Math Scholarships
Ernie and LaVerne Cummins Scholarship for Mathematics, Mathematics/Computer Science and Natural Sciences majors at Western Oregon University
Charlie Dolezal Scholarship for Mathematics and Mathematics/Computer Science majors at Western Oregon University
Learn more
- See
- Search for these scholarships by name (Cummins or Dolezal) or search by major/minor to learn more.
Ready to apply?
- You must be an admitted WOU student with access to the WOU Portal.
- Click-on “Sign In” from (make sure you are signed into the WOU Portal first) or find the “WOU Scholarships” link in the WOU Portal under “Programs for Everyone.”
- Complete the general application and any additional questions as requested
- April 15
Other Mathematics Scholarships
- Mercer Family Foundation:
- Application deadlines are generally at the end of March, but may be earalier, check their website
- Scholarships of up to $7,500 for qualified declared math or physics majors who are attending one of seven Oregon universities:
Eastern Oregon University
Oregon State University
Oregon Institute of Technology
Portland State University
Southern Oregon University
University of Oregon
Western Oregon University