Deadlines and Cutoff Times for Mail
Inter-Departmental Mail
For guaranteed same-day delivery, intercampus mail must be received before 9:00am the day of delivery.
For guaranteed same day processing and pick up, all DHL shipments must be received by 11:00am
For guaranteed same day processing and pick up, all Domestic FedEx Express shipments must be received by 2:00pm (12:00 noon for international shipments due to addition required paperwork).
(Missed the window? Drop off your shipment in the FedEx drop box on the south side of Hamersly Library, or click here to check for other near-by drop boxes)
UPS delivers before 10:30am every day, so for same day processing and pick up, all UPS parcels must be received by 9:00am. We do have a second pickup around 2:30 daily, but there is no guarantee that it will be shipped out from Salem after being collected from us.
(Missed the window? Click here to check for near-by boxes, or call Mail Services to see if an exception can be made at 503.838.8383)
USPS First Class Mail
Mail Services takes the mail to the post office at 3:30 every day, so for guaranteed same-day processing, all first class mail must be received for processing no later than 3:00pm (2:00 for international or special service shipments due to additional required paperwork)
Additionally, guaranteed next day service is not offered through the USPS at our location. If next day shipping is required, please contact Mail Services for competitive pricing from other vendors.
USPS Bulk Mail
There is no guaranteed same day services for bulk mailings, as the purpose of the discount is with the understanding that the mail is not given priority over first class mailings. They are, in fact, considered third class mailings. Exceptions may be considered depending upon the load of first class mail that we have in that day, and about 70% of the time, the bulk mailing goes out the same day it is received, but because no mailing date beyond “within 48 hours” can be given, please plan accordingly.