Hello America, long time no see!

Well I have been home for about a week now and it’s a weird feeling. I was told by my roommate who had been in Costa Rica before she came to New Zealand and who had returned home in between her travels, that when you arrive home it’s an odd feeling because everything is the same. I looked at her and thought that it was strange because surely after three months, things at home were going to be different… but I feel she is very correct on the feeling.

While I was getting ready to leave the US for New Zealand, I was anxious, excited, nervous and didn’t know what to expect. Arriving home I was sad, confused and was barely excited at all. I never thought those would be my feelings coming home! Coming home to the same thing made me feel like I wasn’t gone at all. I came home to my room looking the way it did when I left, my house was the same, the streets were the same, everything was exactly the same from when I left ( which is like a duhhh moment when I was only gone for three short months). It’s been a strange feeling that’s for sure.

I miss the people, they’re all so friendly. I miss the weather, as I came home to rain. I miss the friends I made who I left while I came home. I miss the beauty of the island, it was so hilly and green with lakes, hikes, parks, lots of sporting events and harbours and everything in between that was all in such close proximity. I fell in love with the city I lived in and I think that’s what I miss most. It was so safe, so fun, so pretty and so full of life. I could walk everywhere and never had to worry about driving. It’s easy to fall in love with a city when the surroundings and the people that live there are one of a kind.

I do enjoy certain things about being home, like having my dog back, being able to drive when I really don’t feel like walking, and having the familiarity of people, places and things that are subjected to the way I live my life in America. People keep asking me if there are things that I really missed while being away, and there is not one thing I can pinpoint except for my dog, family and friends. Which I feel like is expected. Adjusting back to life here in America has been a little bit of a challenge, but I know within a few more days it’ll be back to normal. I miss my second home and cannot wait to return one day. New Zealand stole my heart and I will forever be thankful for the opportunity I had and for the relationships I made.

I could post a million pictures to reflect on my time and what I am missing everyday, but the three pictures below sum up my most missed pieces of my journey.

This picture brings back so many thoughts and memories. This was my ultimate favorite spot in the city of Wellington. This is the Wellington Harbour, where I would go sit and read, reflect on my time, enjoy amazing gelato and take in the beauty of the island.

Every time I look at this picture, it makes me a little sad. I miss my office crew and the unique personalities of each one of them. We shared so many laughs in the little office we shared! Not only did they take me in like I had been apart of the crew since day one, there was never a dull moment.

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My two rocks while I was in New Zealand. I miss them both so much. My roommate and I shared so many memories together and clicked right away, which I was so thankful for! Ali, the guy on the right is a Kiwi who became such a good friend while I was there. He had the biggest heart and always knew what to say, he made my time in New Zealand just that much better with the friendship we had made.

It’s The Final Countdown

1 week left. In exactly 1 week, I will be back on American soil. I can’t believe these 3 months have flown by so fast. I have learned an incredible amount and my mind might explode if I try to comprehend anymore. I feel like it’s the week before exams and I have been taking 20 credits of 500 level philosophy and gender studies courses. I have always enjoyed writing essays for exams but have really re-kindled a love for writing, especially on socially, controversial topics. I love hearing everyone’s thoughts even there are many disagreements because their arguments also steam from an experience or up bringing. I have added it onto my life bucket list to ‘have something published.’ It may be an article, a short story or research findings but most likely it could be about these sensitive topics of education, arranged marriage or gender differences.

This past week we had some time for holiday since it was Holi so I became even more cultured on many subjects. I have taken a western religions class but this week was my eastern religions class. Most conversations had, were centered around Hindu traditions and the stories behind every ritual or festival. Next were discussions about the origins of Buddhism. I got the chance to visit Bodgaya where the tree is, that’s said where Buddha received his enlightenment. Next came discussions on Islam. Two of my friends’ fellows joined for a boat ride on the Ganges and evening snacks. One is very passionate about his being a Muslim and will share his beliefs with anybody so we challenged him on the importance of religion and why Islam? In Patna there is a big population of both Muslims and Hindus so it makes for an interesting society. It used to be very dangerous in that area but in the past 5 years it has really settled down and progressed. The danger isn’t due to a war on religion but rather a competitvity for land and resources. Bihar is one of the oldest civilizations in the entire world so there are many, many people living there and everyone is fighting for their space and basic needs. The normal human being isn’t born a thief but rather it’s in times of need or desire where the mind set changes. This leads into another point of national pride and hope in the human race. Indians have so much national pride often displaying the flag, being honored to join scouts and guards and often singing the national anthem very proudly with fists at each side. However, the people don’t have hope in their own kind. Yes, it all stems from a history and experiences but still there is something missing. When I was headed off to travel everyone was very, very worried about me. Understandable that I am a white, American girl traveling in India but I had my mobile and steady head on my shoulders with vast travel experience packed along. As they would give my travel tips I would already have that knowledge plus more to add on to it. I’ve done my research and made sure I knew what I was getting in to. I didn’t run into even one problem in my 11 days of traveling. I found everyone only the kindest and most helpful along the way. Most people speak English so I could ask questions if I had any.

During my travels I got to experience many wonderful things! There’s an instant connection when traveling as a foreigner with other foreigners. There are perks such as special fast lines and tickets while at the same time the locals try and rip you off. For those of us who have been living here for a while we can read the scammers and smell a rotten deal from a mile away. Needless to say it was great meeting other travelers and crazies off exploring the world just like me.


Celebrating Holi

Celebrating Holi on the rooftop


Everyone enjoying the day and staying safe from the colors up above

Sitting on the banks of the the Ganges

The banks of the the Ganges in Patna

80 ft. tall Buddha

80 ft. tall Buddha in Bodgaya

The tree where it's said, Buddha received is enlightenment

The tree where it’s said, Buddha received is enlightenment

The gate before entering into the Taj Mahal

The gate before entering into the Taj Mahal

No explanation needed

No explanation needed.

Outside the main Agra station

Outside the main Agra station

My holiday was wonderful but now I am ready to enter my last week with full force moving forward. I have hit that spot where I am excited to go home yet just finally am feeling the breakthrough in the culture, with the people and at work. I am constantly looking to expand my mind and learn more about life happening around me. As much as this was a vacation it was more of also a learning experience, about myself and how I handle different situations.

My time here in India has been nothing under amazing. I have been living once in a lifetime experiences and meeting the most amazing people. After 3 months of living here, everyday things still happen where I simply must smile and laugh. Living in India is a day to day learning experience and the only thing that gets you through is an open and flexible mind and a sense of humor. I am thankful to everyone who has taken me and made me a part of their family for they made my time here so special. Who knows where the wind will lead me next but as for now it’s back to America. Back to Oregon. Back to Portland, my good ol’ stomping grounds. The final countdown, of my last days here in India has begun so I’m making it count. Next time I write it will be from back in the USA. ~Anna

“To travel is worth any cost or sacrifice.”  ~ Elizabeth Gilbert Eat, Pray, Love


As I landed in Buenos Aires, Argentina my heart started pounding as different possible situations were occurring in my head. Additionally, I had my parents’ voices and phrases repeating over and over such as,”Stay calm when you arrive, be smart, be careful, pay attention, if you get lost ask people around you to help, call immediately once you arrive, do not forget your luggage and to go through immigration, find who ever is picking you up as fast as you can, trust and do not trust people,….”

As I got off the plane I observed what everyone was doing and followed them which allowed me to go through everything much faster. After the long line of immigration my nerves started to kick once again, but as soon as I got all my paper work checked and got my luggage my mission was to find the individual, who was sent to pick me up from Buenos Aires Cultural (BAC). Once I spotted my name on a poster, like the movies, I walked right to him, who welcomed me with a surprise handshake and a kiss on the cheek. As we walked for a ride to BAC I could not help and notice all the traffic, people, buildings, and everything around me, I was in shock. I was able to calm down as he was able to point out buildings and teach me some common phrases used in Buenos Aires and so much more.

Once I arrived to BAC I knew I was not at home, I was in Buenos Aires an incredible and amazing city. As I walked in I was greeted with more kisses on the cheek, which I continued to be surprised from each time since I am not used to it, I guess you can say I was very welcomed. Then I was given a tour of my new, yet temporary home then my room, which I have enjoyed.

This is a picture of my bedroom.

This is a picture of my bedroom.

This is a picture of the hallway of my apartment, which you can see as you walk inside.
This is a picture of the hallway of my apartment, which you can see as you walk inside.

After I settled down, I was introduced to the rest of the diverse group of residents of BAC, who I joined to drink the traditional drink, mate (hot tea), which I found strange, but so very delicious all at once. Then I was able to have some interesting long conversations the rest of the night as we all enjoyed some delicious carne asada (BBQ), which is famous in Argentina. I could not have asked for a better first day in Buenos Aires.

This is the mate (hot tea), which I tried my first day.

This is the mate (hot tea), which I tried my first day.

The next day, Friday my coordinator from BAC took me for a walk to see a little of what the city has to offer. Then I had the opportunity to go to the cinema with a new friend, another student residing in BAC from Brazil to watch Captain America in Castellano, the native tongue here in Argentina. I had a plethora of fun! Saturday, I was able to join another friend, who I am very lucky to share a room with, to try the coffee of Argentina with some sweet facturas (pastry). Then I joined her again with my lovely coordinator and another friend to the shopping (mall) to watch another movie. Today, Sunday I have been able to relax and prepare for my first day tomorrow in my internship, which I am extremely antsy for.

This was a picture I took when my BAC coordinator took me for a walk in the city. There was a great amount of performances and other great things to see.

This was a picture I took when my BAC coordinator took me for a walk in the city. There was a great amount of performances and other great things to see.

This was another picture I took as I walked around the streets of the shopping (mall) districts with my coordinator.

This was another picture I took as I walked around the streets of the shopping (mall) districts with my coordinator.

This is a picture of the facturas (pastries)  and coffee I had with my roommate.
This is a picture of the facturas (pastries) and coffee I had with my roommate.

I am loving Argentina!

My 72 days of Adventure!

Many of us including myself seem to be waiting for something to come to us, for a change to happen. Well I decided that I was tired of waiting, so I decided to step out of my comfort zone, seek out opportunities, and challenge myself by taking on a new and different adventure.

I decided to make my own path by going out to a place for 72 days where I have never been, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

You might be wondering why Argentina. Well there are many reasons, a few are that it is a Latin country where its citizens are proud of their nation, how it is a family oriented country full of celebrations, a country influenced by music and other arts, and because of its healthcare system. Now, from all the places in Argentina I selected Buenos Aires not only because it is the capital, but because it is one of the largest cities in the world where I will be exposed to many new things.

I can assure you that when I decided to take on this amazing opportunity, which I have been blessed with, I was very nervous. I was nervous for the flight, because I have never been on a plane, let alone by myself. Not only that, but I was very scared and anxious to live in a huge city, because I have never lived in one, so I was afraid to get lost. I was excited to see a new culture and country where I would be part of the culture, get the chance to work in it, and meet new people. I felt sad knowing that I would be far away from my family for the first time. Now, even with all my research I felt uncertain, because even knowing what I might expect was not enough, because it is something new which can go in any direction, but with the support I had I was able to push forward.

Prior to my departure, I was full of mixed emotions. After my family said goodbye I was alone and all I could do was maintain myself. As I was trying to find my way to my first flight I was slightly confused, but I was very fortunate to have met friendly people along the way willing to help. I will especially be thankful to an angel of a woman, who sat by me from Portland to Houston, she was such a confidence booster. I can honestly say that for being my first flight, alone, I felt like I did pretty ‘good’ even though I was shaky every time the plane would take off and land. This was definitely a memorable and amazing learning experience.


I took both of these pictures, one before my departure and the other one as I was in the air heading to Houston, Texas from Portland, Oregon.

I took both of these pictures, one before my departure and the other one as I was in the air heading to Houston, Texas from Portland, Oregon.


Advice to Students Traveling to Costa Rica

I have been thinking of some things that I wish people had told me before I arrived, so I thought I would share with anyone else who may check here before studying abroad in Costa Rica!

1. Packing: Do NOT listen when they tell you to underpack because many of the same things are available to purchase in CR.
Everything here is WAY WAY WAY more expensive. I mean like $5-8 per bottle of shampoo/conditioner (yes even their brands) expensive. Once I left the airport, I never had to haul all of my luggage around anywhere, so as long as you can carry it in the airport you should be fine.

Here are some things to make sure you bring PLENTY of:
–Sunblock 30 SPF or higher. This stuff is like $20 per small/normal size bottle here, and even if you’re like me and NEVER burn in the States, it is inevitable if you don’t wear sunscreen here.
–Mascara/eyeliner. $22/bottle of Covergirl here. I found one knockoff brand in La Fortuna thankfully that was only $4, but obviously doesn’t work very well. The only brands I have seen are covergirl and loreal parís. Eyeliner is $10-15 per pencil too. Ouch.
–2 pairs of tennis shoes. The sidewalks here eat your shoes, especially sandals, so you will need two pairs of tennis shoes if you plan to be here longer than a month or two. Dont even think about buying some here unless you want to drop $150.
–Shampoo/Conditioner. $5-8 per bottle.
–CLOTHES. My goodness I way underpacked in regards to clothes. I was so proud of myself before I came for not overpacking and then regretted it for sure! Remember that you are LIVING here. Bring comfy clothes, workout clothes, a couple dresses/going out clothes, and normal outfits. Laundry is done 1-2 times per week so for example if all of your workout clothes are dirty then you are out of luck or have to buy more to get by.
–Book (or download ebooks): Honestly I do not read that much back home but you find that you spend a good amount of time in transit here, not just on the plane rides. It will help take your mind off of the busses.

2. There are a lot of American fast food restaurants here. Everywhere…its so strange to see. Wendys, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Carls Jr, Popeyes…the list goes on and on. I would not recommend Burger King though because I know a few people who got food poisoning from BK… yuck.

3. Ticos (the locals).
In my experience the Ticos other than those who are in your host family are not particularly friendly. In fact the older they locals are, the friendlier they seem. Cab drivers will usually try to make conversation, but students your age just ignore you. If you really want to try and make local friends then do not be in groups of foreigners and you need to be able to initiate conversation.
I have met students here from Mexico, the US, etc. who speak Spanish well enough, but have yet to be able to actually make Tico friends. The students at my school are very self-focused and just seem to care about their arts (fashion, photo, architecture, etc). So MY advice would be to not spend all of your energy trying to make local friends to hang out with. Sure try and talk to them sometimes and interact when you can, but they also like to cancel last minute so don’t take it too personally if you aren’t making any local bffs. Instead enjoy time with you host family, new friends, and roommates. Find other people from the same program and start talking!
Also, they walk EXTREMELY slow for the most part. Like impossibly slow. So sometimes you just need to pass them and not worry about being rude, or you will be 15 minutes late to wherever you are going and will most likely have to stop multiple times on the sidewalk in order to not run in to them.

4. San Jose is kind of ugly, and if you go outside of San Jose to travel chances are lots of people will try to speak to you in English unless you look like a local. I was shocked as to how much English people tried to speak to me when I traveled on the weekends. If you respond in Spanish though they will often times switch back, at least to some Spanglish.

So to those reading, do not just think that Costa Rica is horrible and people are not friendly. While there is some truth to that, it is not necessarily true for all people here. I have met many friendly locals and I have the BEST host family ever! I personally just would have been happier and felt more prepared if someone had told be some cold hard truths before I arrived.


My FAVORITE Weekend So Far!

This last weekend was AMAZING. I am so glad my roommates made me go!

I went to Monteverde (in the mountains) with 2 of my roommates and honestly had the best time of my life. We went on a canopy tour that was SO much fun, with the longest single cable in Latin America, as well as 2 Superman style LONG cables, a little rappel, and a tarzan swing.

It was a beautiful day, and I love zip lining so I had a blast! The tarzan swing was kind of scary at first, but it was used as out pre-bungee jump prep. Good thing we did that first!!



If you are ever in Monteverde, Costa Rica I HIGHLY recommend the 100% Adventura Canopy Tour. It is definitely the most fun and is even cheaper than the one at Extremo. Plus the superman style is included in the price, and there are 2 instead of 1.

Then came bungee jumping. Oh. My. Goodness. I was in shock that I actually went through with it for a couple days afterwards, but that bungee jump was SO amazing!! It was crazy and terrifying for about 30 seconds total (pre jump and the first few seconds of the free fall), but so much fun! I am so happy that I went through with it! Here the only option is Extremo, which has the highest bungee jump in all of Latin America. And I went on it. Best $60 spent in my entire study abroad experience. What is really cool too is that you get to have a GoPro attached to your wrist, so I was able to purchase a sweet video of myself jumping and the GORGEOUS view for a very reasonable $15.

Me bungee jumping, photo taken by my roommate.

The rest of the weekend I got to hang out with some other students from my school here who happened to be at our hostel too, look through the souveneir shops, and take pictures of the lovely little (VERY little) town.

Ready to dive into week three of March!!
Hasta luego!

And another week passes by… My advice to those learning a new language.

Wow, 2 weeks of March down already!

I am currently in my 3rd Spanish language/gramar class, but am struggling with my conversational Spanish now. My brain is so packed full of information now that I fel like I am hitting a Wall. It is disappointing and discouraging since I have been living here for three months, but since I am not as submerged in Spanish as I expected I am not progressing as quickly. Also, its important to remember that learning another language is no easy feat. So it should be expected to go through a period where you feel stuck or are just not speaking as much. At least that is what I tell myself to get by right now! The language clases here are very intensive and we cover a semester’s worth of material in 4 weeks, so I am just focusing on enjoying my time and not studying 24/7 since I will have time to continue to study what I am currently learning once I return home

My advice to students learning a new language, especially in another country:
1. Give yourself time. Immersion helps A TON, but if you’re like me and am not being as immersed as you expected, then don’t expect the exact same results. If you are speaking a lot of your native language still it will be harder to switch to Spanish-mode (or any other language that you learn.)
2. TRY to immerse yourself! When I first arrived, there was ONLY Spanish for the first couple of days and I was worried that it would just be so exhausting to keep up. I almost wonder though if it has been more exhausting for me to keep switching back and fourth between English and Spanish. Once I have been using my Spanish more it comes easier and I start thinking in that language, so try to get to the point where you can start using the other language for everything!
3.Practice your accent. Thankfully a native accent comes pretty naturally with my Spanish unless I am really tired and start pronouncing words as if they were in English, but I know most people are not so lucky. It pains me to hear other students speaking with more advanced gramar than I know, but with such an American accent that sometimes I dont even know what theyre saying. If youve come this far to speak ‘Spanish, make the effort to REALLY speak it, and not just say Spanish words in English.
4. Enjoy and be proud of yourself! You are a very capable person and are learning something that gets harder to learn once you are older!

Pura Vida!

Month # 3! Starting out March with a great trip.

Ah finally into March!! It is so nice to put February behind me, and move closer to better trips and a shorter amount of time until I get to see my friends and family back home again!

March started out on a weekend this year. One that happened to be my BIRTHDAY! Yep, I spent my 20th birthday partying in Costa Rica… what a dream right? 😉

Two of my roommates, a friend, and I traveled up north to Tamarindo for the birthday weekend! My roommate, coincidentally also named Nicole, had her birthday two days after mine so this was OUR birthday weekend. I am not much of a partier, but it was fun. We met some cool people at the hostel we stayed in and went out with them.

I found that people there are very generous with their drinks, especially when it is your birthday. And one guy named Puma from Finland, who sounded like Andre the Giant, was thrilled that it was my birthday. He even sang me Happy Birthday in another language and it was so confusing that I didnt even realize it was a song. Haha good times celebrating with fellow travelers 🙂 We spent the eve of my birthday dancing and the night of my birthday on the beach, watching the sunset.


In Tamarindo, I also tried to surf, got a gnarly sunburn, and ate some delicious food!

What a great way to start out my 3rd month in Costa Rica!

My February in Costa Rica

One word describes my February in Costa Rica: Brutal.

February was NOT something I was hoping to go through, but thankfully I got through it.
Times can get tough when your roommates are all on edge and people are fighting all the time.

As far as my adventures during this month… they were okay. I went to Bocas Del Toro, Panama and was very disappointed. BUT I am sure if I went back I would enjoy it more. My experience with the hostel was horrible and my bed had bedbugs. The guys in Panama are much more vocal than in Costa Rica and in general people seem to be very upfront there, whereas in Costa Rica people are more passive. On top of that things were just pretty darn unorgainzed with my tour group, and crossing the Panama/ Costa Rica border was kind of scary. 1560639_10201846068376260_105361356_n
Sketchy bridge that we had to walk across to get into and out of Panama.

One (mostly) nice thing about my weekend in Bocas was the trip to Starfish beach. We hung out in hammocks and others played volleyball on the beach for a while while I waited 2 hours for my lunch. At least the coconut rice was AMAZING.


Not too much else happened while I was here. I missed my sisters 18th birthday back at home, and of course I missed Valetines Day/ my 3 year anniversary.

My Spanish continued to improve this month though, which was good!
2 Spanish clases down, 2 to go!

Saying goodbye to beautiful people, a beautiful country and an amazing experience.

As I pack all my things to get ready to head home tomorrow, I can’t help but reflect on everything that has happened in these three months. Last night, my office crew took me out for a nice good bye dinner and it was a wonderful way to end my journey.

Out to dinner before I leave the office to return home! The 2 people to my right in the picture are 2 of my office crew and the other is a junior coach at the Tennis Centre. These are some of the most amazing, loving, welcoming people I have ever met!

Before I left for my crazy adventure, I had so many emotions flowing that it didn’t even seem real until I was on the plane headed to my new home. Traveling alone was something I had never done, and to be traveling thousands of miles away without anyone was really terrifying. I ended up finding out so much about myself and gained a whole new perspective of life and will be forever thankful for my experience and everything I have learned.

I have had the most amazing time here and am not at all ready to go home. I loved everyone I worked with and will cherish every laugh, every boring job assignment and every walk up the hill to work forever. I gained relationships that I thought I would never make after being alone for the first month without a roommate and I hadn’t met any friends yet. But after that first month, I had made relationships that I know will last a lifetime. I gained knowledge and experience working at the tennis center that I can carry with me and I can’t thank my office crew enough. My time here has been nothing short of amazing, I can’t even put into words what this experience has done for me. While at times I felt like I wasn’t learning and growing as much as some students who go to countries with cultures a lot different than ours in America, I realized I grew and learned a lot just in different ways. The next time I reflect and write, I’ll be in the US dreaming of my time and waiting for the day that I get to come back to this beautiful country!