Home » Committee charges, meetings, & members » Faculty Development » Faculty Development Forms
My Travel
# | Submitted | Round | Cat. | Name | Division & Department | Travel dates | Destination | Event | Single Grant | Funding Requested | Status | Action | Amount |
My Research
# | Submitted | Cat. | Name | Division & Department | Funding Requested | Status | Action | Award Amount |
My Course Reassignment Requests
# | Submitted | Cat | Name | Division & Department | Rank | Term requested | Division Chair Acknowledgment | Department Chair Acknowledgment | Status | Action | Archived | Funded |
Travel Requests
Click on the request number or the “View” button to view the current request. Click on the name of the requestor to view past requests by that person.
FDC Chair: Be sure the amount in the “Award Amount” box is correct before you click to change the status of a request.
View all travel requests on one page  (page is slow to load)
# | Submitted | Round | Cat. | Name | Division & Department | Travel date | Destination | Event | Single Grant? | Amount | Status | Actions | Fund? | Award Amount | Is duplicate? |
Research Requests
Click on the request number or the “View” button to view the current request. Click on the name of the requestor to view past requests by that person.
View all research requests on one page (page is slow to load)
# | Submitted | Cat. | Name | Division & Department | Requested | Status | Action | Funded | Award Amount | Mark duplicate |
Extensions Requested
# | Submitted | Cat. | Name | Division & Department | Funding Requested | Status | Action | Archived | Funded | Orig. Request Status | Amount |
Course Reassignment Requests
View all reassignment requests on one page (page is slow to load)
Click on the request number or the “View” button to view the current request. Click on the name of the requestor to view past requests by that person.
# | Submitted | Cat. | Name | Division & Department | Rank | Term | Division Ack. | Department Ack. | Status | Action | Approve | Mark duplicate |
Shared items for faculty committees (AIC, Faculty Development, Curriculum, etc.):
Please update these annually in the fall or as changes occur. Typically maintained by Provost’s office, though faculty senate president, deans, and APAs may also make changes.