` Pastega Award - Western Oregon University

The Mario & Alma Pastega Awards

About the Pastega Award

Mario and Alma PastegaThe Mario & Alma Pastega Awards represent Western Oregon University’s highest recognition for faculty and staff excellence. Two awards are given each year to faculty: The Pastega Award for Excellence in Scholarship recognizes significant and enduring scholarly or creative achievement; the Pastega Award for Excellence in Teaching honors teaching that engages, inspires and educates students in the greatest possible learning. The Pastega Staff Excellence Award recognizes classified or administrative staff members who demonstrate exceptional service to the university.  Each award provides a $1,000 honorarium.

History of the Awards

Beginning in 1985, three awards for scholarship, teaching and staff excellence were created through generous annual gifts from Mario Pastega (1916-2012), an Oregon soft drink bottler and one the state’s leading philanthropists and benefactors of education, serving as a trustee on the foundation boards of both Oregon State University and Western Oregon University.  In 1986, the first paired Pastega-funded awards in scholarship and teaching went to philosophy professor, Dale Cannon, for his work in philosophy for children, and Pat Gallagher, professor of education for her work in early childhood literature.  The first recipient of the staff excellence award in 1985 was Forrest Hiner, lead painter with the Physical Plant.  In 1997,  Mario Pastega and his wife, Alma, donated an additional $40,000, matched by the Oregon State System of Higher Education, to permanently endow the three annual awards in their name: the Pastega Award for Excellence in Scholarship, the Pastega Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the Pastega Staff Excellence Award.

Award process

Award recipients are honored at a ceremony in May, during which they present their work. Candidates for all Pastega Awards are considered through nominations by colleagues, students, and coworkers. The faculty award recipients are selected by a committee comprised of past Pastega recipients and one student appointed by student government. Final selections are subject to approval by the university president.  The Pastega Staff Excellence Award is coordinated through Human Resources and a committee of past staff award recipients who recommend three candidates to the university president for final selection.

2024 Winners


Excellence in Scholarship Award

Patricia Goldsworthy-Bishop, Ph.D.

The Mario and Alma Pastega Excellence in Scholarship Award recognizes significant and enduring scholarly or creative achievement.


Patricia Goldsworthy-Bishop, Ph.D., Professor of History, is the 2024 recipient of the Mario and Alma Pastega Award for Excellence in Scholarship.

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When Goldsworthy-Bishop is not teaching, publishing, or examining the intersections of photography and historical narratives in Moroccan history, you will find her in nature with her family.

Hailing from Los Angeles, California, Dr. Goldsworthy-Bishop graduated from the University of California, San Diego, and received her doctorate from the University of California, Irvine. After applying and interviewing for a faculty position at Western, she knew it was the right fit.

She remarks “I was really impressed with the History department and Social Science division when I interviewed. They spoke very passionately about their students and managed to balance an active research agenda with a high teaching load. I also admired the way they blended their teaching and research.”

Dr. Goldsworthy-Bishop’s research focuses on visual resistance to dominant historical narratives in Morocco. In particular, she’s interested in the impact of colonialism on the creation of historical narratives, the silences and erasures in these histories, and the alternative histories presented by imagery. For example, her research examines the role of Moroccan photographers in countering European stereotypes about Morocco through images depicting the modernization of Morocco, the violence of French colonialism, and the diverse interactions between Moroccan Jews and Muslims.

History publications are typically single-authored and result from years of archival research and work with material in languages other than English. Dr. Goldsworthy-Bishop’s research draws from archival and library research in Morocco, France, Belgium, and the United States; her research materials are in French, Arabic, and English.

She recently wrote a book chapter entitled “Gender, Memory, and Reconciliation in Leila Kilani’s Nos Lieux Interdits” which is published in an edited volume examining women and the arts in postcolonial North Africa (Remembering Kahina: Women, Representation and Resistance in Post-Independence North Africa). This came out of a National Endowment for the Humanities seminar that brought together faculty from across the country alongside scholars from North Africa, France, and the United States to examine the productions of female artists across North Africa since the 1960s.

“It was one of the best experiences of my academic career to learn alongside scholars whose work I admire and who are also interested in art and post-colonialism in North Africa. We examined women’s resistance to authoritarianism and oppression, the challenges they faced as women and as artists, and the contributions made by female artists to the region.”

Recently, Dr. Goldsworthy-Bishop submitted the final manuscript for her first monograph, Colonial Negatives: Picturing History, Modernity and Identity in Morocco to Cornell University Press, a leading press in French Colonial Studies. The inspiration came from a series of case studies on the intersections of photography and historical narratives in Moroccan history. 

“I think that there are a number of elements of my research that are relevant to the world today and should be written about to reach a larger audience,” said Dr. Goldsworthy-Bishop. “For example, images depict the atrocities committed by the French and the destruction caused to cities, communities, and the land in ways that are difficult to convey through words alone.” 

During her tenure at Western, she received faculty development awards, allowing her to conduct research in archives, libraries, and private collections in France, Belgium, Morocco, and around the United States. 

Dr. Goldsworthy-Bishop has developed and taught classes in her research focus, allowing her to combine teaching with research. One course she developed, Empire and Environment, helped her better familiarize herself with the intersection of environmental studies and colonial studies while working on a book chapter that discusses French perceptions of the Moroccan environment. 

Current research projects focus on the role of religious and racial minorities in challenging dominant historical narratives in North Africa.


Excellence in Service Award

Earlene Camarillo, Ph.D.

The Mario and Alma Pastega Excellence in Service Award honors a full time faculty member who demonstrates exceptional service to the university. 


Earlene Camarillo, Ph.D. Professor of Politics, Policy, and Administration is the 2024 recipient of the Mario and Alma Pastega Award for Excellence in Service.

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Diligent; empathetic; and collaborative. These are just a few of the superlatives expressed in support of Dr. Camarillo receiving this award. 

“I view service as not just a part of my job, but as a part of who I am as an individual, as a member of our community, and as an academic,” she shares.

Dr. Camarillo grew up in San Diego County, California, and stayed relatively local while earning her undergraduate degree at the University of California, Riverside. This is where her journey as a scholar and teacher began. 

She has sought opportunities to serve the Western community at every turn. From serving on the Faculty Senate, and search committees, and serving as the Bargaining Chair for WOUFT, she also serves in the community on citizen advisory boards and facilitates collaborative partnerships in the surrounding communities. 

From being on the Faculty Senate from 2018-22, turned Member at Large on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee from 2020-22 and the Faculty Senate Vice President for 2022-23, it’s safe to say that Dr. Camarillo cares. She is also currently in her second term as the Politics, Policy, and Administration Department Head.

“To me, service is a way of life through which I apply my skills and expertise to help others and improve the communities of which I am a part,” she shares. “I am particularly invested in service where I can create extra-curricular opportunities for students and the public to learn about topics that are important to being an engaged community member.”

Through her commitment to advising and mentoring students, she often goes out of the way to provide tailored and consistent support to help students succeed. Getting involved and sharing her expertise and perspectives to foster opportunities for personal and professional development for students, to improve the campus community, and to collaborate with other civic institutions are her top priorities.

Currently, she is serving as an academic advisor for students across two majors, three minors, and two undergraduate certificates. She also serves as the pre-law advisor for over 50 students, working closely with them to develop individualized pathways to efficiently complete their degrees and move into the professional world. 

“As the pre-law advisor, it is my goal to ensure students feel supported in their path to law school and have opportunities to explore whether a legal career is the right pathway for them,” she shares. “To do this, I hold informational sessions and coordinate with external partners to host events that connect students with legal experts.”

She coordinated a tour of the Oregon Supreme Court Building in Salem, during which students met with Justice Aruna Masih who talked about her passion for the legal field and answered students’ questions about how to get to law school.

“Creating opportunities for students to learn how to be involved in their communities and how to facilitate the changes that they see as important to their futures is central to my service activities,” she shares.

With the belief that all residents within a community engage with each other as members of a shared society, Dr. Camarillo along with colleague Dr. Pettenger, organized and coordinated Congress to Campus, which is a national program that brings former U.S. Congressional representatives to campus to promote civic engagement through bipartisan conversations.

Collaboration is Dr. Camarillo’s serving motto. Coordinating a 2020 election panel designed to help students and the public navigate the confusing 2020 election cycle, and in conjunction with the Social Sciences Symposium, hosted the panel “Where do we go from here? Inclusive Political Advocacy in a Divisive Political Climate.”

Building on these initiatives, Dr. Camarillo, along with Dr. Pettenger, created the Empowered Communities Project, where they utilize their expertise and commitment to education to help improve the lives of those in the community. The project provides opportunities for students and the broader community to become involved and learn how to make a difference. 

When Dr. Camarillo is not serving the university, she can be found with her partner and their dogs road-tripping around the Pacific Northwest, reading mystery novels, or gardening.


Excellence in Teaching Award

Brooke Dolenc Nott, Ph.D.

The Mario and Alma Pastega Excellence in Teaching Award honors a full-time faculty member who demonstrates excellence in teaching and relationships with students, both in and out of the classroom.

Brooke Dolenc Nott, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology is the 2024 recipient of the Mario and Alma Pastega Award for Excellence in Teaching.

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Listener, compassionate, and dedicated. These are just a few words to describe the exceptional teacher that is Dr. Nott.

Raised in Boulder, Colorado, Dr. Nott has been native to the northwest for over 25 years.

She received her undergraduate degree at Whitworth University, where her passion for teaching and research started. She then attended Oregon State University where she received her master’s and doctorate degrees. 

Many psychology programs do not teach adolescent development, so when she saw Western’s opening for a psychology professor with an emphasis on teaching adolescent development, she jumped at the opportunity. 

Dr. Nott’s interest in adolescent development sparked during her schooling in psychology, through a research job at a psychology practicum, and many years of working with teens in homeless shelters, drug rehabilitation centers, after-school programs, and tutoring agencies.

She shares “I think a hard stage of life can be the teenage years, but it is also exhilarating, which is why I love studying that period of life. I love that psychological research can improve teens’ lives through enhancing programming and policies for youth.”

Dr. Nott knew she loved public speaking and writing research papers in high school. A degree in psychology made sense when she first thought about becoming a therapist. After her first research class, she found her calling. Research and teaching. 

“Through an internship in college where I worked in an after-school program in the southside of Chicago, I developed a passion for youth development. I loved giving presentations, learning, and being a teaching assistant in college and the idea of becoming a professor seemed to combine these passions.”

Dr. Nott’s teaching revolves around creating enriching educational experiences that empower students, foster intellectual curiosity, and cultivate a genuine appreciation for psychology.

Through innovative pedagogical strategies, student-centered approaches, and a commitment to excellence, Dr. Nott strives to prepare students not only for academic success but also for meaningful contributions to the field of psychology and society at large.

Using three key aspects of the bioecological model, she intertwines these with her teaching to guide her practices: Practical Application and Transformation, Supportive and Engaging Learning Environments for Growth, and a Commitment to Student Agency and Perspectives. 

The bioecological model emphasizes individuals’ interactions with various contexts as shaping their growth.

Dr. Nott shares, “I am passionate about all the courses I teach but am especially enthusiastic about theory-to-practice models as I aim to use psychology and human development to address human and community problems across the lifespan.” 

At the Western Psychological Association Conference, she presented her symposium on “Applied Academic Experiences: Providing Opportunities for Student Involvement and Application of Skills.” The presentation covered Western Oregon University students who served as mentors for middle school students who experienced personal, social, and academic challenges. 

Mentors work at Talmadge Middle School from January through June and focus on developing middle school students’ skills for academic success, and emotional and social growth. In Dr. Nott’s class, students simultaneously learn theoretical perspectives related to mentoring, adolescence, and communication and apply theory to practice while engaging with the youth.

Dr. Nott creates spaces for students to learn and welcomes them to take risks and have less fear about participating in classes. The safety and trust allow for an environment that sets the stage for growth. Supportive environments in individuals’ immediate contexts can promote growth above and beyond what an individual can contribute to themselves as put forth by the bioecological model. She also adds that she cares about the students’ perspectives and contributions. “Youth, including WOU students, are the ones who will bring about social change and I value listening and hearing from them and learning from them.”

When not teaching, she can be found in the mountains with her family. Her summer plans include running, backpacking, and gardening.


Staff Excellence Award

LouAnn Vickers

The Mario and Alma Pastega Staff Excellence Award honors a classified or administrative staff member who demonstrates exceptional service to the university.

LouAnn Vickers, senior executive assistant to the President, is the 2024 recipient of the Mario and Alma Pastega Staff Excellence Award.

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Vickers started her career at Western as the Receptionist/Recruitment Coordinator in the Human Resources office. She fell in love with the campus the moment she arrived over 18 years ago.

Growing up in small rural farming communities in the Central San Joaquin Valley in California, she felt right at home. Her lived experience and her professional career in higher education are what led her to work at Western.

“A longtime friend of mine worked at Western and spoke highly of it being a supportive community, serving first-gen students and underserved populations,” she shares. “This aligned very much with the communities where I grew up, lived, and always thrived.” 

Vickers served in Human Resources for seven years, with a promotion to Recruitment Manager until she was approached by former university President Mark Weiss to join his office in 2013. She served with President Weiss for two years, President Fuller for six years, Interim President Kenton for one year, and will be completing her second year with President Peters. 

She reflects on working with four presidents and the first thing that came to mind was “north, south, east, and west.”

“All four have different styles of leadership and perspectives but each one has been necessary to navigate Western on its journey to serve our students well. It is an honor and privilege to serve in this role throughout the years to offer a sense of stability in the times of transition,” she adds.

Kind, caring, listener, reliable, professional, remarkable, problem solver, dedicated, and proactive. This is who LouAnn Vickers is to her colleagues and community. 

Serving in a support role is a passion of hers. Specifically, finding ways to support the President and providing structure for his days to go as seamlessly as possible. Even during challenging times, she has an inner drive that pushes her to ensure the President’s office is running smoothly.

“My favorite thing about working at Western is the sense of community. The support and friendship of colleagues is one of the truly unique attributes of Western,” she adds

Vickers provides a level of support and professionalism that is unparalleled. In addition to her current role, she helps manage the Board of Trustees, served as support for the General Counsel’s office, the DEI Office, the VPFA Office, and as the Interim Board of Trustees Secretary. 

Vickers has been responsible for managing campus events that are key to the culture of Western. Commencement, Winter Wonderland, and Senior Leadership retreats are just the beginning of the list. Beyond the President’s office, Vickers provides incredible support to the Senior Leadership team. 

Her husband, Bruce, has been a pillar of support and strength for her tenure. She credits countless people at the university for providing support and encouragement over the years.

During her time off, Vickers loves to spend time with family, camping, kayaking, growing sunflowers, jigsaw puzzles, and playing board games.

Mario and Alma Pastega
Faculty Excellence Awards Committee

Dr. Erin Baumgartner, Dr. Breeann Flesch, Dr. Gareth Hopkins, Dr. Leigh Graziano, and Dr. Misty Weitzel

Mario and Alma Pastega
Staff Excellence Award Committee

Nathan Sauer, Sharyne Ryals, Anna Hernadez Hunter, Darin Silbernagel, Lori Pagel, and Rosario Peralta-Cortez.

Award Recipients





2023 Isidore Lobnibe Leigh Graziano Rosario Peralta-Cortez Misty Weitzel
2022 Gareth R. Hopkins Breeann Flesch Allen Risen Erin Baumgartner
2021 Cornelia Paraskevas Melanie Landon-Hays Debbie Braun Jaime Cloud
2020 Kenneth Carano Cindy Ryan Susan Griffin Kristin Latham-Scott
2019 Rachel Harrington Anna Hernandez-Hunter Scott Beaver
2018 Marie LeJeune Jeanie Stüntzner Peter Callero
2017 Eliot Dickinson Bruce Tuma Vivian Djokotoe
2016 Darryl Thomas Sharyne Ryals Cheryl Beaver
2015 Kevin Walczyk Kellen Hendrickson Maureen Dolan
2014 David Doellinger Sue Thompson Katherine Schmidt
2013 Tom Bergeron Linda Kunze
Jake Whisenhunt
Julia Smith
2012 Henry Hughes Kathy Hill Maria Dantas-Whitney
2011 Kim Jensen Nathan Sauer Chloe Hughes
2010 Mark Girod Ann Barton-Brown Karie Mize
2009 Henry Bersani Jon Tucker Jessica Henderson
2008 Marita Cardinal Teresa Hutchinson Kit Andrews
2007 Gavin Keulks Alice Sprague Dean Braa
2006 Eduardo Gonzalez-Viana Lori Pagel Sharon Oberst
2005 Rob Winningham John Henslee Diane Baxter
2004 Lonnie Guralnick Twila Domine Martha Sargent
2003 Sarah Boomer Patrick Moser Lowell Spring
2002 Richard Davis Jeanne Deane Kimberly Jensen
2001 Victor Savicki Gary Jensen Jerry Braza
2000 H. Del Schalock
Ed Dover
Rudolfo Rodriguez Curtis Yehnert
1999 Marion Schrock Tina Fuchs Kevin Walzyk
1998 Dennis Eddings Rick DeMars Denis Moran
1997 Kim Hoffman Don Boderman Ray Brodersen
1996 Peter Callero Martha Smith George Cabrera
1995 Thomas Ferte Darin Silbernagel Sandra Gish
1994 Richard Meyer Randy McCauley Joe Soldati
1993 Diane Baxter Ligoy Gamaney Gary Huxford
1992 Narasingha Sil Barbara Lass Ajmer Singh
Ray Broderson
1991 Robert R. Ayres
Eric J. Cooley
Larry Spani Cornelia Paraskevas
1990 Ross R. Cotroneco Mona K-Hinds Erhard Dormund
1989 Kenneth Holmes Jill Summers
Margaret Manoogian-O’Dell
Lewis Pennock
1988 David McCorkle Dori Beeks Roshani Shay
1987 Donald H. White Betty Hoyt Bonnie Staebler
1986 Dale W Cannon Neal Werner Pat Gallagher
1985 James T Mattingly Forrest Hiner
1984 Neal R Bandick
1983 A. Laurence Lyon
Lloyd T. Hansen
1982 C. David Jennings
1981 Ruth Million
1980 Erhard Dormund
1979 J. J. Morris Johnson