Cartago and Bungee Jumping_ Week 3

Spanish class was awesome this week! We were learning food so our teacher brought in a ton of ingredient so we made home made guacamole in class and we also got to make coffee the traditional way 🙂 Later we went to Cordoba for a field trip and saw the Catholic Church there and we went to a gigantic fruit market. Later that day I went bungee jumping too! That weekend a few of us went to Jazz Cafe where the were playing global music and there were dancers to go with with the music as well!  Koryn

The guac and coffee 🙂Image

Week 2 Tamarindo

We went to Tamarindo the second week which is also on the Pacific side. We stayed in an adorable hostel and did some more surfing. Before we went our tica mama told us that there are mucho gringos in Tamarindo… she was very right. It was very Americanized with a bunch of American food, stores, and resorts.  We saw parrots on the drive down andImage got to watch a green turtle lay its eggs though and we saw a boa constrictor too!  Koryn

First Week in San Jose

Orientation was the day after arrived and then school was the following day. On orientation day we went and walked to a nearby cafe which was adorable… That was also my first experience trying to order food when I don’t know any Spanish. I also met a bunch of new people which is to be expected, however I found out that one of the students that I went to middle school and high school with was also studying abroad through a different school. That weekend we went to Manuel Antonio which is a beach on the Pacific side of Costa Rica. We did a tour of the national park there and saw tropical plants, bugs, and animals. We saw crocodiles, sloths, and raccoon like things. The raccoons were really funny because they (and the monkeys) will come out onto the beach and steal your things so someone has to be closely watching your things at all times. We also went surfing which is a ton of fun 🙂 Koryn

The Crocodiles Image