Professional Partnership Program | Western Oregon University

Partnership Program

Enhance your exposure and recruiting on campus


Interested in increasing your organization’s exposure to students and alumni? Take this opportunity to join our office in partnering great talent with great opportunity through strategic advertising, major event highlights, social media features, and participation in our programs as often as you are on campus! Email our Career Development Coordinator to get started today!

Not ready for a sponsorship? Contact us and we will meet with you to discuss some of the best ways to get involved on campus.





$1,000 $1,500 $2,500
Regular consultations with CPP’s Employer Relations Team  Yes Yes Yes
Logo on CPP website Yes Yes Yes
Conduct one tabling display per month on campus Yes Yes Yes
Event Partner premier placement and recognition at each fair that that is included in your contract Yes 1 Fair Yes 2 Fairs Yes 3 Fairs
Emails sent to targeted students relating to your company’s job or internship postings 1 per term 2 per term
Social media recognition during Career Fair weeks Each fair attended Each fair attended
Logo on Werner University Center TV monitors while on campus Yes Yes
Full color premier placement of logo on CPP website Yes
Premier double location at fair of your choice Yes
Lunch and Learn hosted by CPP at Werner University Center on day of your choice Yes
Logo recognition in CPP Job and Internship Guide* Yes


A La Carte Options:

Engage in print in WOU’s Job and Internship Guide, which has a distribution of 2,500+ annually, as well as available electronically on our website.*

Half Page Full Color: $500

Quarter Page Full Color: $300

Business Card Full Color: $150

*Guides are printed in August. 


Engage online with 20,000+ students and alumni by advertising on WOU’s online job and internship platform, WolfLink.

Large Logo: $500

Medium Logo: $300

Small Logo: $150


Engage in person with the 125+ students who attend our annual Etiquette Dinner. Serve as a table host and network face-to-face with students interested in your company.  You will also be listed as a sponsor promoting your company throughout the week.

Table Host: $150



Interested in Partnering?

Connect with Jennifer Hansen