Growing demand makes teaching Spanish an excellent career to pursue at this time. Beyond the opportunities available in teaching, translating, and interpreting, the growing Hispanic population is creating demand for Spanish speakers in health services, social services, legal counseling, criminal justice, business, finance and marketing. In “Career Opportunities for Bilinguals and Multilinguals” (1994) there are 47 major private enterprises, 11 government agencies, and 85 nonprofit organizations listed that specify the need for Spanish speakers to work, both in the U.S. and abroad, in fields that range from financial consulting through agricultural science to chemical engineering. The widespread need for Spanish speakers means a knowledge of Spanish opens up many opportunities, especially when combined as a minor or double major with such diverse fields as education, business, the sciences or sign language.
Internships, Practicum, and Field Work in the Community
The Spanish faculty seeks to bring the college students and the Hispanic community closer together in an effort to foster understanding and respect. Internships, teaching practicums, and culture class literacy projects include community work which brings the student into direct contact with Hispanic families, community schools, and social services. Additionally, there are internships that offer students the opportunity to go abroad in a teaching capacity.