Two Weeks!

I cannot believe I’ve only been in London for two weeks, it feels like much more time! I have really gotten in a rhythm here which has been nice. Classes are all going great and the field trips have been really fun. I’ve definitely had to learn some patience when traveling with such large groups, but we’ve seen some great sights so it is worth it. The big trips I’ve taken so far are to Stonehenge and Scotland. I’m in Scotland right now for the weekend and it is amazing. Beautiful country and I wish I could spend more than a weekend here! London is great, but very very busy and Scotland is much more relaxed which is right up my alley. I think that’s why I have enjoyed my Downton Abbey class field trips so much, because we go see these county homes that are miles out in the country and we have to walk to them and it is just so peaceful to be surrounded with nature.

There is a nice balance with the city and the country though so it’s nice to see both sides. Somethings that I’ve learned about the city that surprised me were that the street performers, and the performers in the tube, have to audition and then are licensed to perform in certian spots and at certian times. This just surprised me because at home we have people downtown who just play what and whenever they want, but I like it this way. The players in the tube are not playing during rush hour traffic which is smart because during rush hour the amount of traffic is crazy! And they would just be in the way, plus people would be stopping all the time. Instead they play at night and it is so much fun to hear them and their music floating through the tube. The other crazy thing here are all the motorcyclists who have these clipboards and paper set up on their handle bars while they are driving. Turns out they are studying for the test to become a taxi driver. The tests here to become a taxi driver are very intensive and it takes years before you can be an official taxi driver! Just a few interesting things I’ve learned about the city so far!


Penshurst out in Kent. Very beautiful house and land!




The tube


I am about five hours away from heading to the Portland Airport to begin my trip to Queretaro, Mexico. I am honestly feeling very anxious to go on this trip alone. I’ve actually been to Mexico a few times, being that my dad is from a Guadalajara, Jalisco. I haven’t been to Mexico in about 13 years so to say that I know what’s is waiting for me would be a lie.

This is a taco stand that I remember are everywhere in Mexico and if my memory serves me right they always have the best tasting tacos. You do have to be careful to what you’re eating simply because your stomach isn’t ready for some of the foods and will make you sorry for eating that kind of food. So, I will be watching what I eat for sure.

This is a Catholic Church and even thought I don’t know where this one is located I can tell you that there will be something similar to it close to where I’ll be for the next six weeks.

I am very excited for this chapter in my life and I can’t wait to fast forward to next year when I can say that this trip has been the best thing I have done throughout my college days. Until next time. Hasta luego.


Hello, My name is Mario Barba and I am a senior at Western about to begin my first term in the Education Program in the Fall. I am going to Mexico to study spanish so I will be able to complete my Bilingual/ESOL endorsements making me more marketable for my ultimate goal of being a bilingual elementary school teacher.
I am very excite to go on this journey and hope that all go well and I come back comfortably speaking and writing spanish.

Week #3

Let’s talk about our trip to D.F! The capital of Mexico! Boy oh boy was that fun. I was on high-alert the whole trip because there are SO many people everywhere. It takes a little over 3 hours to get there on the bus we took. The whole weekend we visited museums and walked around a lot. I more or less enjoyed the trip! Just got a bit claustrophobic at certain points. I missed my Mexican family a lot…and we were only 3 hours away so I’m not sure what I’ll do when I have to come back to the states 🙁

One of my Mexican friends here invited me to hang out after school one monday so I said I could go! I had no idea we were leaving the state of Queretaro….we took a 2 hour road trip to Guanajuato…on a Monday…and I didn’t get home until about 9. It was really fun though! We talked in Spanish the whole day too so I got plenty of practice! This week is my first week switching into 300 level Spanish so we’ll see how well I can do! 200 level was pretty easy for me so I was pretty bored most of the time….

Week 1 Querétaro, Mexico

Ah, I can’t believe how fast this trip has gone, I don’t want to go home at all 🙁 Alright, now I suppose I ought to catch the online blog up with my journal.

So the first week three other students from WOU and I came down to QuerĂ©taro a bit early with Carmen Cascaeda, our amazing advisor. The first thing I noticed after getting off the plane was that the airport was not air conditioned at all. It was warm, a bit muggy, and definitely crowded. I also noticed that a lot of the advertisements were in English, or had English on them, and though there were signs, I don’t think I could have found my way to the proper spot without Carmen leading. The bus ride to QuerĂ©taro was only eventful in that there was a lot of traffic and the driver decided to take an alternate route which added and extra two hours to our trip and landed us in QuerĂ©taro around 1am. A bit late for already tired travelers. Actually, I can’t complain much because I slept for pretty much the entire trip. One thing that shocked me with the taxis and later with almost every vehicle I have been in- they don’t use seat belts here! Some cars have them (in working condition), but few people ever use them and that’s usually just the driver.

We eventually made it safely to our hotel- Hotel Señorial, which was a beautiful old-fashioned hotel in the heart of el Centro Historico.


The first morning we walked to a little near-by restaurant for breakfast and had our first taste of authentic Mexican cuisine. The orange juice was fresh squeezed, the coffee (cafĂ© de olla) was the only coffee I’ve ever liked, and the food was delicious. I did notice though that the eggs had a lot of oil, enough to drip out when I put some in a tortilla.


After breakfast we walked to an indoor market that sold just about everything. It was really fun to look but we only bought a little bit of sweet bread (delicious).

After the market we went on a pilgrimage to find sunscreen, and just generally explored el Centro. Two notable occurrences would have to be talking to the guy at the Bernal sweets shop, and taking a tour of an elementary school. The shop owner told us stories about La Peña de Bernal and showed us the animals in the rock face which was really cool, and then gave us goat milk sweets which were like extra delicious caramels. The school was really neat- one of the oldest in QuerĂ©taro. The students weren’t there because it was the afternoon break time, but we got to peek into the classrooms and meet some of the teachers.


One of the teachers gave us her number, and we decided to get together later to go dancing. We also walked all the way to the other end of town to go to a viewing point form which we could look out over the city and see the arches. It was neat but it was really quite a walk.


We went back to the hotel to lay down for awhile, because we were meeting our teacher friend at 10pm and going to the Plaza de Armas (one of many plazas in QuerĂ©taro). The plazas at night were/are awesome.  There are lights and music and people everywhere. There are vendors and performers and children playing with flying light-up toys that I coveted too. We met some friends of our teacher friend, and then walked to the antro (dance club) from there. The first one we tried (La Mulata) wouldn’t let us in because Josh was wearing flip-flops and it was the sort of place where you needed to dress up. In the end we drove to a different antro called Club Latino where we got our first introduction to Cumbia. I honestly think it was one of the most fun nights of my life. I danced for hours and I may not have been very good but I definitely enjoyed myself. We didn’t get back to the hotel until 2am but it was worth every second.

Day two started with another delicious breakfast, this time a croissant sandwich for me and molletes (beans and cheese on bread; delicious) for Josh and Courtney.


After breakfast we went on a tour of the city on the trolley, and it was fun even though I only understood a fraction of what the tour guide said.


We even went and visited the place where Maximilian was executed by firing squad… yay?


We ate lunch at a place that we were pretty sure converted into a bar at night, and I had my first taste of mole which I hated (only food I’ve disliked so far, actually).


We spent the rest of the day exploring the city some more and catching up on sleep.


Day three had a calm start to it. I went to church with Quo friends and then met back up with the group in time to be dispatched to my host family.


My host family welcomed me warmly and I love everything about living here, well, except Leonin the dog. He is sweet most of the time but the first morning that I went into the kitchen to get some water before school he barked his head off and completely terrified me. Anyway, the house here is fairly similar to houses in the US, but it is in a very small gated community with other similar houses, it is more colorful, and it tends towards tile and painted metal.


The location is perfect because I’m in el Centro and only about a 15 minute walk from the school in the mornings. After I got settled in a little bit, my host mom and her daughter took me with them on their errands including two bookstores and Costco- I even got Costco frozen yoghurt!


Monday was the first day of classes… the beginning of the end if I’m allowed to be melodramatic about it.


My first two classes are spanish language in context (Lengua en contexto) which is mainly about the social, political, and cultural context of Mexico, and composition which is mainly grammar review and writing. The first teacher, Alejandro, was a bit intimidating because he put us on the spot and expected us to answer, which is not something I’d dealt with before in spanish. The second teacher Nadia is young and very sweet, but also has an excellent way of explaining concepts so that they make sense. she also writes words on the board if we don’t know them, which I really appreciate because then I know how to spell them, and it also makes them easier to remember. After classes we went to a restaurant and had a buffet lunch with all of the students and their host moms from session 2. The restaurant’s name was Las Monjas and their tortilla soup was fabulous. That night I went with a group of students from sessions 1&2 to college bar, which was a lot of fun.

Tuesday was my first day with ESOL class at La escuela de Gabi and it was very different that what I was expecting. All my classes here are small, but it’s one thing to have a new class be very different, and another to have a normal ESOL class be in a tiny little bare-bones classroom with three other students. The only equipment there in the room is a whiteboard and some desks. It is very different but it’s kind of fun that way.

Wednesday was Laurie (our resident director)’s birthday and so we had tres leches cake at la escuela de Gabi after classes. It was my first time trying that type of cake, and I’m a convert :).


Some observations from my first week in QuerĂ©taro: I was right about the cobble-stones, don’t ask me how I knew. I love the cobble stone streets and sidewalks. I have no clue how girls navigate them in heels, but they do. People dress up a lot more here, especially at night. I’m pretty sure girls are obsessed with their footwear because they all wear fancy shoes and at night they all wear deadly looking heels. I don’t think I would last five minutes in their shoes on these streets, but then again they all seem to have a guy to cling to. That’s another thing, couples are *very* open with affection here. It is a common occurrence for there to be couples making-out randomly anywhere any time of day, and no one bats an eyelid. It has been hard enough for me to adjust to the whole air kissing people’s cheek in greeting thing, but the rampant PDA kind of shocked me. Also, society here seems a bit more paternalistic than the US, and they definitely treat men and women differently. For one thing, in many bars and antros men have to pay a cover charge and possibly get patted down, but women do not. Men do many of the traditional gentlemanly things too, like opening doors, pulling out chairs, acting protective etc that aren’t very common in the US (wish they were). There is also a lot more smoking here for both men and women.

Mexico Pre Departure

Hello everyone!

Before I make my pre departure post I just want to introduce myself really quick. My name is Aaron Cole and I will be studying spanish in Queretaro, Mexico for 6 weeks. I picked this trip because I wanted to better my spanish skills, and I know that there is no better way to do that other than to go to be immersed in a spanish-speaking country. I am minoring in spanish, so this program is a really great opportunity to get some credits that I need and greatly improve my spanish. I know several other people who have done this trip in the past and I have heard nothing but great things about is, so I am really excited to go!

carne-asada-tacos (I am especially excited about the food)

I am going up to Portland tonight and catching a plane tomorrow morning, so the moment of departure is finally here. The entire summer I knew it was coming, but it hasn’t really sunk in until now. Part of me still doesn’t really believe all the way that is it happening. I know I will get off the plane in Mexico City and be overwhelmed with all the spanish, but I will get used to it.

One of my goals for my time in Mexico is to look as little as possible like a gringo. I realize that this will be extremely difficult since I am really white with blonde hair and blue eyes, but I want to fit in as much as possible. I want to experience the culture from the inside rather than see it from the outside like a tourist.

Gringos I will try to blend in better than these guys

Now I think I will go spend the next 24 hours or so switching my mind over to spanish so that I’m not so culture shocked tomorrow.

Week 3!

Week 3 can be summed up in a picture or two, but I cannot upload pics to this blog so I will try my best to explain what I experienced. This week, I traveled to a remote village in the valley called Kuda. Our group took a bus to get there and every time the bus passed some small towns it felt like we were going back in time. The more we made it into the valley, the less amenities there were. Once we got to the village–which was a farming village–we were transported back in time. There were farmers using oxen to plow the fields, and mothers using stone tablets to cook food on. Then there were farmers sewing the fields with rice. I even got to help them plant some rice. Like I said, we were transported back in time and it was a humbling experience. I got to see what most foreigners never see. Usually foreigners stay in the city and see tourist attractions. As for me, I rather skip all the tourist attractions and see how real people live and interact. The attractions will always be there to take pictures.

Other than traveling I have been hard at work at the internship.

Kuda Tending to the rice Rice Fields

Tending to the fields

Tending to the fields

Just walkin the oxen

Just walkin the oxen

Village DSC00855 DSC00857 Rice Fields

It was raining pretty heavily

It was raining pretty heavily

DSC00863 Village DSC00865

from the left: Bhargov, Jatin, Dharmavirsingh, Vinish, Manda

from the left: Bhargov, Jatin, Dharmavirsingh, Vinish, Manda

Rice Fields

Just being happy

Just being happy

This is one of the interns named Bhargov

This is one of the interns named Bhargov

Sowing the rice

Workin real hard

Workin real hard

Rice Fields Fields

Week #2

Oh my goodness! I’ve been so busy I totally spaced writing in this blog! I keep a journal though so I’ve been keeping track of everything I’ve been doing! I absolutely love my family here and I don’t even want to think about leaving soon. Let’s see….we’ve had a bunch of activities going on after school. We went to cooking class but that wasn’t at all what we were expecting because it was at the same restaurant where almost everyone got sick from the food. I did get sick. Went to the doctor when I thought I wasn’t feeling well and he said he thought I had appendicitis or maybe some ovarian cysts. I freaked out. I had to go get blood drawn for the first time in my life…in Mexico. But I’m fine! No appendicitis as far as my blood test goes! A couple days later I actually got sick from food poisoning so I just slept all day. I’ve met quite a few people here through my ESOL class and I’ve been hanging out with some of them and helping them with english! I’ll explain in Spanish and talk in Spanish and they’ll reply in English! It’s actually really fun for me to teach them even though it’s difficult! They’ve been telling me that I don’t even need Spanish classes because I speak so well and understand a lot which is good to hear! I don’t exactly agree because there are still a lot that I don’t know. We’ll see how the rest of this trip goes! I’m having fun though!

Week Three!

This week was very fun, but also very tiring! During the weekend (last weekend) the group and I went to Mexico City. Mexico City reminds me a lot of New York, everyone always moving, the city coming to life after dark, people dressed nicely… With saying this, Mexico City I would have to say was (so far) my least favorite place on this program. There was just too much packed into such a short time. My favorite place was the Frida Kahlo Museum, in my past Spanish Classes I was taught a lot about Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, so to be able to actually see their house and their art work, was just amazing. The other place that we went to was Teotihuacan. This place was just amazing, the history that is held deep in the walls of the places and the work that went into creating these enormous structures was just amazing. Climbing the Pyramid was an amazing experience as well! I am just so overwhelmed with how nice the people are here and how willing they are to help you find where you are going or help fix the way that you said something, if it was wrong. Some friends and I got a little lost this last week looking for our school and we ran into this very nice man who was walking in that direction and was willing to show us where to go…later we realized that he miss understood us and took us to the opposite university, but it was still nice of him, and we also got a chance to communicate with another local! My uncle was here these past 5 days just visiting and that was so amazing! Im glad that he was able to be here, because his host was able to recommend places to eat and visit, giving me an advantage of knowing more areas! I also now have more friends in Queretaro, for future visits! Any ways its getting late here so this is all for now! 🙂Screen shot 2013-07-21 at 8.46.55 PM

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Introduction: Courtney Barrett (China)


My name is Courtney Barrett, I wanted to take the time to introduce myself to the WOU study abroad blog. In just 2 weeks I will be leaving for China to study Traditional Chinese Medicine! I chose to travel to China because their culture is completely different from ours; China is a country with so much history, culture, and tons of people. Ever since I was little my dad often traveled to China on business, I was always so fascinated with the currency they use and the special desserts he would bring back. It has been a dream of mine to study abroad and now I get to travel to the country I most desire. I am thrilled for the opportunity and I cannot wait to share my experiences!

Thanks! I will be posting again in one week right before I depart!