May 28, 2024



Tuesday, May 28, 2024


3:15 – 5:15 p.m.
Business 3:30 – 5 p.m.

This meeting will be held in person in the Columbia Room of the Werner University Center.

Alternative Zoom attendance format is available. 

Zoom link:


Meeting Agenda (DOCX) (PDF)

Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes for May 14, 2024 (DOCX) (PDF)

 If you require an accommodation to participate in a WOU event or activity, please notify the Office of Disability Services at least 72 hours in advance: 503-838-8250 or To request interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, or captioning services, click here.




Institutional Reports

  • Faculty Senate President’s Report (PDF) (Steve Scheck)
  • University President’s Report (PDF) (Jesse Peters) 
  • Provost’s Report (PDF) (Jose Coll) 
  • Interinstitutional Faculty Senate Report (Cheryl Beaver/Tad Shannon)   

Old Business

1. To fill two, 2-yr terms (24-25, 25-26) as at large members on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Executive Committee recommends:

   Dr. Matthew Ciancetta (Natural Science & Mathematics)

   Dr. Mary Pettenger (Social Science)

New Business 

1.  Executive Committee puts forth the following individual(s) for the position of Faculty Senate Secretary:  

                 Dr. Patricia Giménez-Eguíbar (Humanities Division)

 2.  The curriculum development/maintenance working group’s proposed plan for (summer) implementation of a new curricular portal process for oversight of existing courses/programs.  This implementation was initially presented as an open discussion at the May 14, 2024 Faculty Senate meeting. (Judith Sylva, Amanda Smith, Amy Clark, Camila Gabaldón, Leanne Merrill, Thaddeus Shannon, Melanie Landon-Hays, Steve  Scheck)

Informational Presentations 

7.1.  A graphic provided by Amy Clark regarding the new (no D-/F) undergraduate grade submission scheme

7.2.  Academic Excellence Showcase – Thursday, May 30, 2024.

Coffee & Check-in 8:00-9:00 am Willamette Room

Plenary 9:00-10:00 am Willamette Room

Keynote speaker is Cheyanne Heidt, from the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde                                                       

Open Discussion 

1.  Executive Committee members Katherine Schmidt and Leanne Merrill have been unsuccessful in building a slate of candidates for the President and Vice President positions in 24-25.  Discussion and next steps.

Continuing discussion initiated at April 9 Senate meeting:

2. The Executive Committee would like to continue discussion on what is essential for fulfilling degree requirements; specifically, credits vs learning outcomes for major and minor requirements. How firm are minimum credit counts in the major and minor?

3. The Executive Committee would like to continue discussion on how Faculty Senate can be a valuable source of shared governance as we support defining and implementing the new university strategic plan.

  •   Call for future business items
  •   Closing discussion items from the floor


Commencement June 15:


 Supplemental documents

Considerations for Equity for post-traditional students presentation December 12. 2023 

College Restructure Taskforce Final Report December 14, 2022

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