Website Style Guide

Look and feel

There are specific templates that have been created to keep consistency of the WOU brand. If you are going to use the Divi Builder and want to add more than just basic words to a page you will need to use these templates.


Color is one of the most important elements of the Western Oregon University identity system. Red and white are the official primary colors. WOU gray and silver are optional colors. If you choose to change colors of table backgrounds and what not, below are the colors to choose from.

Primary colors Secondary colors
HEX: #db0a29
HEX: #ffffff
HEX: #000000
HEX: #c4c6c8
HEX: #a7a9ac



  • Use headings in chronological order (h1, h2, h3, h4)
  • If you want to change the font you can use either Montserrat or Caveat
  • Stick with our color pallet
    • Black (#000000)
    • Gray (#73777b)
    • WOU red (#db0a29)


Recommended Image Size:

  • Banner Images: 2000×1500 (height can be adjustable)

  • Square: 1500×1500

  • Vertical: 1500x1800

  • Horizontal: 1500×1100

File Types:

  • Save images in .jpg, .gif, or .png format only.

  • .pdf, .psd, .tff, and .doc files aren’t web-compatible.


  1. CLICK HERE to sign up or log in to Canva (it’s free!)

  2. On the top left corner, click on the teal button, “Create Design” for the dropdown

  3. Click on “Custom dimensions” and put 2000×1500, and click on “Create Design”


4. Name your file “Banner Images 2000×1500” and you can use this for all your banner images on your website
5. On the left, click on “Elements”
6. Under “Grids” click on the single image element


7. On the click, click on “Uploads” and upload an image of your choice
8. Drag and drop it to the image element on the artboard
9. Resize if necessary


10. On the top right corner, click the “download” icon and download as .PNG
11. Add to your website


Page layouts and templates


Using the Divi Builder: must utilize these templates. You can pick and choose which sections you would like to be added.

Using the standard WordPress Block either: Homepage Option 1 or Homepage Option 2 and needs to have more content than just the slideshow of images at the top. Here is a tutorial on how to modify the widget areas for the homepage. Here are other basic tutorials on how to edit your WordPress site.

Section Tempalates (Divi)

You can use any of these templates for different sections of your site.

Navigation styles

Top Navigation

Must all fit on one line. You can tighten up the space in-between the tabs by following these few simple steps.

Left Nav

The left nav is optional but if used the max amount is 8.

Web Accessibility


    Western Oregon University web accessibility guidelines have been created to fulfill Western Oregon University’s ongoing commitment to establish and maintain a learning environment with minimal barriers. In order to achieve such an environment, these guidelines have been designed to provide accessible web material and digital content to persons of all backgrounds and abilities.

    Legal Requirements

    Web accessibility guidelines have also been created to meet ethical and legal standards set by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998. These laws prohibit Western Oregon University from discriminating against individuals with disabilities and require all material intended for presentation to the general population to be presented in an accessible format for anyone.

    Full details on best practices

    Linking out to other sites

    If you are adding content to your site that is repetitive and already exists on another WOU site, please link to their page so we can eliminate duplicate information and needing things to be updated in two separate places.