Study and Learning Resources | Western Oregon University

One-On-One Support

Peer Tutoring

Peer tutors are fellow WOU students who are knowledgeable in course content, academic skills, professor expectations for coursework, and campus resources

Writing Center

The writing center offers one-on-one writing support for WOU students. Students don’t need to be enrolled in a writing specific course to utilize their services

Peer Academic Coaching (PAC)

Peer academic coaches are current WOU students who offer one-on-one support services, helping foster success in and out of the classroom.

Math Center

Students can drop-in or make an appointment to receive academic support from the Math Center. Along with tutoring for math courses, they also offer support for Honors and FYS courses.

Student Support Programs

TRIO Programs

TRIO Programs are federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for:

Low-income individuals

First-generation college students

Individuals with disabilities