Making Connections
Throughout your working/professional life, there will be at least 20 people who will make a significant impact on you.
Where/how will you meet those people? And how will they impact you?
Get connected
Networking is relationship building. It is the process of making connections with people in order to gather information and expand your knowledge about a profession, internship, industry, graduate school, and/or geographical areas.
The purpose of a network is to develop a professional support system to help you as you grow as a professional, which in turn, can help you support others in the future. It can also assist you in collecting information and resources about the job market, as well as develop job leads and referrals.
For more information regarding Networking, watch this video!
Making contacts with people can help you find a job, as most employers would rather hire someone they know or someone who was recommended by an acquaintance. Developing and maintaining positive rapport with others is an essential component of any successful internship or career search.
Try out our Elevator Pitch template for the perfect self introduction to potential employers.
Career Fairs
Career fairs are a great way to network and connect with employers in your field of interest. You can practice your introductions and prepare strategies for success using our Career Fairs Strategies handout.
For upcoming CPP career fairs check out our calendar of events.
Informational Interviewing
One of the most effective ways to meet people in a professional field and gather information about what’s happening in an occupation or an industry is to conduct an informational interview. An informational interview is a networking approach that allows you to meet key professionals, gather career information, investigate career options, get advice on job search techniques and get referrals to other professionals.
Most professionals are happy to help students with their professional pursuits, but you have to ask the right questions in the right way. The art of informational interviewing is in knowing how to balance your hidden agenda (to locate an internship or job) with the unique opportunity to learn firsthand about your chosen field. Never ask for a job, but be respectful and professional, and a job just may follow!
You can find more information about how to conduct an informational interview, and suggested questions to ask by reading our Informational Interviewing packet.
Social Media
Why add social media as a job search strategy? According to a recent Jobvite survey, 92 percent of U.S. companies used social media to find talent. According to a LinkedIn study, approximately 85% of jobs are filled through some form of networking — and according to NACE’s Student Survey only 41 percent of recent college grads are using social media to look for a job.
Social media can be a great tool to advance your career. In particular, it can be leveraged to find jobs and internships. Here are 10 tips for using social media in your job search. With the recent explosion of social media, many companies use Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok in their process of finding new talent. Likewise, job seekers can use social media to highlight their skills and stand out from other candidates.
Facebook and Twitter