to build and sustain a culture of support for student scholarly  endeavors through the development of a campus-wide infrastructure that enhances dissemination, fosters communication, and provides funding for this initiative. PURE is a non degree awarding program run by an executive committee of 14 to 15 members spanning the  breath of the university, including staff, administrators and faculty from every college. PURE is  based out of and funded through the Provost Office. PURE maintains two main initiatives on  campus: a conference of student works and performances called Academic Excellence Showcase  (AES) and a journal of peer-reviewed student publications called PURE Insights. The PURE  coordinator also leads a committee of 8 additional individuals who together organize and produce the annual AES conference.


Learning Objectives: 

  • Develop and refine skills associated with creatively communicating multistep processes in  clear, appealing and succinct visual/written guides. 
  • Edit and incorporate multiple rounds of feedback into a final professional quality product. 
  • Practice professional oral presentation skills during group training meetings and individualized  one-on-one trainings. 
  • Develop and refine organizational, time-management and managerial skills associated with  event management (including assisting with managing student session volunteers) 
  • Gain experience working professionally in a large diverse team (committee) of professionals representing a wide diversity of skill sets. 
  • Learn professional co-worker interaction skills as they work alongside the supervisor in the  context of diverse and large committees. 
  • Gain experience related to public relations of the PURE committee with the broad campus  community. 
  • Learn event management skills and people management skills. 
  • Gain tangible portfolio pieces as well as valuable skills and experiences to list on a resume. 

Learning Activities: 

  • Participate in drafting, revising and final production of several communication tools that  include written, visual and oral communication. 
  • Assist in the dissemination of the tools they create 
  • Create and refine a visual time-line for AES session chair deadlines. 
  • Create and refine a guide to using the web-based AES forms for session submission and  presentation (target audience: faculty/staff). 
  • Create and refine a guide to suing the web-based AES form for student presentation  submission (target audience: students). 
  • Assist coordinator in giving oral presentations about participation in AES by assisting with  “information and training sessions”. 
  • Assist coordinator with event management tasks and coordination of AES student session aids  (volunteers). 
  • Attend meetings with the supervisor and PURE and AES committee meetings to provide  student perspective on topics of discussion and to present materials produced and receive  feedback.
  • Help promote participation in AES through improved communication with the campus  community. 

Required Qualifications: 

  • Graphic design experience including familiarity with a software of choice for creating high  quality professional visuals (example Adobe suite) 
  • Digital media experience 
  • Strong oral and written communication skills 
  • Willingness to receive and incorporate constructive feedback 
  • Willingness to professionally share a student perspective during committee discussions 
  • Willingness to take initiatives in planning, problem-solving independently


Preferred Qualifications: N/A 

Major(s)/Minor(s) Desired: 

Students with a focus in Communications, Graphic Design, Visual Communication Design,  Writing, Business and Marketing or other fields where they develop strong communication skills  are desired. Students with appropriate skills in visual, written and oral communication are  encouraged to apply, no matter their major. Freshman application is welcomed. 

Please provide any adjustments made to any of the following categories: Required Qualifications (add): ● Willingness to take initiatives in planning, problem-solving 

National Student Exchange (NSE) Program Assistant (Office of Student Affairs)


Internship Host Department: Office of Student Affaits

Work Schedule: Determined with supervisor

Hours Per Week: 10 Hours (approximately)

Wage/Salary: $14.70 / hr

Start Date: January 6, 2025

End Date: June 6, 2025

Department Description: Broadly, Student Affairs serves all students at WOU – prospective, current, and alum. We are the go-to office for any questions and help guide folks to find the answer that they’re looking for. 

National Student Exchange (NSE) is housed within the Student Affairs office, and is one of the programs I oversee. NSE is the most low-cost, accessible study-away program within the US, and over 170 campuses are part of the consortium. NSE’s mission is to provide accessible study away programs for students to experience new cultures, gain access to unique classes that are meaningful to their major, grow resume skills, and gain independence/confidence. Within the NSE campuses, there are HBCUs, HSIs, and AANAPISIs. NSE offers domestic exchange within the US, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, and parts of Canada. NSE also has opportunities for study abroad international programs, as well. The majority of students who participate in NSE are PELL recipients, making it important for the student population that we serve here at WOU to have access to this unique, life-changing opportunity.

Learning Objectives: As a result of this internship, the intern will develop and improve verbal and digital communication skills in a professional setting; develop various modes of effective marketing strategies; develop collaborative skills to partner with other campus resources.

The student’s objective will be to grow the outreach of the NSE program in order to gain more student interest and develop stronger partnerships with other departments on campus to make the program even more accessible for students.

Learning Activities: Student will utilize multiple modes of outreach communication (mass emails, different social media platforms, individual targeted emails, and including A/B email testing) and report their engagement findings on which mode(s) seem to be the strongest to gain student interest. Student will have flexibility to design content to meet their own personal goals and development. 

Student will attend meetings with supervisor and other program stakeholders on campus, as well as support with tabling events for current and/or prospective students to share about the NSE program. 

Required Qualifications: Proficiency in Google Suite programs

Preferred Qualifications: Social media marketing experience; knowledge of MailChimp and/or other email development software; prior participation in NSE program

Major(s)/Minor(s) Desired: Prefer marketing/communications, but open to any majors

Campus Exhibitions Intern (Art & Design)


Internship Host Department: Art & Design

Work Schedule: Determined with supervisor

Hours Per Week: 10 Hours (approximately)

Wage/Salary: $14.70 / hr

Start Date: January 6, 2025

End Date: June 6, 2025


The exhibits program is housed within the Art and Design Department at WOU. The mission of  the Art and Design Department is to foster critical and creative thinking, skill-building, and  visual literacy. The exhibits program is also student-focused, with two main objectives: to  engage students with professional artwork and artists through exhibits and programs such as  lectures or workshops, and to provide students with real-world experience exhibiting their own  artwork and working in campus galleries to curate, plan, install and de-install exhibitions. 


Learning Objectives: 

As a result of this internship, the intern will: gain an understanding of the behind-the-scenes  work that goes into presenting professional gallery exhibitions; learn to install and present  artwork using universal museum standards; practice mounting artwork (matting and framing) to prepare it for exhibition; and develop organizational skills by helping to plan exhibits and  activities for the new student gallery opening in ITC this fall. 


Learning Activities: 

Intern will help set-up and organize the tools and hardware to be used in the new student gallery.  Intern will attend weekly gallery staff meetings to help plan exhibits and activities for all campus  galleries, especially the new student gallery space in ITC. Intern will work with the gallery  director to mat and frame artwork for exhibition. Intern will assist the gallery staff (director, one  faculty member and three student assistants) with installation in gallery spaces around campus. 


Required Qualifications: 

Familiarity with different types of art and art processes. Ability to self-start and work  independently. Attention to detail with the ability to juggle many projects at one time. Excellent  communication skills and habits, in-person and online. 


Preferred Qualifications: 

Interest in galleries and/or museums. Knowledge of design principles. Experience working or  building with hand tools. Competent in basic math skills such as addition and subtraction of  fractions and decimals. 

Major(s)/Minor(s) Desired: Art and Design preferred, but would consider any major.


Additional comments: Like last year, this person will be an integral part of our larger art internship program/student staff. Rather than solely running the ITC Gallery, the intern will work with me and the other (for credit) interns and (paid) gallery assistants in all of the campus galleries. The CiP intern will also have an opportunity to choose which area of the program they would like to “lead.” For instance, this year on of our interns is managing all of our social media and one is managing events – both based off of personal interests.

Bilingual (Spanish-English) Communications Intern


Internship Host Department: Modern Languages

Work Schedule: Determined with supervisor

Hours Per Week: 10 Hours (approximately)

Wage/Salary: $14.70 / hr

Start Date: January 6, 2025

End Date: June 6, 2025

Department Description: The Spanish program prepares the next generation of bilingual Spanish-English teachers, interpreters, and translators in the state of Oregon. The Modern Languages department offers classes that prepare future teachers, healthcare workers, psychologists, social workers, and business leaders to communicate with empathy and knowledge in our multilingual world.

The Spanish degree program at Western Oregon University creates and transmits knowledge concerning the Spanish language, literatures and cultures in a climate that promotes ease of communication and mutual understanding. Our program helps recognize Spanish as a historical language of the United States and provide students with the opportunity to build upon their existing linguistic and cultural knowledge. Classes in Chicano/Latino culture and classes where Spanish is considered a significant advantage for different professional careers are offered regularly. We encourage our students to supplement their course work with experience in a Spanish-speaking country and with engagement in Oregon’s Spanish speaking community.

The ability to speak Spanish and master the richness of Hispanic and Latino cultures are valuable skills for any job: Spanish is the unofficial second language of the United States and is the official language of 21 countries. The Spanish Program at Western makes our graduates attractive candidates for a wide array of careers, as there is ever-growing demand for bilingual professionals. Our graduates are prepared for careers in government, law, education, journalism, business and the non-profit sector at the local, state, national or international level.

Learning Objectives: This internship provides valuable hands-on experience in communication, social media marketing, and language advocacy, offering the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on campus. This position offers a unique opportunity to promote language study on campus, specifically emphasizing the benefits of Spanish language acquisition for bilingual students. The intern will play a crucial role in communicating the value of Spanish study and encouraging engagement with language learning initiatives through various social media platforms and communication channels.

The intern will develop and improve their social media and marketing skills in a variety of platforms. They will also utilize their Spanish in a professional and outreach manner, allowing them to refine their written and verbal Spanish skills in a way that will be a strong asset to their future workplace. They will hone their critical thinking and creative problem solving skills in order to communicate with a wide variety of students. They will develop leadership skills.

Learning Activities:

  • Intern will conduct research and attend meetings with supervisor and other department stakeholders 7-10 times per term. 
  • Develop and implement creative social media strategies to promote language study opportunities on campus, with a focus on Spanish and German (the languages offered in our department).
  • Create engaging content in both Spanish and English to highlight the benefits and importance of Spanish study, even for students who are heritage speakers of Spanish. 
  • Collaborate with language programs, student organizations, and campus resources to identify and promote events, workshops, and resources related to Spanish language acquisition.
  • Assist faculty with event planning for a (small) event in Spring 2025 in order to promote language study at WOU and the Modern Languages department. 
  • Assist in the production of multimedia content to showcase student success stories, language learning tips, and cultural insights.

Required Qualifications:

  • Fluency in both Spanish and English.
  • Passion for language learning, cross-cultural communication, and promoting diversity and inclusion.
  • Collaborative spirit and willingness to work effectively within a team, as well as independently when necessary

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Familiarity with social media platforms (e.g., Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok) and proficiency in using social media management tools.
  • Creative mindset with the ability to develop engaging content tailored to diverse audiences.

Major(s)/Minor(s) Desired: Preference would be for Spanish or Communications majors or minors but we are open to any student who has the right qualifications and interest.

Early Childhood Program Assistant (Early Childhood Program, DEL)


Internship Host Department: Early childhood Program, DEL

Work Schedule: Determined with supervisor

Hours Per Week: 10 Hours (approximately)

Wage/Salary: $14.70 / hr

Start Date: January 6, 2025

End Date: June 6, 2025

Department Description: 

The Early Childhood Program will help students get the skills they need to become effective, inclusive early childhood educators and leaders in the field. As new practitioners, students will have the opportunity for long-range positive outcomes for the child, the family, the community, and the world. We serve undergraduate and graduate students, and traditional, post-traditional, and transfer students. 

Currently, there are 6 pathways to study in the EC program:

  1. Bachelor of Science- Early Childhood Studies
  2. Bachelor of Science-EI/ECSE (Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education)
  3. Bachelor of Applied Science-Early Childhood Studies
  4. Minor in Early Childhood program
  5. Infant and Toddler Certificate
  6. Master of Science in Education, Early Childhood


Program Mission:

  1. Prepares skilled and reflective early childhood teachers who can effectively respond to the unique learning needs of diverse young children and their families.
  2. Grounded in the principles of educational equity and inclusion, social justice and reflective practice, and the development of diverse leaders in the field.
  3. We are committed to facilitating the learning and development of our early childhood practitioners who, in turn, will successfully affect the learning and development of young children from birth to 8 years.


Learning Objectives: As a result of this internship, the intern will be able to: 

  • Demonstrate professional verbal and written communication with WOU faculty and community partners.
  • Develop work habits and skills necessary for job success, such as organizational and communication skills, time management skills, and meeting deadlines.
  • Develop skills with Microsoft Office software, social media, and other applications to design marketing materials.
  • Learn and understand the logistics and components of event planning for events such as campus visit events and workshops. 
  • Gain knowledge and teaching resources on topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. 


Learning Activities: 

  1. The intern will help with EC program recruitment events.

The Early Childhood Program hosts multiple recruitment events per year, such as Campus Visit Events for community college and high school students and Zoom Open House Events for working professionals and transfer students. 

The intern will have opportunities to create marketing products such as digital flyers and social media posts and edit marketing videos to promote the events. During the event, the intern will have the opportunity to practice public speaking and event leadership skills by leading icebreaker activities and sharing their learning experiences at WOU. The intern will practice their coordination skills by working with different offices on campus (e.g., Admission, Financial Aid, Catering) when planning for the events. The intern will gain experience in planning events for different participants (such as working professionals or traditional students) and skills to modify the events based on participants’ needs. For example, traditional students may be more curious about available club activities, while working professionals may be more curious about scholarship opportunities at WOU. This skill is essential for education and many majors as they will plan events for various groups of people. Also, the EC program has built partnerships with and will recruit transfer students from Clackamas Community Colleges who received AAS through their fully Spanish early childhood programs. The intern will have opportunities to work with these transfer students who possess rich Latinx cultural assets to understand their learning needs and provide possible mentorship in understanding WOU resources and course content. If desired, the intern can design marketing materials in Spanish or proofread Spanish marketing materials. 


  1. The intern will help facilitate EC social justice and equity workshops.

Early Childhood Program actively supports WOU students, faculty, staff, and community partners in their professional development and hosts 2-3 online workshops per academic year to promote J.E.D.I. (justice, equity, diversity, inclusion). For example, the EC program has hosted the following workshops in the past few years:

  • Diving into Diverse, Equitable & Inclusive Picture Books
  • The History and Culture of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
  • Universal Design for Learning: Meeting the Unique Needs of Young Children in Our Care
  • Embracing Gender Equity
  • Exploring the Impact of Ableism & Implicit Bias in Early Childhood Education

All the workshops are hosted online in Zoom. The intern will help facilitate the meetings by allowing people to enter the meeting room, monitoring chats and notifying the presenters about questions raised in the chat, responding to questions, mailing prizes/swags to the winners/attendees, emailing reminders to the attendees, designing and distributing promotional materials. The intern will have opportunities to connect and interact with EC program alumni, in-service teachers, and well-known scholars who served as guest speakers for the workshops. The intern will be able to network with potential employers because many early childhood providers and principals come to these events. Most importantly, through attending these workshops, the intern will gain knowledge, teaching skills, and resources in topics related to J.E.D.I., which strengthen their professional growth and ability to support young children’s learning.


  1. The intern will help organize the Early Childhood Inclusion (ECI) Summer Institute.

The EC program hosts the Early Childhood Inclusion (ECI) Summer Institute annually in the Summer, and the event preparation begins in March of every year. The Summer Institute is a unique event that will draw families, preservice, and practicing teachers, as well as service providers from around the state, to join in the conversation on essential issues in early childhood education. More information about this conference is available here: The intern will have opportunities to participate in the conference planning process, review conference proposals, and design and distribute marketing materials. The intern will have opportunities to assist in session/workshop delivery under the guidance of the EC faculty by leading small group discussions. The intern will gain research skills by analyzing survey feedback from the participants and creating reports on their findings. 

  1. The intern will participate in research projects if desired. 

The EC faculty is currently conducting multiple research projects, such as supporting children’s social-emotional learning through play, promoting preservice teachers’ cultural competence, enhancing online learning experiences in teacher education, and developing open education resources to support EC students’ learning. The intern may choose to assist in any of the research projects and train their research skills through conducting literature reviews, collecting data, analyzing data, generating reports, and attending conference presentations. The intern will help increase the retention of current EC students through (1) digitalizing book chapters and (2) compiling online resources/open education resources to lower textbook costs.


Required Qualifications: 

  • Excellent time management skills with a proven ability to meet deadlines
  • Have basic computer skills to design digital flyers 
  • Desire to learn and grow
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Reliability and flexibility (including possible occasional weekend availability)


Preferred Qualifications: 

  • Familiar with Microsoft Office Suite, with aptitude to learn new software and apps 
  • Experience planning and preparing marketing content for sharing across different media channels, including social media posts, emails, posters, brochures, and/or newsletters. 


Major(s)/Minor(s) Desired: Education-related majors/minors are preferred. Everyone who is interested in supporting program marketing and development is welcome to apply.

Fostering Succes Intern (Fostering Success)


Internship Host Department: Fostering Success

Work Schedule: Determined with supervisor

Hours Per Week: 10 Hours (approximately)

Wage/Salary: $14.70 / hr

Start Date: January 6, 2025

End Date: June 6, 2025

Department Description: The Fostering Success Initiative at Western Oregon University provides the pathway and support  necessary to help students who have been in foster care succeed in college. Bringing together  financial, social, and educational support systems, the initiative works to remove common  barriers to college completion and helps to make the university experience rich and meaningful  for this underserved student population. Components of the Fostering Collegiate Success  initiative include: Coordination with Independent Living Programs Web-based student resources  Fundraising Faculty/staff training & mentorship Community outreach Campus awareness  campaigns Support of student organization. 

Learning Objectives: As a result of this internship, the intern will: 

  • earn about the foster care system and how it impacts higher education experiences for  students 
  • Develop and practice professional oral and written communication, including meeting  participation and volunteer facilitation 
  • Develop public relations, fundraising, and promotional communication skills Improve  ability to organize, prioritize, and manage multiple projects while staying focused on  overall goals

Learning Activities: The intern will: 

  • Meet weekly with initiative staff/internship coordinator 
  • Assist with planning and promotional events during National Foster Care Awareness  Month (May) 
  • Provide logistical support for training sessions and online tools 
  • Support the student organization – help with scheduling rooms, speakers, and events as  needed 
  • Provide fundraising assistance, including prospective donor identification • Conduct research related to foster student support services at other colleges and  universities 
  • Help build and establish relationships with community partners and prospective  supporters 

Required Qualifications: N/A 

Preferred Qualifications: N/A

Major(s)/Minor(s) Desired:  Social Sciences, Sociology, Criminal Justice, Psychology,  Communication Studies, Humanities, Creative Arts, Education, Public Administration.

Alumni Relations Intern (WOU Foundation/Advancement)


Internship Host Department: WOU Foundation/Advancement

Work Schedule: Determined with supervisor

Hours Per Week: 10 Hours (approximately)

Wage/Salary: $14.70 / hr

Start Date: January 6, 2025

End Date: June 6, 2025

Department Description: We serve the alumni and the community of Western Oregon University. Our mission is to serve, engage, and build relationships with alumni of Western Oregon University in an effort to enhance the alumni networks, build engagement and retention. Our purpose of existing is to connect alumni with Western Oregon University to help enhance the mission of WOU. The services we offer are networking opportunities, engagement with the university, strengthening relationships with the university, community, and beyond. We hold events that serve the purpose of connecting with alums, connecting alums with each other, building relationships and engagement to the alumni office and to uphold the mission of the university from the alumni perspective.


Learning Objectives:  As a result of this internship:

  • The intern will develop skills to be able to communicate with alums, professionals within the community, and university employees through electronic, written and verbal communications.
  • The intern will also be able to plan events from conception to execution and create an event plan which will include a goal, event experience plan, timelines and all other items that are needed for successful events.
  • The intern will leave the experience with skills to add to a resume and confidence in relationship building, event production, data entry, research for building networks and creating volunteer networks and more.


Learning Activities: During the course of the internship, the intern will participate in weekly meetings to discuss goals, create plans, and check in with the intern supervisor. Learning activities will include venue research, making calls and sending emails to alums and other professionals, communication strategies and fundraising.

The role of the intern is to assist the alumni relations coordinator in daily tasks such as outreach, engagement and communication with alums and professionals. The intern will also oversee a project of their own which will include a method to engage alums and a goal to achieve. The intern will be responsible for managing attendee lists for upcoming events, connecting with attendees and gathering information, helping the alumni coordinator create goals and create plans and more.


Required Qualifications: Ideally, the intern will have experience with excel, database management, website creation, and communication with professionals and people outside of their age group/demographic. There will be times when the intern will work with confidential information so they must be able to keep confidential matters to themselves and not breach contracts.

Preferred Qualifications:

Major(s)/Minor(s) Desired:  Communications, Public Relations, Business

Additional comments: “Being a student intern for the alumni office can offer a range of benefits, both professionally and personally: 

  1. Professional Development: Interning for the alumni office provides valuable hands-on experience in areas such as event planning, communications, marketing, fundraising, and database management. The student intern will have the opportunity to develop transferable skills that are highly sought after in various industries.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Working in the alumni office allows the intern to connect with a diverse network of alumni, faculty, staff, and professionals. These connections can lead to mentorship opportunities, career advice, and potential job leads in the future.
  3. Resume Enhancement: Interning for the alumni office enhances their resume and makes them stand out to future employers. It demonstrates the students commitment to our alma mater, as well as their ability to work in a professional setting and collaborate with diverse stakeholders.
  4. Exposure to Alumni Engagement Strategies: They’ll gain insight into how alumni relations and engagement initiatives are planned, executed, and evaluated. This knowledge is valuable for anyone considering a career in higher education administration, nonprofit management, fundraising, or marketing.
  5. Leadership and Initiative: As an intern, they may have the opportunity to take on leadership roles and spearhead projects within the alumni office. This allows them to demonstrate their initiative, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, which are qualities that employers value.
  6. Personal Growth: Interning for the alumni office can be personally rewarding as well. They’ll have the chance to interact with alumni from different backgrounds and generations, learn about their experiences, and gain insight into how their alma mater has evolved over time.
  7. Sense of Community and Pride: Contributing to alumni engagement efforts fosters a sense of pride and connection to Western. They’ll become part of a community dedicated to supporting current students, alumni, and the institution as a whole.
  8. References and Recommendations: A successful internship in the alumni office can lead to strong references and recommendations from supervisors and colleagues. These endorsements can be invaluable when applying for future jobs or graduate programs.

Overall, being a student intern for the alumni office offers numerous benefits that can help you grow personally and professionally while making a meaningful impact on the student interns alma mater’s community.”