Hello, America

The plane rides back were more than exhausting but I am so happy to be back in America. I felt like I was apart of time travel with all the timezone changes that I went through to get back here. The Northwest is pretty as ever and hasn’t rained yet. Yikes it’s cold though!! So much different being back in America than when I got to Australia. I feel so familiar with everything and have really missed that comfort. Returning home is great but I’m happy that I have some time before school starts back up again to relax with my family and friends.

The first night I got home the second I saw my dog. LOVE

The first night I got home the second I saw my dog. LOVE

ps. Already missing Kiki and Australia. Massachusetts you’re next on my list of places to visit.

Prior to returning to America

Well, Australia has been more than anything I could have ever asked for. I’ve had too much fun in these lovely places that I’ve visited. Even though Australia is similar to America I have found so many cultural differences and have enjoyed learning about a completely new place in the world. This has been the experience of a lifetime. I am ready to be back in America and eat some of my favorite food made by Mama Hixson. I can’t wait to watch games with my dad while snuggling my dog. Australia has been great, but I’m ready to be in America again. Having Holly come at the end of the trip was perfect so that I had someone to ride back on the plane with (we’ll see how that flight goes)

See ya soon, America.

Throwback of me at The Great Barrier Reef

Throwback of me at The Great Barrier Reef

Last week in AUS

Well, my time here is coming to an end. But, I had to see one more place before I left. So, Holly and I traveled up to Queensland and went to Surfers Paradise, the Gold Coast. Similar to Cairns but much more beachy feel. I absolutely loved it here and although I’m excited to go back to America I wish I was able to spend more time here. There were so many little shops, and pubs that I wanted to be able to see but there was just not enough time. The Gold Coast is so pretty and the beach was unbelievable. So many people swimming and playing in the water all times of the day.

Now you can see why they call this Surfers Paradise

Now you can see why they call this Surfers Paradise

The view from our hotel room

The view from our hotel room

Us holding a koala

Us holding a koala

While we were in Queensland we went to a wildlife sanctuary so that Holly could see all of the cool animals that I was able to at various times throughout my journey. We even got to hold a koala, which isn’t legal in New South Wales.

Holly even got to feed a kangaroo like I did my first few weeks

Holly even got to feed a kangaroo like I did my first few weeks


Holly in AUS

The day has finally come! Holly is here! I was too excited when I picked her up from the airport and can’t believe that she’s in Australia. More pictures than words this week! We’ve been too busy catching up and showing her around town!

Welcome to Australia balloon for her at the airport

Welcome to Australia balloon for her at the airport

Lights in the mall that were too pretty not to share

Lights in the mall that were too pretty not to share

Holly and our french friend, Flo. On the night monorail that goes around the entire city

Holly and our french friend, Flo. On the night monorail that goes around the entire city

Holly on the Sydney Opera House Steps, today the weather was perfect outside

Holly on the Sydney Opera House Steps, today the weather was perfect outside


Overlooking the Sydney Harbour

Overlooking the Sydney Harbour

Holly, me, Flo at Darling Harbour fireworks that happen every Saturday night

Holly, me, Flo at Darling Harbour fireworks that happen every Saturday night


School is about to be over

Well, going to the hardest school I’ve ever been and taking upper level classes may have been a bit much! Macquarie University has a beautiful campus and I find my self spending so much time at their brand new library. It’s nice inside, but the weather is getting so beautiful it makes being in the library very hard. Lucky for me I’m about done with classes and finals then my sister is coming to stay with me for 2 weeks. I can’t believe that she will actually be here! It’s gonna be so much fun!

Mad Mex

Mad Mex

Took a study break and went to my favorite burrito place called Mad Mex, it’s similar to Chipotle in America. The burritos are huge and soooo tasty. This week mine was free because I filled up my punch card after getting 10 you get one free! Don’t judge me for eating 10, well actually 11!

Day in Sydney

Well I’m realizing that my time in this beautiful city is coming to an end in a few weeks. I can’t believe the time that I’ve spent here. I’ve found out so much about the country and culture of Australia, I’ve made some very awesome friends and have explored somewhere I never thought actually possible that I live in. Today I went into the city and explored a little bit more. Finding the hidden gems of this place is amazing.

View of the Opera House from the top of a new restaurant

View of the Opera House from the top of a new restaurant

From a new restaurant we found in Circular Quay you have the perfect view of the Opera House if you dine outside. So pretty, even from a ways away.




Westfield Tower

Westfield Tower

I cannot believe that when I first got to Australia I was able to go to the top of the tower and have a birds eye view of the entire city! Even from down below its still pretty beautiful!

Life is great down under, hope it’s fun over in America still!


Silly times with a new best friend

Well it’s more than official, I have found a forever friend while here in Australia. Kiki is from Massachusetts, we are in the same CIS abroad group, so we met right away. Now that we are neighbors and completely inseparable life is great! We are constantly going to the gym, going out to new restaurants to eat, happy hour, the list goes on. I cannot wait to get back to America and be able to visit her all the way across the country in Massachusetts. I’ve been to the east coast before but never Mass. To say Kiki is my best friend, would be a complete understatement.

Kiki and I being silly one night in AUS

Kiki and I being silly one night in AUS, I’m looking very pretty 😉 NOT

Way back when we were in Newcastle. Such cuties!

Way back when we were in Newcastle. Such cuties!


Now we’re back to classes!

Happy Tuesday from Australia

Happy Tuesday from Australia

This week I am loving my silly tan lines that I got while I was in Cairns, but as the tan lines fade, I’m busy back in classes. Macquarie’s classes are harder than my school at Western but I think that I’ll be okay, just have to apply time to them even though it’s hard with so much I want to explore.

Manly Beach

Manly Beach

Went and played at Manly beach today. It was not warm enough to swim yet but it is still so much fun to hang out and lounge around in the sand. Had some yummy food and now it’s back to homework, yay us. Well at least I had a lovely break from school work today!

Mid Semester Break- Week Two

Last week of break was so much fun! This week Kiki and I really just lounged by the pool at our hostel and hung out with some new people. Met a girl named Jodi from Canada and started hanging with her quite a few times. We also met some really fun Lacrosse players from Colorado and we had fun reminiscing about America. Cairns is so pretty and we’ve had fun meeting all kinds of new people. Another girl from our CIS Abroad program came out to Cairns the same time as us, so we all three went to dinner and laughed about our time together at the very beginning of our trip. These two weeks have been more than amazing and I might go as far as to saying that Cairns is my favorite place I’ve visited in my life.

Kiki and I decided on one last hooray in Cairns and decided to go horseback riding in the jungle. I rode a horse called Whistle. I quickly realized how big horses really are once we started riding. Whistle was fun to ride, and we also went swimming while I was on his back. Its a crazy feeling swimming while on the back of a horse that’s swimming also.

This is Whistle and I before we went out into the jungle for the day

This is Whistle and I before we went out into the jungle for the day

Whistle’s Treats

After we spent the day in the jungle they had us feed our horses a little treat of molasses to say ‘Thank you’ for sharing the day together. Honestly, I thought the molasses on my hands was gross, but I was happy that Whistle liked it! About to be heading back to Sydney, I already miss it up here. The perfect weather and no schedule to attend to everyday. Cairns, you will be missed.

Hello World!

Hello world!

For the past five months studying abroad in Scotland has been a very hazy possibility for me.  One that I have always dreamed of since high school so I started the process, looked at the cost (cried a little about the cost), got the applications turned in, GOT ACCEPTED,

My excitement of being excepted!

got my passport, got the money, and now, now that hazy possibility is in fact a very huge reality.

And I am freaking out.

The idea of going halfway around the world, away from my family and friends is a very daunting thought for me.  I have never been so far a way from my family or friends that I did not have the option of just calling and having them come over or to grab lunch.  Even though I am terrified, I know that if I don’t do it, I will regret it.

Gorgeous Scotland

Going to Scotland I believe that it will not be as huge of a culture shock as if I was going to a country that spoke a different language.  Going to Scotland the main language is English so I will hopefully know what everyone is saying.  I know that the culture norms in Scotland are different than what they are in the United States but from what I am told it is not that different.  I will find out though in a little over a month.

My lovely brothers and I

Until than I am going to hug my family close, spend as much time with my friends as I can, and dream of Scotland.
