Campus Reservations

Do you have an event that needs a big open space? Do you have a club meeting that needs a room to spread out so you can come up with ideas? You’re in the right place! Just follow the instructions and we will help you find and reserve the perfect spot!

Get It Done With Us

In order to ensure that we are processing events in the order they are received, please submit an Astra room request by following the steps below.

On your portal page, there is an icon by your email button for ASTRA that will take you to a login screen. Once there, use your portal login to enter the program. 

The WOU portal website with a circle around the ASTRA icon and an arrow pointing to it.
The welcome screen for the Western Oregon University's Ad Astra Homepage.

Sign in with your WOU information. From the home page, you should see To request an event, please click here.” Click on the word here and it will direct you to the next page. (or click on it now and be automatically taken to that event request form)

Here you will find a drop-down menu where you can select Hamersly Library Request for all requests in the library, Rice Auditorium for all rice auditorium requests, or campus event request for all other spaces on campus.

Event Wizard application window with Campus Event Request being selected from a drop down window.
Event Information Form

Once you select one of the three options, you will be directed to a page where you fill out all the boxes marked with *

Once completed, click add a meeting. There is an option for a single meeting, recurring meeting, or multiple meetings. You are more than welcome to enter the events one by one if that is what is easiest for you but it will be quicker to use the recurring and/or multiple meeting features.

Application window where meeting times can be added.
An application window with rooms to be selected.

Once all meeting days and times are submitted, on the right side of the box, please click assign a room to pick the spaces that you would like to use on campus. Once this is done, you can submit your form.

There are specific use requirements for the Willamette Room in the Werner University Center. Be sure to check them out here. 

Room and Audio Visual Rental rates for WOU campus and WOU:Salem

Werner University Center room set up rates and standard set ups

Here is a FAQ page with additional information about rental rates and set ups.

Werner University Center labor rates from 2023-2024

Specific procedures and processes for Werner University Center reservations, etc.

Managing Your Events Doesn’t Have to Be Hard.

We will walk you through everything and have the rooms completely set up before your event starts, including tables, chairs, and any AV that you need.

If you have any questions that needs to be answered please feel free to email