To access your I: drive (faculty/staff departmental drive) through FTP or from an on-campus Mac, you have to enter a code for the particular department you want to access.
If you are connecting through FTP, put a colon on the end of the code; if you are connecting through the campus network, use the codes as given.
Here’s the list. If you can’t find your department listed here, please email webmaster@wou.edu.
- aalc
- admissions
- advancement
- apps
- aswou
- bookstore
- budgetpayroll
- busecon
- Busoffice
- career
- cashiers
- cs
- ctl
- deanLAS
- dep
- dining
- disabilityservices
- education
- financialaid
- football
- graduate
- studenthealth
- honors
- hpe
- HR
- humanities
- internationaladmissions
- math
- mssp
- natsci
- parking
- plant
- president
- provost
- psychology
- safety
- pubrel
- registrar
- residences
- sep
- socialscience
- specialed
- judicial
- studyabroad
- telecom
- tri
- ucs
- upwardbound
- VPfinance
- StudentAffairs
- wcpc
- wuc
Note: Don’t forget to add a colon at the end if you’re using FTP!