Week 3!

Week three is just about over! Classes have been a little stressful lately but I’m pulling through. Being here is difficult but so much fun! I love the city of Querétaro and am thrilled that I get to spend the day with my host family! We’ve been continuing to go nonstop and today has been so relaxing which I needed.

Mexico city was interesting last weekend. It is a huge city! I’ve never been in such a crowded area so that was an experience in itself. It was so different than Querétaro and it was fun while I was there but I was thrilled to go back to my host family. In Querétaro I feel safer and more relaxed than Mexico city but the museums we visited were really neat!

Last night most of the people in our group went to a professional fútbol game. I had a blast! It’s not a sport that I typically watch but being in the stadium with the die hard fans made the experience unforgettable! I’m so glad I went and would do it again!

Today I’m hoping to go do some shopping so I have some gifts to bring home to my family and boyfriend! 🙂 Then tomorrow we’re going to a water park! I’m hoping it’ll be supper sunny and warm the whole time we’re there!

Well time for me to do some homework, shop, and visit with my family!!


Week 2!

So I’m already finishing my second week! The time is just flying by! I’ve been settled into my new family for almost one week and I love them! They are so sweet and have really made me feel comfortable and do so much to help me. It’s much easier to be away from home with a host family here that I feel like I belong too. Something about them reminds me of my grandparents back at home which is funny but has helped me settle in quick.

This week has been packed with classes and fun activities between them and after them! Today we are headed to D.F for the weekend! I’m very excited but we just go go go so I’m tired! I hope next weekend I’m able to sleep in a little longer because today the bus leaves at 8! I think it’ll be a great experience to see D.F and go to all the museums and see a different city for the weekend and will post pictures on my next post!

The more time I spend here the more I’m starting to understand about the culture and see a different point of view! There are so many things I’ve seen that make total sense now and is helping me appreciate the culture here. 🙂

Time to finish packing! So excited!

mexico mcky ds

Week 2 Post

Hi all! All I can really say is WOW! Mexico is so amazing. I have learned so much just in the short time I have been here. This past weekend we went to Bernal and hicked to the middle point. What a view! Even though my feet were pretty tired it was well worth it to see the view from the top. I have included a few pictures of our trek. Once we got of the mountain, we were able to go through town, looking at all of the wonderful items that the people of Bernal made. I purchased several items for gifts for my family. I think that it has finally become “real” about being in a different country and learning all about the differences between the US and here. Im in classes most of the day so I really dont get out into the city much, but I can say that my host family is amazing, and I dont think I could have picked a better match for me than then company did. This weekend we are going to D.F. and I am pretty excited for that. Cant wait to see what all this weekend has to offer. Screen shot 2013-07-10 at 8.27.56 PM

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Week 1

Well I have to say that it has been a tough but fun first week! The first few days we were here were a blast! Since us WOU students had two full days together before we went to our host families we were able to explore Queretaro with Carmen and get a feel for the city. It was a little rough at the beginning because everything is in Spanish but it was a great experience that helped get me prepared for my classes here!

Meeting my host family was fun but not what I expected and I really struggled trying to settle in on Sunday. Monday was still challenging for me because I was in a knew place and wasn’t sure if I liked it. Later that night I ended up getting the stomach flu or food poisoning and hardly slept. I ended up calling my wonderful resident director who took me to the doctor at 2 in the morning! I was worn out for the rest of the week and was stressed from missing my second day of class and having to make up work and try to get enough sleep. This week has challenged me a lot but I was able to have some great experiences in there too! We had two birthdays which I was able to attend because I had been feeling better! Also we hiked Bernal which was beautiful! It was a hard hike since it’s the 3rd tallest rock in the world but it was so worth it!

I now feel much better and have switched host families. I guess the dynamics of my first house just didn’t work out, but that is okay. I’m very excited to be with my new family and hope that my next 4 weeks are easier than the first. Only time will tell!bernal

Week #1!

Oh man…I can’t believe it’s already been a week! Kind of feels like we’ve been here so much longer! Meeting my host family was fun! They’re all really nice and super friendly. Very talkative but I don’t mind it! The first day I met my host mom she took me to church and already tried to convert me so that kind of threw me off guard. But we got all that straightened out! i’m already using vocabulary that I just recently learned which is a good sign, right? Hah but I really like it here! I’m used to a lot of things others aren’t because things are almost exactly the same as Kuwait! My señora is already ending phone calls with “te quiero mija” (i love you, daughter) which is adorable and makes me want to cry everytime she says it. The food is good! School is actually really fun and we’ve already make a couple friends around campus. We’re definitely not used to the whole guys whistling at us and approaching us and yelling things at us. Every time we think we are, something else happens. It’s been raining the last 2 days which isn’t what we were expecting! It’s supposed to continue for the next week but I hope it doesn’t! But yeah, overall I’m enjoying my time making new friends and learning as much as I can! 🙂

First Week!

I absolutely love it here! Everyone is so nice and helpful. My preconceived notions were wrong, there are so many cars, tall buildings and the city is VERY clean! I could not have asked for a better host family! They have been so understanding about when it takes me a little longer to come up with a response. I have learned so much just in the few days I have been here, I believe my understanding of the Spanish language and culture has grown, placing me closer to my end goal of becoming fluent! Having gone to a museum I was able to see a bit more of the Spanish culture, I also took a trolley ride through the historic down-town. On this tour the guide gave us a history of the buildings and streets. Some parts were a little difficult to understand because the guide used words i did not know, however Carmen was able to translate those tricky parts. We met an elementary teacher here who is wanting to learn English so we sort of traded, she helped us with Spanish and we helped her with English. She was able to teach us more about the culture and history of Queretaro. She also introduced us to some of her friends. Meeting more people in an unfamiliar place is always good, we now have friends for a lifetime and are able to continue getting to know them and through them get to know the city!Screen shot 2013-07-03 at 7.29.19 PM

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Screen shot 2013-07-03 at 7.30.24 PM I have included a few pictures of my first days in Mexico, hope you enjoy.


Arrival was very interesting! I was very glad that we had Carmen with us to help with the spanish. Upon arrival we immediately went through customs and it went very well. Once we got through all that we bought a ticket for the bus to Queretaro. That was a fun experience, the ms weaved in and out of traffic, sometimes creating an extra lane. Once we got to Queretaro we went straight to bed, we were all very tired! These past few days have proven to me that my spanish is not as good as i thought, but i have learned alot these last few days and am really excited to meet my family tomorrow. Today we took the trolly around town and walked alot. It was nice to get to know the city. I cant wait to see what this next week has to offer! image


Ohmygoodness. Arrival was very…interesting. We got to the airport around 8 and they airport wasn’t abnormal…I don’t know why I expected it to be different. We went through security and they chose to check me. We walked around and found the bus station but it didn’t leave until 9:30 I think. The bus was very fancy but I made myself stay up so I would go to bed when we got to the hotel. However, we didn’t get to the hotel until about 2 a.m. Anyways, we definitely went right to bed when we got here and woke up kind of early the next day! Had some delicious breakfast! And we’re off to an adventure! 🙂

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imageAt this point I am very excited for this program and a little nervous! I am very thankful that we have Carmen with us! I expect that there will not be very many cars in Queretaro. Really Im not sure what to expect. Because i have been to Spain I kinda think i will be similar but i am really not sure. Well thats all for now!


I have been waiting for this trip for so LONG and now it’s right around the corner! I can’t wait for all the things I’ll get to do and people I’ll get to meet! I’m so excited! I’m also really nervous about switching to the whole Spanish thing 24/7. However, I’ve done it before with Arabic in Kuwait…but I also already know Arabic. Anyways. I think that Arab and Mexican cultures are very similar so I might fit right in, but we’ll see about that. I expect a lot of green everywhere, like grass and trees and bushes. Some flowers too maybe! The food is going to be delicious…I hope…cause I LOVE mexican food!

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