Undergraduate Learning Outcome Assessment

ULO informed by GELO Assessment
WOU assesses our Undergraduate Learning Outcome’s through our General Education curriculum. The General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs) are aligned to the Undergraduate Learning Outcomes. The General Education program convenes a campus-wide professional learning community (GE-PLC) to examine General Education outcomes aligned to the appropriate ULOs. Visit the General Education program’s Assessment page for more information on the General Education PLC assessment process.
ULO Assessment Informed by PLO
Many Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) are aligned to specific University Learning Outcomes (ULO) and General Education Learning Outcomes (GELO). Click HERE to review these alignments.
ULO Assessment Informed by Course Goals
Some Course Goals are aligned to specific University Learning Outcomes (ULO) and General Education Learning Outcomes (GELO). Click HERE to review these alignments.
GE-PLC Assessment 2022-23
In 2022-23, the General Education PLC is assessing Foundational Skills
- General Education Professional Learning Community
- Chair: Dr. Jay Schwartz
- The following goals for the 2022-2023 academic year were based on the recommendations from the 2021-2022 GEPLC:
- Score student samples across courses aligned with GELO 1, using the Foundations rubric (finalized by the GEPLC in 2021-2022)
- Refine sampling methodology to achieve a demographically representative student sample and allow the possibility of longitudinal sampling
- Finalize the Critical Inquiry and Analysis rubric to be used in assessment of GELO 2
- GE PLC 2022-23 Report
GE-PLC Assessment 2021-22
In 2021-22, the General Education PLC is assessing Foundational Skills
- General Education Professional Learning Community
- Chair: Dr. Jessica Dougherty
- The Gen Ed PLC is continuing to review of the General Education Learning Outcome Foundational Skills by collecting evidence on all First Year Seminars and on General Education courses.
- The PLC is also formulating their plans for assessment of Critical Thinking in 2022-23
- GE PLC 2021-22 Report
GE-PLC Assessment 2020-21
In 2020-21, the General Education PLC is assessing Foundational Skills
- General Education Professional Learning Community
- Chair: Dr. Leanne Merrill
- We will be emphasizing review of the General Education Learning Outcome Foundational Skills by collecting evidence on all First Year Seminars and on General Education courses.
- 2020-21 GE PLC Report
GE-PLC Assessment 2019-20
In 2019-20, we are assessing Quantitative Literacy.
- General Education Professional Learning Community
- Chair: Erin Baumgartner(General Education Director)
- We will be emphasizing review of the General Education Learning Outcome Foundational Skillsthrough by collecting evidence on all First Year Seminars and on General Education courses that align to this Quantitative Literacy.
- Instructions for evidence submission in 2019-20 Assessment
- Undergraduate programs that have learning outcomes aligned to Quantitative Literacy may also wish to consider examining those outcomes in depth during the 2019-20 academic year.
GE-PLC Assessment 2018-19
In 2018-19, we assessed Integrative Learning and Diversity university-wide.
- Integrative Learning Professional Learning Community
- Chair: Becka Morgan(Computer Science)
- Integrative Learning rubric– now with larger text (original one-page version available here)
- Integrative Learning PLC Report
- Diversity and Global Learning Professional Learning Community:
- Chairs: Tandy Tillinghast-Voit(Humanities) and Garima Thakur (Creative Arts)
- Draft Diversity rubric– now with larger text (original one-page version available here)
(based on Intercultural Knowledge and Competence / Global Learning ) - Diversity and Inclusion PLC Report
GE-PLC Assessment 2017-18
In 2017-18, we assessed Written Communication and Inquiry & Analysis university-wide.
- Inquiry and AnalysisProfessional Learning Community (PLC)
- Chair: Dr. Melinda Shimizu (Earth Science)
- Updated IA Rubric (as adapted from the AACU LEAP IA Rubric by the IA PLC on January 12, 2018)
- Inquiry and Analysis PLC Report
- Written CommunicationPLC
- Chair: Dr. Lars Soderlund (Writing)
- W Rubric
- Writing PLC Report
GE-PLC Assessment 2016-17
In 2016-17, we reviewed Quantitative Literacy university-wide.
- Quantitative Literacy PLC Report (September 2017)
- Fall Campus Conversation: ULO Assessment (2016-17: Quantitative Literacy) — What next? (held on September 20, 2017)
WOU’s undergraduate learning outcomes (ULO’s)
Quantitative Literacy
is a “habit of mind,” competency, and comfort in working with numerical data.
Written Communication
is the development and expression of ideas in writing.
GELO for Assessment: Intellectual Foundations
Inquiry & Analysis
Inquiry is a systematic process of exploring issues, objects or works through the collection and analysis of evidence that results in informed conclusions or judgments.
GELO for Assessment: Critical Thinking
Integrative Learning
is an understanding and a disposition that a student builds across the curriculum and co-curriculum.
GELO for Assessment: Multidisciplinary Learning
Diversity and Global Learning
integrates the definitions of intercultural knowledge/with that of competence and global learning presented in the AACU LEAP rubrics.
GELO for Assessment: Citizenship
ULO’s, the future of jobs and what employers seek
The civic case for a liberal and transformative education
The economic case for a liberal and transformative education
Assignment Design and Library (LEAPTx )
Transparent Assignment Design (UNLV)
All 16 LEAP rubrics : Helpful in thinking about other program outcomes and how to measure them