Back Home Again


My Boyfriend was not sad to have me Home

The last few weeks have been so jam packed and insane since coming home that I haven’t had a second to myself. When I got home for the first couple weeks it felt really seamless. I felt like I came back into life in my family like I had never left. I had kept up with them weekly so I was constantly filled in on what was new on the homestead. I was really surprised it was so easy because of the big hype about reverse culture shock. I didn’t really experience that until I came back to school. Now it is hitting me really hard.

IMG_20131013_145440 My Host brother and His Dad

I really miss my family. They sent me both a Christmas card and a New Years card and both I cried when I read them. They sent me big kisses and it just made me really miss dinners with them and nights at home. I miss my little host brother a lot and think about him all the time because it seems like everything I see reminds me of him. It feels so strange to me that my family there isn’t here anymore and that I am not seeing them every day. I still wake up in the mornings sometimes and not know where I am.

11.24.11 010 My Host Mom and I


I really like how cheap everything is in the States. I have not been sad about paying in US dollars again just because everything in Europe was so expensive. I also am glad to be able to make my own food choices because while I was in France my host mom would make all my dinners. While this was awesome and easy for me I wouldn’t get to have control over portion size and felt bad not finishing my food because she was always giving my host brother the starving children in Africa story. So I usually would eat more than I really wanted to. I’ glad to be back home where I don’t feel pressured to eat.

12.16.13 304 My abroad Friends out to Dinner for the last time

I also miss my abroad friends. We have a facebook group message going where we still talk but it is a lot harder being home and away from them than I thought it would be. A lot at school has changed since I have been gone and I feel like the friends I had while abroad really understood me better than my friends here at school. I really miss them and how easy it was to talk to them.

Arrival- New Zealand at last

Another journal entry that I kept for when I arrived.

First thing, woah! That was a long plane ride. 12.5 hours is way too long to be cramped into a little seat. Surprisingly, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be though! I had two lovely girls next to me that were great company! I had some pretty bad anxiety thinking about everything that could go wrong from PDX to LAX to Auckland and then finally to Wellington, New zealand where I call home for 12 weeks. LAX was just as bad as everyone said it was going to be! I had never flown in or out of that airport until this trip and it was easily the most stressful part of the travel. I got lost and thankfully I had a two hour layover because after an hour of walking and searching I finally made it to my terminal.

When I arrived in Auckland I had to go through customs which went well and then I hopped on the plane for a short ride down to Wellington! When I arrived at the airport all I could do was get to the baggage claim and hope that my bags had arrived from Los Angeles. On my way down, I had to snap some pictures of huge birds they had in the lobby! While I was waiting for my bag, I was approached by the lady that found me my internships and housing and we set off from there and took a little drive around the city, went to the grocery store and then came to where I am now, my new apartment!

The weather is okay today for being Summer here, it’s a tad windy but it doesn’t seem to be too bad. My apartment is nice and is a block away from the heart of the city I hear. I will begin my adventures today as I have two days before I start working!

Until later,


My home for 12 weeks!

My home for 12 weeks!

Wellington, New Zealand




It took my awhile to get computer access so I’m a tad late as I am already in New Zealand, but I kept a journal entry for while I wasn’t able to post.

It hasn’t hit me yet that I will be leaving in less than a day! I feel like yesterday I still had a couple of months and hadn’t even started thinking about it yet. Writing this all down has got my nerves going a little bit, I’m starting to get a little anxious, excited and nervous all at the same time. I feel like I am someone that really can’t fathom things that I have not seen and since I have never been to New Zealand before, I don’t really have any expectations of what the country will have to offer. Of course, I hear they have a lot of sheep, love rugby, and are crazy about The Lord Of The Rings, so I guess I’m leaving with that notion.

While I have heard only good things from people about their travels in the country, I am crossing my fingers that I have a wonderful time as well. I am beyond excited to start my internships and am so lucky to have two great internships coming my way with what seem like pretty amazing people. I am looking forward to seeing what the country has to offer and the experiences I will forever take with me.



Been home for over two weeks now. Got home just in time for the holidays along with having some great times with my parents and enjoyed good food and gifts for Christmas. Although I missed my friends back in England, it was better to be home for the most important time of the year, at least in my mind.

It was nice to not have things be so expensive, as this was my main complaint with England. The pound is so strong compared to our dollar, which is why I figured how so many Brits could travel over here with such a higher cost of living back home. Even with more limited funds in my pocket, a lot of being drained from the trip, nice to have my dollar stretch a bit further.

Hope everyone who went this past semester had a good time, hope all those who are gone for the year continue to have a great time and those about to leave or have just left, get some great memories and build some lasting relationships. Hope all have a Happy New Year.

Arrived in Costa Rica!


I have made it! Yay!

After getting off of the airplane at SJO I went through customs and went on to the baggage claim area. Once I had found my checked bag I got some colones to get me started I was off to go through one last security checkpoint.

As I stepped out into Costa Rica for the first time I was surrounded by lots of people waiting to pick others up, as well as taxi drivers offering rides, and many people holding up signs with different company logos. I found a rep from CIS Abroad and made my way towards them. I was cheerfully greeted by the onsite director, Lisa, and then waited around for a little bit as other students also arrived. We all shuttled together and were dropped off at each of our host families homes.

I was greeted by a wonderfully sweet woman and one of her sons who helped me with my bags. Her son, Johan, speaks the most English (Ana Lorena, my Host mom speaks no English!) and helped me out yesterday.
The host family has 2 houses next door to each other, so the family lives in one and the students live in the other! I have 4 girl housemates and 1 male housemate, who I have yet to see around. The girls are better Spanish speakers than I am so they help me when I am having troubles communicating, which is very helpful!

Though it was a little bit overwhelming to arrive here and immediately be thrown into Spanish, which I am not currently very good at, I know that I will pick it up fairly quickly once classes start and I am more familiar with the language.

The weather here is wonderful and I am excited to see how much I will learn!

Bye for now!

Before I Go… all!

*update- I had trouble with the wifi at the airport, so this is finally posting now that I have wifi*

Pretty soon I m off to Costa Rica! I am not quite sure where the time went… but its already time to start a new year and a new adventure! I am excited, but very nervous about being in a new country by myself where I do not know anyone yet. I have not used Spanish in years so I know I will feel very overwhelmed when I get there with people asking me questions. I guess I will just have to go with the flow though until I pick it up!

From everything I have heard, and pictures I have seen, CR looks like a beautiful place!! Once I get more tan and get more Spanish down I feel like I will fit in better since I have a couple similar features as Ticos already, such as dark and curly hair. Hopefully b the end of my stat I will be loving Costa Rica and feeling like it is another home of mine!

Nicole- A little bit about myself


My name is Nicole. And I will be studying abroad in San Jose, Costa Rica this Winter and Spring term. I decided to study in Costa Rica because I enjoy traveling and have not traveled to any countries in that area. I also am wanting to speak Spanish fluently, so living in Costa Rica will be a great way to learn!


Well I am a little late on my “arrival home” post, as you can imagine it has been a busy two weeks. It was very difficult leaving home for Peru, and it was very difficult leaving Peru to come home. When I got to Peru I felt alone, without friends or family, and had a hard time getting used to the culture. When I got home I was so happy to see my family but again I felt so alone…my friends and boyfriend were still in Peru, and I had a hard time waking up knowing I wouldn’t be seeing them.

For the first few days I felt super busy, but I still was thinking about how much I missed everyone, but as time went on I saw more friends and it became easier each day. I am very excited for school to start, just as I was in Peru because I love seeing new and old friends.

The thing I miss the most about my host culture is the weather…right now it’s in the mid 80’s in Peru, and when I arrived home it was 8 degrees. I was extremely cold, and of course had no winter clothes as they were all packed in my storage unit, lack of planning on my part.

I really appreciate being able to drive again, and not having to worry about getting a cab or catching the bus, what I do not miss is the gas prices and the mold that grew in my car while it was parked for 5 months, looks like someone left a window down…oops.

Needless to say, I am happy to be home and love sharing my experiences with my friends and family, it will forever be a good conversation starter.


Coming Home

What have I learned here in England these past three months? Well, for one, America is a great country and I am so thankful to have lived in it my whole life. Two, that Britain is also a great country, and although I am not saying they are better than America, they do share a lot of our values, just beyond political leaders and the big things. The average Brit and the average American would get on quite nicely if they get to know each other. Finally, that Americans aren’t loathed everywhere, and people can distinguish you from others if you put forth reasonable argument and comport yourself with some poise.

Been packing and cleaning my room. Hopefully I will get done with that in a couple hours and take a nap before a 3am flight tomorrow. So exciting. However, getting home for Christmas and the New Year will be nice and allow me to unwind. I have a lot to ponder these last few hours though; all I have seen, all I have heard, all I have felt. A lot of emotions and thoughts go through my head, but I can’t explain much of it. I do know one thing though, I will miss these inescapable feelings.

Week 13

Last week here in England. Already missing the place a bit already, as I am heading out on the 22nd. It has been an incredible journey and I hope that I remember as much of it as I can. Got to meet some great people, build some lasting friends and learn about a great country. I think I showed the Brits that Americans have a few tricks of their own however.

Had one last jaunt in Liverpool to end the year. A nice city by night, but can get quite rough around the bars/pubs/clubs. If one just looks at the Albert Docks though, or where the Beatles made themselves famous, or when it is lit up at Christmastime all around, you can see it is a little special. Wouldn’t say it is the most cultured city in the world, but it has some tough people and strong identity. IMG_0705 IMG_0722 IMG_0733

Top photo has one of my best ‘mates’ in England. Josh and his girlfriend were very good to me and I had a great experience with both of them.

The Cavern was one of the best Beatles haunts in the early days. This is where they became famous.

The Liverpool Museum if I am not mistaken. Too bad I didn’t have a bit more time to view it from the inside.

*Editors note*

Sorry I didn’t get these in earlier. The site didn’t accept the previous few weeks, but I thought it did. Just reposted them. Odd.