Argentina Here I Come!

It’s hard telling what my host culture will be like. I can sit here and list several details that I have read about Argentina, but I don’t think that it would do that country justice. I am really anxious to travel out of the country and see what this Argentina has to offer.

I can picture myself being like this bolt below. When I am abroad, I will be strung in all these different directions at once. My emotions will be up and down and all around. But I know that this will be an experience of a life time and I can not wait to arrive in Rosario!

From what I have read, Argentines are meat lovers. It just so happens that I am a huge fan of meat as well. I believe that I eat meat at least once a day. So I am certain that I will fit in with those who love to eat meat!

Where I am at in my life right now before this trip, I consider to be like a flower. I am growing slowly everyday, until that one day that a miracle happens and I will bloom into a beautiful flower. Going on this trip is going to help me grow. When I return, I will be blossomed and ready to embark on my new adventures that life bring.  Melissa


In just a coupl…


In just a couple days I will be leaving for Oviedo, Spain. I look forward to everything about the experience except the more than ten-hour plane trip.

I expect Spanish culture to be a mixture of modern and formal. The culture has been formed by thousands of years of history, and has had many different influences, so I expect it to have many different sides. I expect the culture to be much more traditional than I am used to, but I also expect to see how Spain has modernized.

I won’t be staying with a host family, so it will be more difficult for me to meet locals. However, by living in Oviedo I will be surrounded by the culture, and I hope I will be able to get to know it well. I am very interested in the culture, so it won’t be a problem for me to accept it, and I expect to fit in well. My greatest concern is my ability to speak Spanish; although I have felt confident in Spanish classes, I know that I am much better at reading and writing than at speaking and listening. I know that it will be difficult for me to converse with native speakers who may speak too quickly for me.

However, I know that I will return home better for this experience. It will be a challenge, but I look forward to the improvement that I will gain in my Spanish language—especially my oral Spanish.  Annelise


Predeparture Blog

Well it’s 10 days to go, then Kelsey and I will be off for a grand adventure in Costa Rica!! To say that I’m nervous is just a tiny understatement. I’m also extremely excited :). I am ready to take this on head first!! So far the packing process has been successful (minus shopping for a few things) and saying goodbye to family and friends has been bittersweet.

I am very excited to meet my host family. So far I have not received any information about them though, and I am not sure where they are located. I would imagine it will be an interesting experience to live with a family that I have never met, and try to communicate in Spanish (which I am somewhat limited in). It will be challenging, but I am excited to have this experience.

I would imagine living within the Costa Rican culture will be more laid back that that of the United States. From what I have heard (from people who have gone to Costa Rica) all of the people are extremely nice and helpful. I have heard that they speak slower than other Spanish speakers, so that will be very helpful to me. I would say that my one preconceived notion of Costa Rican culture would be the laid back friendly nature I am expecting them to have. I am also expecting it to be a very beautiful place with interesting architecture (see the pictures).

I am so excited for this opportunity, and it is only 10 days away!! 🙂 Hoping everyone else is getting excited for their trips as well (if they are not already there)!!  Megan