Week 8- Fall Break-Italy!

This week my friend and I spent our whole week in Italy. It was a really neat experience and I loved it. We started off in Rome and I must say Rome is really great it’s filled with so much history. I really enjoy living in Europe because there is so much history background. There’s no just starting at when America was discovered but there’s so much more here! People lived here long before and it is so cool to see all the ancient buildings and things left behind. Rome I’d say was the most history filled city I’ve see with all the Romans left behind.

Colosseum in Rome

Colosseum in Rome

After Rome we headed to Milan and that wasn’t too excited other than seeing the duomo and the shopping center. Milan I feel was one of the cities I found to be least pretty, it reminded me of a suburb with not a lot of money. There was a lot of fog and smog there too. It wasn’t the prettiest of cities. After Milan we headed to Florence and I must say Florence was by far my favorite place of Italy. Florence was breathtaking! I felt Florence was the city I fell most in love with.

The Duomo in Florence

The Duomo in Florence

The view from a hill. Beautiful!

The view from a hill. Beautiful!

We’ve seen so much history and been to so many museums while in Europe it’s all been so neat. I must say the pasta is better in Italy and i fell in love with tiramisu! it was so good, i want to learn how to make it. Tiramisu is an Italian dessert kind of like cake made with a cream filling and a taste of coffee. It’s really yummy.  After Florence we headed to Venice and that too did not disappoint. It is so neat to see a city off in an island and all the different islands are connected by bridges.While I was there I heard that Venice might be under water in the future, since the water is rising.

Tiramisu in a cup! so good.

Tiramisu in a cup! so good.

Venice, only way to get around is by boat or walking over bridges.

Venice, only way to get around is by boat or walking over bridges.

At the end of the trip i was exhausted and we didnt get back till Sunday and unlike back home once were out of the airport we have to take public transportation back to segovia. First the metro then the hour long bus ride we were so happy to be back in segovia. We missed our home.

Some differences and similarities I found was that wherever we went to any restaurant or place they never picked up after themselves. In europe everyone eats a three course meal, even at restaurants. They always sold beer at mcdonalds which was something different and they always had a mccafe like an actual cafe, in its own area. Unlike the U.S i feel that they’re a bit more proper when eating their meals and with the alcohol part they’re just more accustomed to it, like alcohol isn’t seen as a bad thing, it’s what everyone drinks.

Back in America

Now that I’m back in the states it’s been quite the adjustment. My biggest problem was adjusting to the time difference. I would wake up way too early at times but I would fall back asleep later. I’m really glad I get a few weeks off before heading back to school. I really need this time to adjust, get used to things, and reconnect with people I missed.

The first thing I did when I got home around 1am was shower and fall asleep but the next morning my moms delicious tamales were waiting for me. I sure missed my moms cooking so much!

I feel like i’ve had to adjust to being around all the americans and speaking english now. English is all around me and I have to get used to speaking it on a daily basis. I still get flashbacks of Spain but I don’t miss it terribly.. yet. It feels like the 3 months were a dream. I still can’t believe I was in Europe.

A lot of friends and family want to know all about my trip and it feels like I say the same thing over and over, I think i’ll make a script and repeat it to every person that asks. I really enjoy showing all the pictures I took and reminiscing on the memories.

I feel study abroad has helped me tremendously, i definitely grew as a person and experienced new things. My life will forever be marked by my study abroad experience.

Week 12- Thanksgiving

This week we had out thanksgiving dinner AHA does for us. It was potluck style but we did have a turkey which was really good.Like any celebration people celebrate in Spain we had our lunch at a restaurant near our school. We all dressed up went to class then headed to the restaurant to eat.

The turkey!

The turkey!

How we felt when we were done.

How we felt when we were done.

Overall this week went well. Classes went well and outings with the group are always fun. I finally feel like Segovia is my second home. I’m accustomed to the culture and the living, it’s going to be different when I go home.


Week 7- Midterms

After our last week of great excursions it was time to get back to study mode and focus because midterms were up next. Unlike back home we didn’t get a study guide to know what was going to be on the test but we did have review days which were really helpful because our professors let us know what was going to be on our tests. I was a bit nervous for these tests because they were going to be in a whole different language and although I know the language it was still nerve racking because maybe I’d forget what to say and how to write it in spanish. But just like back at WOU our tests were split up into two days, half the classes Wednesday and the other half on Thursday.

Monday and Tuesday consisted of review and lots of studying. On mondays i also have my internship at Caritas. I really enjoy volunteering there, the people are all so nice and after a few weeks we’ve had a good group of 10 people that come on a daily basis and really want to learn. We have a diverse group of people in our class we have people that have never learned any english and then we have others that know a few things and are a little better at English but they’re all learning. Pronunciation is the key thing everyone needs help with.

Caritas, The organization where I volunteered at.

Caritas, The organization where I volunteered at.

Since we all had midterms coming up we all headed to a cafe to study all together. I’ve developed a slight addiction to Cafe con Leche (Coffee with milk) it’s really good. I’ve noticed the coffee here is a lot more strong and the amount you get is way smaller. A lot of people get what looks like a shot of coffee, i dont know how they can handle that, i bet it’s really strong. After talking to one of my proffs he mentioned a lot of people here like the strong stuff and even dark chocolate is preferd more than milk chocolate. Talking about chocolate, I miss hershey’s chocolate, they dont have that here but tehy do have Kinder and Milka which I believe is chocolate from germany. Chocolate from Spain is Valor.

Cafe con leche and a piece of bread

Cafe con leche and a piece of bread

I feel midterms went well and once they were over it was time for fall break! Italy for 10 days! I’m really excited! Rome-Milan-Florence and Venice. It’s going to be quiet the trip with just my friend alison and I but i’m excited. First off is Rome we left Thursday night and arrived Friday morning. And so the Italy adventure began!

First and second week, they flew by!

Hi all!

I have been so busy here in NZ but I am loving every minute of it! One of my internships involves me working with New Zealands only professional football (soccer) team and so far I have got to enjoy two awesome games! I also am working at a tennis center and the people there are just amazing! I am located in a great spot and the walk to work is only about 10 minutes away.

I notice things everyday that are different, similar and just crazy. Last friday at work it was 2:30pm and we sat around our office and enjoyed some wine and that was just because they ran out of beer. The culture here is so laid back, it was hard to get used to. I’ll add that they cuss like sailors here! It’s a common occurance to hear the F word in an office setting, it was really strange at first!

Aside from work, I go out and explore the city almost everyday. The architecture is old and beautiful and the streets are jammed pack with cafes, restaurants, bars and boutiques. They have Sunday produce markets that are amazing and the fruits and veggies are a lot cheaper than what they are at the grocery store. I love walking the busy streets of the city and listening to the locals sing and play their guitars and watching little street acts in the middle of town. It has a similar feel as Portland, Oregon as it is very liberal and busy. I have a favorite spot in the city that overlooks the harbour, it’s so beautiful and takes away all the negative emotions of being away from home. I’ve been busy at work and haven’t had time to do much traveling outside the city, I have been able to enjoy the beach, go on a few walks and experience the wellington cable car, and little things the city has to offer!

until next week,

Oriental Bay, NZ

Oriental Bay is about a 30 minute walk from my apartment and it is beautfil on a nice sunny day!

Produce market! NZ

One of the Sunday produce markets that are SO lovely!!

New Zealand 557

The Wellington Cable Car! This was a wonderful experience and leads you to a beautiful view and botanical gardens!

New Zealand 028

While this isnt the best picture, I’ll have better ones to come! This was at my first football game sitting in the media box! It was an awesome experience 🙂


This is one of the beautiful views of the Wellington Harbour. They have cafes, bars and a summer market surrounding it with seating all around to soak it all in.

Camels and Elephants and Monkeys, Oh my!

What a whirl wind of a first week. Sirohi has greeted me already with exotic animal sightings, festivals, parades, field visits and teacher’s trainings. I have already been involved in so many things and I have been here only one week. My week has been filled with getting to know colleagues, the town and simply how to live. It’s a whole new way of living from customs, food and how to get around. I have 3 meals a day prepared for me and my room cleaned by my caretaker.  I am interning with a Non-Government Organization called Educate Girls. They strive to bridge the gender gap in education and learning. They have created a structure of teaching called the Creative Learning Technique that introduces Math, Hindi and English is a way of hands-on learning using flash cards, charts and the like. It is a 15 minute walk to work in the morning but it’s acceptable to show up between 9:30 and 10:00am. Time is not of true importance for this relaxed lifestyle. It’s quiet nice to not be rushed and ruled by the ticking hands of a clock.

This week I went on a field visit to a school in Pindwara and got to see CLT in action. That afternoon we visited a small begger community to continue in the negotiation of sending their girls to school. Since the daughter’s are already engaged (even at age 6) the father’s see no need in educating the girls.We have a long ways to go in the relationship but progress has already been had. I also got the chance to attend 3 days of teacher’s training. The trainings were required by government and were put on by Educate Girls in order to introduce CLT in the schools. On the third day I found myself sitting in the middle of the circle at lunch time and being peppered with questions about American culture and the education system. It turned into a time of singing and dancing even though I had no idea what I was doing. They brought me candies and sweets to enjoy while in the meeting, they knew the way straight to my heart.

The parades were amazing. 3 festivals of different religions fell on the same day and it stayed peaceful amidst the pride.

The parades were amazing. 3 festivals of different religions fell on the same day and it stayed peaceful amidst the pride.

Mid-day meal at the school where I got to engage in some very good discussion with teachers

Mid-day meal at the school where I got to engage in some very good discussion with teachers

The teachers also wanted their picture taken :)

The teachers also wanted their picture taken 🙂

Meeta, a Team Balika member, engaging in the Creative Learning Technique with young students

Meeta, a Team Balika member, engaging in the Creative Learning Technique with young students

Each village gets to choose their own slogan with Educate Girls

Each village gets to choose their own slogan with Educate Girls. This is the EG symbol.

Teacher's training with the best Master trainer in the world

Teacher’s training with the best Master trainer in the world

This is my guest house where I have it all to myself!

This is my guest house where I have it all to myself!

My companions at the guest house

My companions at the guest house

My first day at the office this guy was working right outside

My first day at the office this guy was working right outside

What a welcome to India, I couldn’t have asked for a better first week of my internship! Packed with excitement and joy, amazing food and people, unusual wild animals and sights but this is my life now and I choose to embrace it. ~Anna

“If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgivness, selfishness and fears.” ~Ceaser Pavese


Houston, the plane has landed

Safe and Sound. Finally to the guest house after a very long but successful journey! My itinerary consisted of some pretty long flights doubled with being bused around the airport having no idea what’s happening, but moved along with the flow of everyone else. When I saw my baggage come through in Udaipur my heart was at ease and I was left with just one hurdle to jump, finding my contact in the crowd of people who was supposed to be wearing a yellow shirt. I walked out the main doors and standing there was my India Study Abroad Center Contact and the director of my internship site. We handed me a goodie bag and we were off!

At that moment started my introduction into India with the famous driving/ road situation. Zooming along were huge trucks painted with little tunes for horns that are constantly playing, autotrickshaws piled with people to the point they are sitting on top and hanging off the back, motorcycles and taxis swerving in and out of traffic and then add in the stream of camels walking along the highway. It’s the biggest game of “chicken” you’d ever seen and the bigger car doesn’t always win.


The market in town where all the shopping is done

The market in town where all the shopping is done

The top word says, Sirohi. That's where I was standing. It made me giggle :)

The top word says, Sirohi. That’s where I was standing. It made me giggle 🙂

Learning to navigate through lots of people and cows crowding the market

Learning to navigate through lots of people and cows crowding the market

It’s already a lovely place and my guest house is wonderful. Today many people already came by the guesthouse to meet me. Tomorrow morning I start off to my first day of work with Educate girls. Thankfully my ISAC contact is still here with me so I don’t get lost walking to work. Goodnight for now and till next time!

Open minds and open hearts make room for growth and change. Striving to live by this day to day. ~Anna

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”~Gandhi


Two Weeks Down, But It Feels Like So Much Longer!

Wow. I have only been here for 2 weeks, but it feels like so much longer!
My Spanish is improving and I just finished my midterms for my Spanish class (already, man!).

My Tico family is absolutely wonderful and I am so thankful to have a Mama Tica who loves me and my roommates so much!! Mama Tica sure does know how to cook, too….MMMM!

I have experienced so many fun new places on our excursions that we go on as a CIS group. Last weekend we went to Uvita and went on the Bahía Ballena boat tour. I got to see a mother and baby Humpback whale and some enthusiastic dolphins. We got to jump out of the boat and snorkel for a bit also! Snorkeling I saw some incredible things. In Costa Rica, for the most part, the people truly value their natural surroundings and want to preserve the beauty of their country! I saw starfish, sea urchins, fish, an eel, a sting ray, and even a sea turtle! How incredible…I got to swim 5 feet from a sea turtle in its natural habitat. Out guide said that God had blessed our day since we got to see so much

Me Zip lining!

Me Zip lining!



! The next day, we stopped in Manuel Antonio on our way back to San Jose, and I got a BEAUTIFUL hand made, painted, and carved vase from a street vender. The artists name was Ramón, and he had beautiful pieces! The culture of business here is quite different than in the US, which I kind of like. I was happy to pay 7,000 Mil Colones ($14) for my one of a kind, handmade, authentic Costa Rican Vase, and didn’t even want to barter with him to get the price down, which is acceptable and common here. In the states you would have to go to an art market in a bigger city to find something like that, and I’m sure it would cost more than that! There was more interaction between the maker and buyer, rather than just buying everything at a department store.

My school work kept me very busy this week during the weekdays, and each day I had more to do or study for! Soon enough it was Saturday again and my CIS group was off for another day-trip excursion.

Saturday we went to el Volcán de Poas, and the Canopy Tour of the area. Sadly it was too cloudy to see the crater at Poas, but the Canopy tour was so much fun! We zip lined across 12 lines over a lush valley, with a beautiful view of the Volcano/area! All of the employees there to help us were incredibly friendly–true Ticos!–eager to show us the beauty of their country and help us enjoy our time.

Sunday I went to an Evangelical church a block away from my house here in San Jose, which was a great experience! I will definitely go back when I have the chance. After church, some of my roommates and my Mama Tica went to la feria (a farmers market) in Zapote. That was such a fun experience!! The fresh produce here is wonderful and so affordable! I love that aspect of Costa Rica!

As I start a new week I anticipate more growth with my spanish speaking and exploring lots more of the city!

First week–done!

Traditional Hand-Painted Ox Cart at Cafe Britt

Traditional Hand-Painted Ox Cart at Cafe Britt

Theater in Downtown San Jose

Theater in Downtown San Jose

This week has been so…so full!
After my first night here I was already leaving for my first excursion. We went to Cafe Britt and did the coffee tour put on by the lovely and comical staff there. I had a great time tasting coffees and learning more about the coffee making process.

Once we returned to San Jose we did a walking tour of downtown. The guide for my small group was wonderful and was so aware of all of the little details in the city! As we passed numerous types of plants and trees, he commented on them and was explaining to us the significance of each plant and adaptation.

Walking downtown was nice, but as expected my group got a lot of stares. So far the Tico’s, or Costa Ricans, that I have met have been nice and enthusiastic about their country.

Classes here are pretty intense. I have 6 hours of class per day, and a decent amount of homework. This actually makes me have to work, so they are serious when they call these classes “intensive.” My Spanish classes are from 8am-12, and are only 4 weeks long each. That means I am a quarter done with my Spanish term, already… what in the world!?

I am also taking Marine Bio (in English) and Digital Photography (in English), and my profs for those classes are GREAT! Can’t wait to see how the rest of the semester goes!

I’m leavin’ on a jet plane!

Tomorrow I take off for an adventure of a lifetime. I will be interning with an organization called Educate Girls for three months in Sirohi, Rajasthan, India. I’m told that I will be shadowing the director for the first couple weeks and then moving on from there. Starting with behind the scenes and then looking at the front side of the organization will give me a better idea how NGO’s function and are stabilized. I don’t truly know what’s in store and it will probably all change once I get there so I will have an open mind and am excited to simply just be there. My travel time is about 32 hours arriving in Udaipur at 6am then a 3 hour car ride to my guest house and start work and 9am the next morning. I am staying up all night tonight in hopes to sleep the entire time on the plane so the time goes by faster. The past 3 months have been spent in great anticipation for this moment and in the morning I head out. I am told I’ll have WIFI and all my meals prepared for me.  This does not sound like the stereotypical India everyone thinks about. Preconceived notions can’t be helped so I’m excited to see how these compare and to break down others. I know only very basic phrases in Hindi so this will be a fun adventure to communicate in everyday life. I studied abroad in Germany last year but I was there solely for the purpose of increasing my German language skills. Although this isn’t my first time abroad or traveling on my own, there are naturally butterflies in my stomach and I can’t wait to just get there already. Enough for now and next time I write will be from wonderful India!


Sirohi is in southern Rajasthan closer to the border of Gujarat. Rajasthan is also one of the most touristy areas of India. Famous for the great desert in Jaisalmer where you can ride camels, the lake palaces of Udaipur or the mountain range containing Mt. Abu.


My Bucket List for India:

~Ride a Camel
~Ride an Elephant
~Be involved in a festival
~Attend a wedding
~Learn enough Hindi to engage in small talk
~Master the art of not using utensils
~Learn 5 Bollywood dances
~See the Taj Mahal
~Have a successful internship
~Simply Enjoy Life!

“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” Saint Augustine
Onto the next chapter. ~Anna