Online employee profiles

When it is time for potential students to decide which university they want to attend, one of the things that can help them choose Western Oregon University is the ability to see friendly, welcoming faces on the university website.

If they can make a visual connection with the faculty members they will be learning from and the staff members who will be helping them throughout their WOU journey, they are more likely to choose our university. In addition, robust employee profiles allow them to learn more about the people who will be part of their campus community for several years.


To make this a reality, you play a role! It is time to update your employee profile. (Everyone has one!) It only takes a few minutes to upload a color photo (make sure it’s just you!), paste in the URL for your personal website and include some bio information that can help potential students gain valuable insight into your background, teaching philosophy/work responsibilities and your personality.


Get a feel for what potential students will see by using the refreshed Find People function on the website (English Studies is a great example).


We’ve put together this helpful tutorial to get started. Feeling confident? Skip directly to the form. It is in your Portal under My Programs. Click on Update your employee profile.


Do you need a new profile photo? We can help! Choose “photography” on our work request form and we will let you know when photo sessions are planned.

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