A Rocking Day In The UK

Today I really enjoyed the discussion we had in class about the Museum of London; it was interesting to listen to everyone else’s thoughts on the museum as well. One of the biggest topics was about World War 2 and how London really came together giving everything they could to help with the war. It was touching to listen to people opinions, and to see how it affected them as individuals. This was some art work that was leading to the location of the Museum. Their can be art all around us, and all ray can be different.


Graphite Art

The rest of the day consisted of hanging out with our good friend Conner that lives here in London. My roommate Meryem, Gina and Victoria like to call it “a YOILO type of day” YOUR ONLY IN LONDON ONCE! We were taken around London’s small shops, and interesting sky scrapers. Visiting the Covent Garden and my favorite of them all, China Town! I feel like I really got a good understanding on the culture, and the insides of London. I am starting to get the hang of what things are, when to use the right words and I’m more so aware of my surrounding and how to get home. I am starting to feel comfortable and can’t even imagine what it’s going to feel like going home. I really love it here, the people, the music through the streets, and the food, I tell you those fish and chips sure are delicious. At the Covent Garden there took place performances from a variety of singers, magicians, and human statues. For only a couple pence’s I was able to stand next to the silver glitter man. Take a close look, he is floating in thin air! Absolute MAGIC!

Glitter Man

Glitter Man

I had been waiting for this day to come, the day to watch The Rock of Ages Theatre perform. The bright lights, and rock and roll staged theme was incredible. Watching how the characters were able to sing and dance with such a rocker style was unreal. The dancers were flashy and hard core! They looked like they were dancing their hearts out. I could feel the energy bouncing back at me. Making me want to sing along with them and get up and put my hands in the air. I felt like the characters really knew how to work with the audience, especially when the audience would respond back to them. This was by far my favorite theatrical production I have seen yet. The rock and roll era was so powerful and really changed how people dress today. The rock is coming back into this time period, and I like it! Below you will see a picture of how colorful the stage actually looked. Lights, lights and more lights.

A walk through London

A walk through London


A long awaited journey begins…


Firsts are tricky business. Whether it’s first day on the job, first kiss, or first bite into Aunt Sally’s infamous meatloaf, it can be a challenge to know exactly how to react to each particular situation. I find myself taking the first steps to a journey. I couldn’t be more eager, anxious and overwhelmed.Image

I go to Cape Town South Africa where I will intern with the pop culture publication One Small Seed. Armed with determination, talent, wanderlust, desire to succeed, and my ukulele, I prepare to leave January 7th and will return March 29th.

I have experienced many countries ranging from Slovakia, Germany, and Costa Rica to Australia, the Philippines and Italy, but this trip is a first to an African country and a first to live abroad for such amount of time.

South Africa has always sparked my interest. South Africa has long been the subject of debate concerning inequality, race discrimination, crime, and other crippling features. Despite historical and present hardships however, South Africa continues to be a country that is diverse, dynamic and destined for great things. Working with One Small Seed, I will be able to observe and report on this South Africa. By learning the influences and uniqueness of South African art, music, and literature, I will discover what captures the minds of South Africans daily.

In the early stages of deciding where I would spend the next three months of life, I wanted to write and witness “serious” news- the debates, political arguments, and rallies. When the door opened to work with One Small Seed, I realized the fit couldn’t be more perfect.

Scottish politician Andrew Fletcher once said- “Let me make the songs of a nation- I care not who makes its laws.”  A song or work of art can pierce the mind, change behavior or reflect the climate of a nation more than a law ever could. I plan to accurately and honestly reflect events and boldly stand for news that will inform and inspire the readership.

No matter how many articles I read, YouTube videos I watch, or opinions I gather on South Africa, I am confident I really know nothing at all and can’t wait for the lessons learned, people met, and unexpected journeys had during my time in Cape Town.

I don’t think I am aware of most preconceived notions I have concerning South Africa. Until I quite establish myself in SA, I find myself blissfully ignorant of my ignorance but I am confident I shall be exposed to my presumptuous, westernized view of the world in good time.

I am aware that before my journey ends I will have experienced many beautiful, awkward, exiting and terrifying firsts. Some including: first day on the job and first haircut in a foreign country. Naturally, I hope both these experiences will be positive ones but even if they side with the uncomfortable, I trust any endeavor I commit to will contribute to my grown professionally and personally. As the first of the year approaches so does my anticipation. Thank God the Mayans were wrong about 2012…I have to many firsts too experience in South Africa before the end of the world.


North Greenwich


North Greenwich: Symbolizing the location in London giving direction to where I was going, a system known as THE TUBE.

Today we visited the British Music Museum for the purpose of connecting the dots between the Rock of Ages in North Greenwich, which is a very beautiful town. Having the location of where the Olympics took place, it took my breath away.  I really enjoyed the museum. I liked how the information could be recorded according to specific things in the museum. I got to see how the clothing was in each time period. It was interesting to see if change, but also some similarities. Rock music seemed to be so powerful and I found to see how they’re clothing that they wore, really reflected that rocking power that was being portrayed. In comparison to other artist who weren’t rockers such as Adel, was wearing soother, down to the knee attire or fancy dresses. My favorite part of today was when my roommate and I got to dance the Macarena and it be recorded on my little card with a chip. I am glad I’ll be able to have this back in the states.


My roomate and I about to enter the British Music Museum


Inside of the Shopping Center where the Museum was located.

Later this afternoonwe were able to catch a bite at a pub in Greenwich. It’s interesting to see how the names of the food are different. For examples chips are actually fries. And if you want to take something to go, instead of saying “I would like a to-go box” you have to say “take away”. Also the feeling of walking into a pub without having to use my I.D was a good feeling. I also noticed that food comes in smaller portions, I must say that is something different to getting used to as well. Today, I finally felt like I was adjusting well and being familiar with the tube, finding my way back to the hotel, and knowing where I was going, gave me a good sense of pride in myself. Can’t wait for the more adventures to come.  Jenny

Farewell Costa Rica

I have been here in Costa Rica since the beginning of September and have spent the last 2 weeks out of classes and with my family traveling around Costa Rica. It has been a great 4 months and I have met wonderful people, done some really cool stuff, seen so many places, and learned so much. Saying goodbye to such great people was very hard. I will miss people for sure. Despite such a wonderful experience, I am very ready to go home as well… I will, however, freeze. So excited to see friends at home, places that are so familiar, and have good food that does not include rice and beans. My flight home is tommorow and I am happy and nervous all at the same time. When I get back I have to worry about making sure everything is in line to start nursing school. I also have no idea what to expect starting up at a new school, let alone such a strenuous program. Wish me luck!          Koryn


Manuel Antonio National Park



One of the most fascinating images that my eyes were able to see was the Tower Bridge, its blue colors popped out from the craziness going on all around. Its located on the Thames River. Also called the London bridge, it is able to be raised to let boats through, one of the only bridges that can do so. Its located between the city of London and Southwark. Build by the Romans with a  mid-evil trend that seems to apply to many building around the area. It looks like a castles tower over the river. Check it out for yourself…

London Bridge

London Bridge

In the picture along-side with me is one of my first friends made in London, thus making the trip go along with much more laughs and good times. This day was very chilly, soon after this photo was taken, I was walking backwards turning to the scenery. Being the clumsy person that I am, I stepped into a big puddle of water as I was walking back. Embarrassed I was but it soon only made for more laughs, and another memory made. Located around here were many coffee shops, offices, and pubs, making the spot, a touristic attracting. Luckily, we came early in the day and were able to walk around with-out it being too crowded.

This very same day, I was taken to see a play written by William Shakespeare called Twelfth Night or What You Will. The theatre The Apollo itself was a recreation of the globe theatre which was destroyed due to a fire back in 1613. The production was sensational and yet so was the stage itself.

The Apollo Theatre in Picadilli London

The Apollo Theatre in Picadilli London Front Stage
The ceiling of the Apollo Theatre

The ceiling of the Apollo Theatre

The production being a dramatic comedy, containing many scenes lasted three in a half hours, but well worth it. As soon as I entered I felt a warm feeling inside, being able to sit in an incredible piece of art, and piece of history.


Jaw Dropping First Impressions

 It wasn’t easy to get here but I finally did, after going through multiple airports, bus systems, and an over night stay in Newark New Jersey, arriving in London gave me such peace. As I arrived in the airport, by accident I bumped into another CCSA student, both of us being in the baggage claiming line. Her name was Liz we were able to help each other and ended up finding a bigger group that was heading to the Washington MayFair. I felt like a very lucky girl. I had all feelings of confusion and mixed emotions having not slept whatsoever. Heading to the hotel was a good feeling, knowing that I was safe and headed in the right direction. We were told my two CCSA teachers that we would go on a tour, suddenly my eyes popped straight open and I was no longer tired, but jumping up and down in excitement. I kept saying to my self, ” I cant believe I am here.”

A Breath Taking Moment

The House of Parliament

The House of Parliament near the Royal Gallery located in Westminster was one of the first buildings that completely took my breath away. Stepping in front of this building and looking up, had my jaw wide open and my eyes in complete shock of the architecture that I was facing straight on. And the history behind this building is incredible. Having two houses of parliament the Lords and the Commons. Big debates occur here, the government formulating legislation.

The streets were covered with people,  but for a second I felt like it was only I that was looking at this incredible building. It was so surreal. It was only the first couple hours and I felt sure of my being here in this city, this small town girl had arrived!

As I kept walking around, I came upon this other beauty…


Westminister Abbey

Westminster Abbey which is one of the oldest and most important churchs in London. Kate Middleton and princess Diana both wed in this holly church.  This image is set with my camera looking up because I wanted to show how high these towers actually are. And how the arc is centered perfectly between the two towers. This West Tower front was completed in 1745 and was design by NichlasHawksMoor. I learned that with in the walls, there are examples of mid-evil architecture, its a half church and half natural museum. This whole time I am walking around, my fear, feeling of aloneness all went away. It was surely a jaw dropping first day.


Pre-Barcelona Departure

In one week, I depart from Portland to the east coast. Wow, has this winter break flown by! Instead of flying directly from the west coast to Europe, I decided it would be more manageable to break the flight up. I’ll be visiting my family in New York for 3 days before departing for Barcelona, Spain. I like this idea for many reasons; it shortens the travel time and I have the opportunity to ease my way into the trip!

After months of preparation, the time is nearing for the biggest adventure of my life so far! Though my family is very supportive, I will be honest in saying the trip is not coming at a perfect time. My dad is pretty ill and leaving him will be very difficult. After many hard conversations, encouragement from my family & friends, and my own longing to travel to Europe- I have become less apprehensive about the trip and more excited.

For Christmas, my mom gave me a Lonely Planet guide book to the city of Barcelona. After reading all of the exciting reviews of the numerous restaurants, museums, markets, and day trips… Everything is becoming more real and the possibilities for my 4-month adventure are endless. I am living in an awesome neighborhood in the city center, merely a block away from my university, the beach, and in the heart of all of the action. I’m looking forward to meeting my roommate, Bryn, who is from Portland, ME (funny, huh?). We are living with an elderly host mom, Estela, is an apartment with her perro (dog). I look forward to meeting them & becoming acquainted with the city.

With years of Spanish language and culture classes, I’m very excited to experience the Spanish lifestyle first-hand. I’m anticipating some culture shock, and I imagine I will be a little hesitant and overwhelmed initially. However, one of my main goals is to really immerse myself in the experience by putting my Spanish to use (even though I’ve heard many Spaniards would rather practice their English with you if given the chance!). So after the initial adjustment, I fully intend to come out of my comfort zone and demonstrate the old saying “Practice makes perfect” in regards to my Spanish.

If there is one larger goal for my excursion to Barcelona, I would say it rests on the hope that I take full advantage of all of the culture has to offer. I want to visit sites I normally would not be interested in and try foods I typically shy away from at home i.e. seafood! I want to return home in 4 months knowing I took part in all the opportunities presented to me.



I love gnomes. For my birthday a couple years ago, my mom got me gnome salt and pepper shakers, a string of lights with gnome coverings, a gnome book… you get the idea. My keychain is a rubber duck with a gnome hat and beard. Anyways, Sweden has a history of gnomes! Only they’re called tomte (tome-tay, more or less). And from what I’ve gleaned, they were thought to protect the farmhouses and were the spirit of the first owner of the house, often the ancestor of the current owner. They are supposedly grumpy little fellows who often demanded some kind of food or treat so they would keep the house safe. Whatever the case may be, they soon became a Christmas icon as well – santa is known as Jultomten. Jul being Christmas of course…. Yule…. Jul. It’s not a stretch. So there’s a lot of cute little gnome-like creatures in shop windows all over town! They are usually made of wool, but I have seen clay and ceramic ones as well. I love it!

I found these guys at a Christmas market! The tomte is the little one with the red cap. The other is a horse. Obviously. They are both handcrafted!

I found these guys at a Christmas market! The tomte is the little one with the red cap. The other is a horse. Obviously. They are both handcrafted!

xxx Maren

Winter in Sweden

Sweden looks like a scene from Narnia most days. It really is a beautiful place. The sun is now setting at 3pm and is pitch black within the hour. Now that the snow has fallen though, it seems lighter out. And the Swedes of course have figured out how to cope with the darkness (especially up North where there’s no sun in some places, and even midnight sun). There are candles, or electric candles) in almost every single window, or a lamp, or my personal favourite – paper stars. I love the stars. So even when it’s dark in Sweden, it never seems dead. And even the city center is decorated and there are twinkle lights above the streets. My bike ride to campus is sometimes difficult with the snow when it builds up and I get stick in other peoples’ tracks, but the lakes are frozen and snow has built up on them and so everything is white.  And so eerily quiet. I can even see the snow crystals individual when they land on my jacket, because they don’t melt immediately as they usually do in Oregon. I thought I would maybe be sick of the snow by now, but every time it snows I will still run to the window and sit and watch the snow fall for a while. I also think that it makes the cold a little more bearable – it’s a dry cold rather than the wet and cold we get in Oregon. This snow stays dryer than the Oregon snow I’ve experienced.

Around the lakes after the first snowfall.

Around the lakes after the first snowfall.

xxx Maren


Sorry guys, time for my post on homesickness.

When I left, I thought I would have more time to say goodbye to my mom. But then the line at security went a lot faster than either of us expected and soon I was sitting by myself at my departure gate. This was a familiar feeling. I often travel  by myself for dance competitions. I’d flown to Ireland twice by myself, but something was different this time – as it should have been! My mom is one of my closest friends and definitely my closest family member and she has been the person I miss the most while I am here. But thanks to the magic of Skype and other internet tools, I still get to talk to her almost everyday. I remember thinking, as I sat at the gate, that this was going to be the hardest year of my life. But I just wasn’t sure what I was about to experience.

Sometimes I do get little pangs of homesickness. Mostly for dance though. I call this (oh-so-cleverly) dancesickness. Dance was/is a huge part of my life. This is my first time in 5 years without my dance team. Seeing all the pictures of my friends competing and winning medals and trophies makes me wish I was still there experiencing all of that. I think this is the hardest for me – because I can’t skype dance. Sure, I can still dance here, and that’s great. But it won’t compare to the time spent in the studio with my dance family and my coach yelling (occasionally praising) us. This is what I miss most about home. I’m learning to get through it though, and it only hits me every once in a while. Especially now that regionals are over and so there will be less competitions. I don’t miss it any less now, but I have enough schoolwork to keep me busy and my wonderful friends who will always find something for us to do, whether it’s movie night or going swimming in the freezing cold lake! Or standing on the bank, observing… which I am REALLY good at 🙂

Dance team picture

Dance team picture

In conclusion, I guess I’m saying that the homesickness I once assumed would be overwhelming is very, very manageable. In fact, I feel more at home in Sweden than I do in Monmouth. I’m sad that I will have to return to Monmouth and I already cannot wait to go back to Vaxjo. Even right now, while I am in Ireland I miss Sweden. I’ve only been gone 7 days. Oh boy. If I’ve learned anything though, it’s that I can get through it. And there’s always an option to get a masters degree here!

xxx Maren