Two weeks left. How can three little words hold so much power and emotion? I am not naïve to the reality that time fly’s when you’re having fun and all that jazz and I am sure words that I will write in following paragraphs will not be unique from other study abroad students/interns that are wrapping up their own adventures. Regardless though, this experience is novel to me and these thoughts and emotions never previously experienced.
Thankfully, it’s not yet time to divulge all the mixed feelings on returning home and I can focus attention to the present and recent past in South Africa…
Concerning work: Pop culture can be incredibly fascinating and I have learned so much at one small seed concerning the use of wordpress, interviewing, social media managing, and office etiquette but as much as I enjoy my work with one small seed I felt the need to do some side freelancing with supernews. Supernews is a citizen generated news publication that focuses on promoting a positive South Africa and looks to stories that inspire and engage socially and politically. This is the kind of stuff I like. I recently just published my first story on the Out of Africa Childrens Fund Hospice on the supernews site.
Before I could write a proper human interest story, I wanted to get personal with the organization and those involved. Because the organization is going through a remodeling, I was able to do some manual work cleaning and organizing and built credibility with the founder Kim Highfield. As we worked closely and went about daily activities together (she even gave me a haircut), I became privy to information concerning non-profits and was able to gain an insider’s view of operations. Today I set up a twitter account for the organization and will continue to participate in any activities the hospice is involved with.
Currently I am in communication with a Kwaito dance group called Sowetos Finest. The group is made out of five guys from Soweto and has a mission of engaging youth to strive for a better life. All members come from townships and know the struggle that young people face when making choices for a better life. Because of the distance from Cape Town to Johannesburg I won’t be able to interview them face to face but will be able to communicate using the handy dandy internet. I am excited to see what this story will look like.
Also this week I am focusing on interviewing local South Africans about their thoughts about the country they live in and incorporate their answers in my video when I return. Because I want answers to be genuine, diverse and meaningful to me, those I interview are people I have built a relationship with for the last 8 weeks. I love the stories I hear- especially the women’s. The more I talk with women, I realize how strong they have to be. South Africa is very patriarchal and although those from Africans and British decent enjoy equality and freedom, many Xhosa and those from tribal heritages still are subject to male superiority. Despite the oppression and objectifying, the women remain incredible mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, and friends.
Another amazing women has come back into my life…my sister! Because she has been living and working in Australia, I haven’t seen her in nearly a year. She is visiting for the last two weeks I am here and the chance to share the sights, sounds, and people of Cape Town with her has been incredible. She lived in Ghana for 6 months and had made assumptions on South Africa because of her African experience. Every day she is surprised by the stark difference in countries.
It’s going to be such a challenge to make conclusions about my time here because there are no broad generalizations I can make or stereotyping aloud when describing South Africa or my experiences here. Every day is so different, every person so unique, and every feeling original that it makes writing summaries extremely difficult.
Thankfully I have a few more weeks to collect my thoughts. Home awaits but I know I am not ready to leave.
Super rugby! Cape Town (Stormers) beat New Zealand (Chiefs) and the crowd was electric!