The Finance & Administration Division recognizes staff for the following awards.
- Above & Beyond the Call of Duty (ABCD) Award: Recognizes staff who have excelled at taking on a task or project that is outside of their typical job duties.
- Star Award: Recognizes staff who have done an excellent job in their role.
- Wise Wolf Award: Recognizes staff who have worked at the university for five or more years and whose skillset or institutional knowledge benefit the university in solving complex problems.
The Finance & Administration division recognizes the following staff (in no particular order) for their contributions at WOU.

Jeannie Romine (ABCD Award)
Jeannie Romine was recognized for the January 2022 Above & Beyond the Call of Duty (ABCD) Award. Jeanie is the voice of Facilities Services! The Finance & Administration division appreciates Jeannie’s kindness, helpfulness, and that she listens to everyone. The university benefits from Jeannie’s ability to find the right Facilities Services employee to get jobs done as well as making sure employees are aware of the details and expectations of the requestor.

Marsha Smith (Star Award)
Marsha Smith was recognized for the January 2022 Star Award for being so helpful. WOU benefits from Marsha striving to get the best prices and doing great research on products and vendors. The Finance & Administration divison appreciates that Marsha volunteered to take on the additional task of tracking invoices on “Not to Exceed” contracts.

Mike Hanson (Star Award)
Mike Hanson was recognized for the January 2022 Star Award. He has moved into his new role fantastically. Campus Public Safety appreciates how much he cares for WOU and the students. Mike is a problem solver and always seeks to find the best possible outcomes in any given situation.

Daniel Lopez (Star Award)
Daniel Lopez was recognized for the January 2022 Star Award. Daniel has been serving on the search committee to hire public safety officers in addition to already working long and varied shifts with CPS being down two positions. The Finance & Administration divison appreciates Daniel’s helpfulness.

Jon Hoffman (Star Award)
Jon Hoffman was recognized for the January 2022 Star Award. Jon is an excellent carpenter with a fantastic work ethic. The University benefits from Jon’s problem solving skills that always include options to save the university money, while still doing the job right. The Finance & Administration divsion appreciates Jon’s willingness to help with anything.

Amanda Bales (Star Award)
Amanda Bales was recognized for the January 2022 Star Award. Amanda has done a great job running the mailroom, especially with the increased workload the past couple of years. The Finance & Administration divison also appreciates Amanda for communicating to campus about package backlogs and delays.

Sandra Holland (ABCD Award)
Sandra Holland was recognized for the January 2022 Above & Beyond the Call of Duty (ABCD) Award. In a time of multiple changes in management, Sandra has been a force of calm and thoughtfulness that the entire Business Office has relied upon. The Finance & Administration divison appreciates her positivity.

Lauren Kennedy (Star Award)
Lauren Kennedy was recognized for the January 2022 Star Award. Lauren is conscientious about her work and doing the right thing. The Finance & Administration division appreciates Lauren’s willingness to take on extra projects and the support she provides to her co-workers.

Kaeli Hancock (Star Award)
Kaeli Hancock was recognized for the January 2022 Star Award. Kaeli has done a fantastic job in their role. The Finance & Administration division appreciates Kaeli’s team work and for helping with the backlog in the mailroom. Kaeli has also been working on updating the website for Facilities Services.

Michael Stewart (Wise Wolf Award)
Michael Stewart was recognized for the January 2022 Wise Wolf Award. WOU benefits from Mr. Stewart’s knowledge about the university and Facilities Services. The Finance & Administration division appreciates Mike’s teamwork and ability to problem solve.

Jamie Smith (Star Award)
Jamie Smith was recognized for the January 2022 Star Award. She worked diligently to get all of the bonuses, COLAS, and other changes entered into Banner. The Finance & Administration divison appreciates her hard work in completing these tasks in addition to her regular day to day responsibilities.

Dawn Brown (Wise Wolf Award)
Dawn Brown was recognized for the January 2022 Wise Wolf Award. Dawn is caring, patient, and follows through with connecting with WOU students and families. Her customer service is exemplary!

ABCD Group Award (Dennis Johnson, Dawn Brown, Crystal Jones, Sandra Holland, Max Braziel, and Joey Benefiel)
Dennis, Dawn, Crystal, Sandra, Max, and Joey were recognized for the January 2022 Above & Beyond the Call of Duty Group (ABCDG) Award. This team worked diligently to prepare the ARP checks for mailing in one day. This was completed while assisting with the phone call volume and walk-in traffic in the Business Office.