PACK Welcome

PACK Welcome (Prepare, Advise, Connect, Know) is a series of orientation activities for admitted students beginning in the summer or fall. With personalized academic advising and a team dedicated to helping you prepare for campus life, PACK Welcome is your opportunity to get a jumpstart on your journey at Western. Check out the timeline below for more information!

New Student CheckList

Before you begin your classes for Fall Term, there are a few things you need to do. Use the checklist below to make sure you’re ready for beginning of your time at WOU!

Essential Tasks

1. Complete the 'WOU Said Yes!' Checklist

The first step in beginning your journey as a Wolf is to complete the tasks on the WOU Said Yes! checklist.

It’s especially important to have your WOU Portal and email set up and sign your Revolving Charge Contract (found on your WOU Portal).

2. Complete the Online Orientation Module

If you’re looking to get ahead and learn more about academics at WOU, check out some of our online orientation modules!

3. Complete Revolving Charge Account Contract

The revolving charge contract is a student’s promise to pay their charges, and is required for all students. It also outlines the option to pay in installments. The revolving charge contract is in your WOU Portal in your Business Services channel.

4. Set up Your Advising Appointment & Register for Classes

All new students must set up an advising appointment to get registered for classes. Be sure to check your WOU Email frequently for updates from your advisor!

For Fall 2025 students, advisors will begin reaching out in May!

  • First Year Students: Check your WOU email starting May 23rd to meet with your advisor. Class registration opens on May 27th.
  • Transfer Students: Check your WOU email starting May 2nd to meet with your advisor. Class registraiton opens on May 5th.
5. Accept Your Financial Aid

Once Financial Aid has been awarded, you’ll want to accept, decline, or reduce the amount of your Federal Direct Loans and Federal Work Study Award (if applicable) for it to apply to your student account.
To view and accept your financial aid award offer, login to our WOU Portal then select the green WolfWeb icon at the top > Financial Aid Menu > Financial Aid Dashboard.

6. Submit Required Health Information

WOU is required by law to ensure all students submit health history and immunization records. This form is in your WOU Portal. Click on the Medicat Patient Portal, then click “Forms”. Find step-by-step instructions here.

7. Register for Your PACK Connect Summer Orientation Day
  • PACK Connect Days are our summer orientation days where you get to learn about resources on campus, connect with fellow new wolves, and get all your questions answered! Registration is now open for our July 9th, 12th, and 16th events. We can’t wait to see you there!
  • If you won’t be able to make it to a PACK Connect Day, no worries—just fill out this form to let us know and get connected to resources!

Register Here

8. Prepare for Housing Assignments & Move-In

After applying for housing, visit the Admitted Students New Residents page to find helpful tips for preparing for move-in day and answers to frequently asked questions!

9. Submit Final Official Transcripts
  • Submit Final Official High School Transcripts: First-year students must submit final official high school transcripts with senior year grades and graduation date posted by September 1. Upload your transcripts here or email them to
  • Provide Other College/University Transcripts: If you’re transferring credits from another college or university, you must submit official transcripts to the Registrar’s Office.
10. Find Your Course Textbooks
  • Many classes require textbooks. You can see what textbooks you need for your course online!
    • Go to
    • Enter in the courses you’re registered for. Make sure you have the correct instructor!
    • Click “View Your Materials”
    • All books can be found at the WolfStore at the Werner University Center
11. Prepare for PACK Welcome Week & Fall Move-In Day!
  • Before you dive into your first term of classes, we have a jam-packed week of exciting activities to help you become acclimated to campus life. From speakers, to socials, to signing your name on the sidewalk, join your fellow new wolves to begin making your mark at WOU!
  • Fall orientation is your time to get to know all about WOU, make new friends, and explore various opportunities available to you as you embark on your journey at Western Oregon University!

Optional Tasks

Apply to Part of TRIO Programs
  • Western has two TRIO Programs—the Student Enrichment Program and Teacher Prep Student Support Services for incoming students that identify as being first generation (neither parent/guardian has a 4-year degree), low-income, or have a documented disability. This is a great resource that provides additional support year round, free First-Year Seminar classes, and more!
Apply to be Part of the On-Track Program
  • The On-Track program is designed to provide historically underrepresented and underserved college students with a support program that will assist in ensuring academic and personal success, as well as provide opportunities for social development.
Register for Accommodations with Disability Access Services
  • The office of Disability Access Services provides individually tailored, reasonable accommodations for the WOU community and its programs.
  • If you would like to request disability-related accommodation(s) to participate in a WOU activity or event, please complete the online request form at least three (3) business days in advance. If you have questions, contact Disability Access Services (DAS) at 503-838-8250 or
Fill out the Destination Western Interest Form
  • Destination Western is our all-expenses paid, ten-day residential orientation program designed to support students who may need a little extra support in math, writing, or the social adjustment of entering college.
  • The application goes live in early summer!
Update Your Preferred Name
  • Western Oregon University is committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive community.
  • If you’d like to change your preferred first name in WOU systems, you can do so on your WOU Portal.
    • Click the green “WolfWeb” button at the top of the page
    • Click “Personal Information & Profile” option
    • Click “View and Update Preferred First Name” and follow the prompts.
Complete Your Campus Recreation 'Assumption of Risk' Form
  • Campus Recreation at Western Oregon University is all about providing opportunities to stay active, meet new friends, and have fun! Whether you’re into fitness, intramural sports, or outdoor adventures, we’ve got something for everyone. In order to participate in Campus Recreation activities & services, you must complete your Assumption of Risk form found on your WOU Portal in the “My Programs” section.
  • Once this form is completed, it will disappear from your Portal.
Find On-Campus & Local Jobs/Internships
  • To really know what you need for your future, we encourage you to try it out first! The Center for Professional Pathways (CPP) can help connect you with opportunities to give you necessary skills and experience that you will need for your careers down the road. More information about the Center for Professional Pathways can be found here.
  • To find out more about student employment opportunities visit the CPP website for general information or go directly to Wolflink (also known as Handshake) located at the top of your WOU Portal to see current postings!
Purchase a Parking Permit
  • If you plan on parking on campus while you’re here, you need to purchase a year-long parking permit.
  • 2024-2025 parking permits can be purchased on your WOU Portal page. Click on the “Buy a Parking Permit” module located in the right hand column and follow the on-screen instructions

Red WOU Portal Module with the text,

Follow us on Social Media to Stay Updated

Contact the department of New Student & Family Programs | (503) 838-9482 | M-F, 9am-5pm | Werner University Center 119