Rock Climbing Club Giving Page

Call 503-838-8281
Mailing Address:
WOU Foundation
345 N Monmouth Ave
Monmouth OR 97361
Giving Form
To make changes to your gift or cancel your recurring gift, please contact the WOU Foundation by calling 503-838-8281 or emailing
Give Online

Greetings and welcome to The Western Oregon University Rock Climbing Team support page!
In the efforts of not having to turn away any student athlete, please feel free to support us by donating what you can afford and sponsoring us so that our climbing team may continue to compete across the Pacific Northwest and represent the Western Wolves at different universities’ climbing walls! To give you an idea of how a little bit of money can go a long way, here is a list of how much funds could cost per climber or for the team!
$10 could pay for a meal for one climber
$20 of donation could pay for even a single climber’s meals for one competition
$40 could pay for a single climber’s registration fee
$100 could pay for gas for a car full of 5 climbers
$200 could pay for gas for one person for the entire season