Poster Perfection

If you advise a student organization or your department hosts multiple events throughout the academic year, chances are you’ve been involved with the poster-making process.

Although there is a great deal of freedom allowed in WOU poster designs, there are a few best practices from a branding standpoint.

  • Make sure to include the WOU logo appropriate to your group or the primary university logo. You can find logos in the downloads section of the MarCom Toolkit. (A tip: Keep in mind minimum sizes and never stretch, scrunch or change the proportions of a logo.)
  • Include the most recent disability statement. It should be clear and no smaller than 11 pt. (we suggest Arial).
  • Add our current tagline in one of three ways: the corner sticker, within the logo or text (Arial, all caps, third word bold. TOGETHERWE SUCCEED).

Want a head start? We have created a handy black bar that includes all three items in one convenient footer that rests happily at the bottom of your poster, leaving you plenty of space to promote your event or activity. These “poster pieces” can be found in the MarCom toolkit downloads.

A special reminder about getting your posters posted: Check out Student Affairs’ Campus Posting Guidelines.

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