I’m half way there!

A very overdue update on week 3, but all week it was crazy to think that after this week I’m already half way through my time here!

On Saturday June 29th the social program took us on a day trip to Stonehenge and Bath! Stonehenge was great and lucky for us we got to visit on a beautiful day! There were lots

of people but we were able to make it through the queue pretty quickly and then we were given free time to make our way around! Next we went to visit Bath which was this gorgeous little town about an hour away from Stonehenge. Here we had lunch, got to visit the Roman Baths and then were given a chance to explore the city. Baths was full of people and things going on, it was a great place to visit. After getting lunch at a little place called la baguette a group of us went to walk around and we came across a market. We got to tour the Roman baths

and at the end you were able to try the water which is suppose to be full of healthy minerals but the water was warm and tasted really gross. After the tour, Chelsea and I went to find ice cream and then walked down to the river where we found a park to relax for awhile. While sitting there, some British guys came up and chatted with us for awhile. It was funny because we were teaching them things about America, and they were from London so we asked them what was something we had to do their before we left from a locals point of view. They called themselves “horrible Londoners” because they didn’t know about any of the things to do there. We ended up teaching them about the Tower of London because we had went there last week so it was a funny to be able to have a conversation with people from here since we don’t get to very often.

Sunday Chelsea and I went to the Sea Life Aquarium in South bank! It’s a close walk away from where we are staying so it was a good day! After we treated ourself to a nice dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant and because it is starting to finally get nice here we were able to sit outside! Lastly, I went with a group of people to an arcade that is also in South Bank where we rode bumper cars, played games, and bowled! There bowling here is a little different then back at home because you play like you do other arcade games in a sense. You have to put a certain amount of pound coins in to play, there are no bowling shoes, and the lanes are a shorter than ours. It was a lot of fun though!

I have approached the last week of my session 1 course, online entertainment management, and overall I have enjoyed it. I created an idea for a mobile application and created a presentation for it, and wrote an academic report on back channeling using microblogging.  Although it was a challenge learning the structure for which they do things here I got to look deeper into our social media and why we do the things we do so I look back on it being a positive learning experience.

We end session 1 with a boat party along the Thames river that was put on by the school Thursday night and it was our last time to spend time and say goodbye to those who were only here for session 1. This also happened to be fourth of July for us Americans! So after a group of us went to this diner for milkshakes and it was decorated with american flags and red white and blue balloons with stars on them. I found it interesting how you could find places around London that celebrate fourth of July but it was a cool experience!






The top left picture are the group of girls that I’ve connected with and the top right picture i most everybody in our big group that live! Obviously this isn’t everybody in the International Summer school program but it’s our little family here that we formed in the beginning because we all live in International house! But Chelsea, the bottom picture, has by far been the girl I have grown closest with over these past 3 weeks and now she is gone because she was only here for session 1. I miss her so much, we had so much in common and made so many great memories together that it was hard to see her leave. Until next time though, she is from Pittsburgh but we plan on meeting up with each other within the next year!

Before London

I leave for London the day after tomorrow and I am so excited! I’ve been busy working on assignments and getting ready that it just hit me a few days ago that I’m really going to London for an entire month! I do not really have any preconceived notions about what the culture will be like, I’m just ready to go and explore and learn about live in London. I have many things already planned out from class field trips and weekend explorations but I am also ready to go on spontaneous adventures.

A small sampling of the things I’m hoping to see….

The Globe Theatre

The Globe Theatre

The Colin Firth, Mr.Darcy statue in London's Serpentine lake

The Colin Firth, Mr.Darcy statue in London’s Serpentine lake

Highland cattle in Scotland

Highland cattle in Scotland

I cannot wait to leave, see you in a few days London!






Leaving for London

I leave for London in four days! Such a short time and still so much to do! I have been spending so much of my time finishing assignments and readings for my classes that are due when I arrive that I have not been able to give the city itself much thought! The CCSA group started a facebook page that has been so helpful. They have been posting about general travel advice to tons of things to do in London. I hope in the next few days to finally get to look through those sites, but I’m also excited to just see what comes. I usually make plans well in advance for things to do, but I’m really excited to just spur of the moment go and see a play with people or on a day off hop on the tube and explore the city.

I don’t have a ton of preconceived notions about London or the people. I have been there once before about six years ago and only for two nights, so I really don’t remember much except the sights. I’m open to meeting new people and experiencing a new culture, especially the food! : )

London Skyline

London has always struck me as very regal and I think this picture represents that.

Pre-departure to LONDON!


I leave for London in 5 days, and I can hardly believe it! I feel like I have been planing this trip for a very long and now it is finally happening. I am very excited and I am looking forward to all the adventures my trip holds. I have never been to London, let alone England, so it will be a completely new experience for me.

I believe my host culture will be very inviting and accepting. I would love to meet some individuals from London and be able to talk to them about their culture, and how it differs from my own here in the U.S. I have heard people do not drink to the same state that we do in the U.S. I heard in London they drink to enjoy each sip, and make it more of a social action, that an action to change their state of mind. I hope to learn what the main differences are that lie between our two cultures.

I am VERY excited! As of now, I have no apprehensions, just excitement. My mom backpacked through London when she was my age. It will be really interesting to see if I can relate to some of the same things she did, and see how other things have changed.

Until next time, Kylen

let the adventures begin!

DSC_0262 Hello Wales! We started our bus tour at this outdoor Roman amphitheatre which is the only fully excavated amphitheatre in Britain. It was amazing to begin seeing the country side of the UK and to explore throughout this very large ruin. Also at this stop we got to see the Roman Barracks ancient monument and stop at a Roman Legionary Museum. The museum was very interesting and because our group was only able to stay for a short period of time the owner allowed all of us to go into the outside part of the museum where they had people re-enacting what it was like back in the time of the Romans. Our next stop was to Caerphilly Castle, this is considered to be one of the



greatest medieval castles of Western Europe. This castle had not one but two motes and we got a chance to explore all of inside. We even got to witness the start of wedding occurring there! We stayed the night in Swansea and began day two at the Big Pit Mining Museum. This was an amazing experience, I got a tour of an actual mine 300 hundred feet underground. We put our hard hats on with our head lights attached to them and we were ready to go! Our tour guide was funny too which made the tour that much more enjoyable. I learned how they ventilate fresh air down in the mine, and how they used to have boys as young as six years old working down in the mines. At one part of the tour, our tour guide had us all of our lights off to experience true darkness as the little boys would when their candle got blown out. We got to see where they kept all of the horses and learned the origin of the word S.H.I.T.! It meant sit high in transit when lifting all of the horses manure out of the mine. Near the end our tour guide asked where we were visiting from and we told him London and he said, “London’s a dumb. The best part about London is the M4 on its way to Wales!” Our last stop was to Tintern Abbey which was a gorgeous ruin. We were able to explore around the abbey for awhile and before headed back our tour guide bought us all the best welsh cakes to try which were actually pretty good! I was thrown off by it looking like a pancake but tasting like a scone. Overall I had a great time in Wales, the welsh were very friendly but now it is time to say goodbye and head back to London.

Amongst this trip I have began adventuring around in London with a few friends I’ve made here! We found this amazing street food festival that is near the London eye on the weekends so that is something we look forward to now for their great authentic food! Also, I have began visiting some of the great royal parks here in London. I have been to the

Queen’s Rose garden and part of Kensington Gardens. Kensington Gardens is so big but I was able to see the peter pan statue and the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial which is where we are on the left! I plan to go back there again though to see Kensington Palace.

Other than that I have been doing well and my time here is going by much faster! I have made a list of places I still want to go and I look forward to being able to check some of them off this next week!

getting adapted to London!

I have to say my first week here was an overwhelming and emotional one. I have my good days and my bad ones but my experience here has been far from what I expected it to be like.  The picture below is the very first picture I took since I landed in London. Trying to adapt to the city and new culture with people you do not know was a lot for me

to take in which caused me to miss home a lot and not want to be here.  The hardest part for me is feeling like I’m alone even though I have a ton of support, walking to and from class in this huge city makes me feel like I’m alone. The dorm living here is also a lot different then how I imagined it being like from the information I received about it. All of the students who came here through CISabroad were randomly placed in the hall I am in and so it isn’t as community based as I thought it would be. Also, I found on University of Westminster’s website that they rent their rooms commercially during the summer months.  I’ve met two girls who only stayed here for ten days, a girl who will be here for two years, and I’ve seen people of all ages which was all unexpected.  My hall is located outside of central London but is close to the London eye! There is also this authentic street food festival near the eye on the weekends which is absolutely delicious!

My main form of transportation that I have had to learn would be what they call the tube!

The tube is an underground train system and is the second largest in the world! Learning about this the first day was very intimidating and I was terrified of it because I was not used to using public transportation much at home. I had to get my oyster card which is what they use here to easily use the tube and buses but there are several ways to load money onto them. Everybody has to scan their card in order to get in and out of all train stations. After a week of practice I have become much more comfortable with it now and can even blend in with the locals by having to cram myself on when it’s busy! An interesting thing I’ve observed that has really stuck out is how few trash cans they have around the city but yet it’s pretty clean everywhere!  Every time I find myself with garbage because I had to eat to eat on the go or something I always find myself holding on to it for awhile before I come across a trash can.

Lastly, this week I had orientation at University of Westminster and began my class! This session I am taking Online Entertainment Management and I like my professor, she is pretty relaxed and understands that we stay busy outside of class exploring around! My class has 11 student in it including two local students surprisingly.

University of Westminster has four separate campuses divided by areas of study. Regent campus is the photo to the left and that is where we had orientation.  My class is at Cavendish campus this session which is a little bit of a walk from here but I will have my session 2 class at Regent campus. It has been interesting to learn about their how they do things because it is so different compared to how things are done in the states. Our entire grade in the class is made up of two modules, a in-module assessment and end-of-module assessment. Our assessments are graded by receiving marks and each gets marked three times. At the start I was very nervous for my class because I heard how many Americans will fail their classes here because of how different it is and not being disciplined enough but I feel much better now that my class has begun and I know my professor. I think I will enjoy it and do just fine! Everybody has class Monday-Thursday from 10:0am-1:00pm and on Thursdays my class gets to go on visits, which is what they call field trips. This Thursday we went to the Science Museum to see Google’s web lab exhibit which I actually really enjoyed. We got to participate in and observe four different experiments and a learned a lot from it as well.

Although this first week was extremely long and rough for me I have tried hard to stay strong and keep positive. I have been keeping in touch with my family which is nice because I miss them a lot but I have also gotten to know quite a bit of people here so far which keeps me distracted most of the time. I’m going on a trip to Wales this weekend through the social program at University of Westminster which should be fun so although rough, I still am trying to make the most of my time here!


On the plane leaving Philadelphia! Destination: London! Excited but nervous!

My arrival at the airport was definitely different than previous experiences of mine.  The airplane stopped at a gate that was just off the runway but not attached to the actual airport itself.  So they had the passengers slowly getting of the airplane by stairs that were pushed up against the door of the plane.  They had to have passengers come off in groups as shuttles came to transport us to the airport. Once I arrived to the terminal I made my way to customs to receive my visa. The line was very long but luckily it moved quickly. I have to say I was pretty nervous about making sure I did everything right but I showed them what they needed, I got my visa stamp, and off I want! Next was baggage claim and I had this very nice English man help me in finding my bag.  From there I had to walk to terminal 3, I’ll note that I was in terminal 1, to find my group that was picking me up! This is where I started things began getting difficult and I let it get the best of me.  I thought there was a train to transport people to terminal 3 but I was unable to find one and by following the signs ended up walking the whole way there.  At this point I realized I might have packed too much because it wasn’t easy for me to transport all of my luggage on my own, but I didn’t have a choice. I eventually made it to terminal 3 but then ran into the next issue of not being able to find my group.   This got me stressed and frazzled because the group was supposed to be leaving the airport at noon, and it was 11:45am. Although I knew they would wait for me I don’t like being late for things.  At this point I began to panic and breakdown because I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have change to work the payphones to call my on-site director. I didn’t have Wi-Fi anymore because I only received it for 45 minutes and I started my time when I arrived so that I could inform family that I made it safely.  I had another English man see me struggling and he came to talk to me and attempt to help but that only made me embarrassed since I was tearing up and so I toughened up and told him I would find them! I went to go ask this one group I saw for help because they were sort of watching me put the sign I saw this girl hold up wasn’t the group I was a part of.  I went and asked anyways and it turned out it was my group! I finally made it to where I needed to be thank goodness! It turns out at the end of the arrival instructions it said to look for this bag rather than a sign, and the bag was clear as day but I didn’t read that far into my instructions to know that was what I was looking for.

There were about eight other people there and we had to wait for one more before we could leave!  Unfortunately, she never showed up and no one was able to find out why so our site director decided we’d leave while one other girl working for the program stayed behind.  We then had a van transport us to where we would be staying; most of us were staying in the same dorm except for two other girls who were going to be staying someplace else.  We got our oyster cards set up, which are cards needed for unlimited travel on buses and the tube! The tube is the underground train system here! After, we all went to our local pub with our on-site director so we could get something to eat and get any question we had answered which was nice.

Flying all day Friday and then arriving in London Saturday morning was extremely exhausting and after my first day I couldn’t wait to go to bed! I’m excited to see what adventures this trip brings though!



I apologize for this being a late post; I had a lot going on making sure everything was ready to go! However, I still wanted to share my pre-conceived thoughts of the town before I did my arrival blog!

Upon arrival I was very excited for this experience and nervous at the same time. I had no idea what the town was going to be like but I thought the people would be reserved but helpful if I were to ask a question. I heard the food was pretty bland, which made me nervous because I love food! I thought they only would have a drink with dinner, not drink as often as those in the states do.  I was able to have conversations with quit a few people that had traveled to London before so I got to hear about their experience!  From them I learned that they drink a lot here and if you weren’t much of a drinker that they would change you.  Which really didn’t go with what I expected, but I rarely drink and so I was planning to stick to what I’m comfortable with while here!  They also told me about the food how they have baked beans on toast and have delicious fish and chips!

I also expected the dorms here to be community styled living, similar to the dorms at western but with some differences. I thought I would be living with a group of 8, all having single rooms but sharing a kitchen and living area.  So then we could all go grocery shopping together and split the costs.

I’ve never flown or traveled by myself so I expect this to be a huge learning experience for myself but that is part of what makes it so exciting! I’m nervous to have to say goodbye to my friends and family but I’m sure once I get their time will fly and it’ll be over before I know it so I plan on making the most of it!


Back in the States

When arriving in London, I was a bit nervous but I remember getting there and all my worries and stresses went away. I was surrounded by absolute beauty. And arriving back home I had mixed emotions. I was happy to see all my friends and family members but at the same time, I wasn’t ready to leave. I still felt like I had much more to see, and to learn. Although I do appreciate being able to call my family and have better connection with them in the states than I did in Europe, It was almost nice to step away from all Internet connection for a while. I feel like I was really able to appreciate where I was and now that I am back, It all just seems more real that I was actually there by looking at some of these photos.

The City of London behind me while standing on the Harry Potter Bridge

The City of London behind me while standing on the Harry Potter Bridge


The Olympics Area

The Olympics Area


Deserts at Harrods Market

Deserts at Harrods Market


The Natural Science Museum of London

The Natural Science Museum of London


Kind Henry's Castle

King Henry’s Castle

I was able to connect more to London itself with out having that connection right at hand.

I feel like I was able to grow so much in those two weeks, a piece of me is different in the way I look at things now. I defiantly appreciate being close to my family and friends, but being on my own gave me the confidence I needed to keep a straight head and continue with my goals.

I had a nice surprise by having all my sister come to the airport to pick me up, I was very happy to see them.

My three sisters and Mother

My three sisters and Mother


Last Day In the UK

Back to the states I go, I don’t feel ready to leave. I feel like I still have so much more to learn about this big city. The history behind every building, location, and the people here is absolutely grand. I had pictured getting myself lost in London, and yes I sure did but I was able to familiarize myself more and more as the days went on. Seeming as I walked everywhere I went for the majority of the trip. I made sure to visit St. Paul’s Cathedral that was located in St. Paul London once more before departing, as it was one of my favorite views to see.

St. Pauls Cathedral

St. Pauls Cathedral

St. Pauls and all its beauty

St. Pauls and all its beauty

St. Paul London

St. Paul London

One thing I really was able to take in well was the culture and the foods that came with it. For breakfast most morning I had the typical English breakfast. It consisted of grilled tomatoes, sautéed mushrooms in butter and garlic, English sausage, croissants with different flavored jelly’s, hash browns, cooked ham, and eggs. Not only and English breakfast but I was delighted to see all the other cultures around in London. I went to a Turkish restaurant and the food was to die for.

Turkish Food

Turkish Food

One thing I did today on my last day was walk around Picadilli Circus which is a central area in London. I just wanted to take it all in for one last time.

Picadilli Circus: Londons Major Area

Picadilli Circus: Londons Major Area

Returning home is a bittersweet feeling. I met so many wonderful people on this trip that I came to be really close with. I was really beginning to adjust and know where I was going. I am not ready to leave. The city is big, and although I expected to feel very small, I actually felt bigger than ever. I found to have more confidence in myself as time went on, learning how to use the tube, and meeting people. I’m sad that this journey was so short. If I could do it over again, I would come back for a whole term or longer. My roommate and I got really close if there is anyone I’m really going to miss, it’s her.

The Roommate for two weeks

The Roommate for two weeks