Letting things Go

I can not say, I did anything really exciting other than meeting with other NGOs and exchanging cultural and business ideas. While I was in these meetings I felt I needed to reassess what I had done for this NGO and think what I actually could do. I have a passion for working with people who want to empower other people, but I felt I stretched myself to thin. I wanted to do everything from creating networks to creating programs for the NGO that I was working for. When I realized I could not do this, I needed to find a solution to my problem.

What I realized was that I need to let things go because India as a whole is very complex with so many layers. Each state of India has its own traditions, songs, language, and dance that is essential to that state’s culture. So when it comes to me; Kevin Kronenfeld who is an American who does not speak the language, does not know the songs, does not know the dances, and does not know the culture that well believes change can happen in a matter of 10 weeks, well that cannot happen! I just need to let things go and think of this as a holistic experience where I have a chance to gain so much more than I actually put into this organization. The ability to learn and understand India takes time. People say you have to live here for 6 months to truly understand the culture. What I think is that you have to watch, wait, and listen to fully immerse yourself in India.

As for the week 5, I am leaving my plans up to chance.

On a side note, if anyone reads that all Indians speak English in a guidebook, well that guidebook is telling half of the truth. Indians will try to make a effort to speak English because that is what they are taught in school, but their first language will be Hindi or their state language. Even if you speak English, they might not understand you because there are different types of English accents.

Pre-departure to China!

I am so ready to start my journey to China tomorroww! I find myself anxious, but excited at the same time. Tomorrow cannot come sooner; we leave from Portland at 11:30 am to Seattle and from Seattle we will venture to Beijing, China (about a 12 hour flight). I will be writing in again next week to reflect on this first week’s experiences and hopefully share some photos from the Great Wall!


Week 1 Impressions

I’m a little behind on my posting and the spotty internet hasn’t helped (actually my internet’s out right now).  When I finally woke up about Wednesday and got into the swing of things I started to notice the city and the people below the surface a little more.  As is I’m more of a watcher and on top of that one of my courses has a sociology angle to it applied to Berlin.  On Tuesday we visited some of the main sights Potsdamer Platz, Brandenburger Tor, Tiergarten and the memorial to persecuted homosexuals juxtaposed with the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe across the street, and ending at the Room of Silence to reflect.  All of this not as tourists but as students discussing what it means to the history of Berlin and for the people that visit there with an emphasis for the day on what makes a city center.  Potsdamer Platz was of particular interest for me with its rich history and superficial present.  For a little background; Potsdamer Platz was the heart of Weimar Berlin a worldwide symbol of decadence and splendor amid chaos, it even had the world’s first electric street signal.  During World War II it was heavily damaged and later completely bulldozed for the construction of the Berlin Wall. In the late 90s it was rebuilt in homage to what it represented in the 20s but instead it’s a grand memorial to internationalism and corporatism that is mostly populated by tourists and has a false empty feel to it.  I love it, especially for a coffee or a beer on the way home from exploring the Mitte or Kreuzberg which are completely different, one being reconstructed old Berlin and the other old alternative Berlin.  Berliners don’t really go to Potsdamer Platz they think it’s fake it’s touristy and overpriced.  I wouldn’t spend too much time there but nevertheless I think it’s an important part of Berlin one of the city’s many centers even though it’s nothing like the Alexanderplatz area that is Berlin’s functional center.  I don’t have anything against Potsdamer Platz because it’s so commercial that’s just the changing times and I think Berliners will warm up to it in a few more years as the city continues to change.  For now it’s beautifully modern with relaxing background music and colored lights behind never ending panes of glass.


This is a picture of a piece of original wall from a 20s era hotel incorporated into a new building in Potsdamer Platz

This is a picture of a piece of original wall from a 20s era hotel incorporated into a new building in Potsdamer Platz

Piece of the Berlin Wall in Potzdamerplatz, only for tourists probably not even from there

Piece of the Berlin Wall in Potzdamerplatz, only for tourists probably not even from there

Very interesting and highly symbolic, no words only a video playing on the inside

Very interesting and highly symbolic, no words only a video playing on the inside

It's like a maze, the ground slopes down toward the center about 3 meters

It’s like a maze, the ground slopes down toward the center about 3 meters

Makes a great orientation point as you wander the city

Makes a great orientation point as you wander the city

I had to take my own Brandenburg Gate picture

I had to take my own Brandenburg Gate picture

Week two in London!

I cannot describe what an amazing experience this has been! I have seen more things sense I have been here than all year.  These have been two of the very best weeks. I have seen things I couldn’t even imagine, and met people I will never forget. I have learned so much about myself in such a short time. I can hardly believe it has already been two weeks, but at the same time it seems like I have been in London for so much longer.

I have really been enjoying my time in London. I have been trying to fit a lot of things in these two weeks because I know time is going to start flying bye. My class took a field trip to The Winston Churchill Museum and The War Rooms. It was definitely worth seeing. It is hard to imagine what living though a war would be like, but walking through this, it gave me a little taste of what thousands of people were forced to live through. The war rooms are all underground, and you really get that feeling. No natural light, and a bit of a musty smell accompanies the the war rooms. 

I had been told the shopping here is really great, and that was no lie! They have so many different markets as well as stores. Because of the unexpected heat wave I have had to buy more summer clothes, and it has been very easy! The only hard part is the exchange rate. I exchanged 100 U.S dollars and in return got 54 pounds. I try to keep this in mind when buying things, that it ends up being almost double of the price in the U.S.

I only have two weeks left. I can’t believe it! As of now I am not even close to ready to be going home. I have already started planning where I will want to go on my next visit to the UK.


Week one in London


A few times a day I remind myself that I am in LONDON! I can’t believe it has only been a week due to the fact I have already seen so many things! One of the first things I noticed was the insane amount of people everywhere moving 1000 miles per hour, all so involved in their own lives.  I felt like an outsider looking in on a whole different world. Once the craziness settled down, I was really able to enjoy all the new smells, sights, and sounds of London. 

One of my favorite experiences was going to Stonehenge. I learned about the Stonehenge in art history, so it was really neat to actually see and hear about it in person. The day we went was beautiful, we were told that it was once of the nicest days. Not only was it amazing to see, but I met some really amazing people from CCSA on that excursion. If you get the chance I would highly recommend partaking in this field trip.

Also, I have had enjoyed spending time in the coffee shops around town, it is a great  way to get some homework done while enjoying a local feel, and being able to people watch. It is also nice because they usually have such a wonderful smell of coffee and baked goods.

I am looking forward to many more new experiences while I continue my say in London.

Arrival in Mexico

I actually arrived in Mexico last Thursday night, but I haven´t had much chance to get online until now. My arrival at the airport was fairly easy. Having been to Mexico before, the change to spanish- was not nearly as difficult as the first time. The hostel I stayed at was really nice. It was situated downtown at the main square of the city. Everyone there was really nice, and I felt very comfortable there.

IMG_1979[1]This was the view from the terrace of the hostel.

Walking around the city, I could already tell that I was in a different country. Other than the fact that everyone was speaking spanish, the city had a very different feel than any US city that I have been to. We don´t have giant cathedrals in the US like the one in the above picture. Additionally, while walking around the city I found a lucha libre randomly going on in the park. They had set up a stage, and there was a big crowd gathered around to watch.

IMG_1967[1]This is so Mexican — I love it!

The lucha libre really sealed the deal; At this point I knew that I was for sure in Mexico.

Week #4

I cannot believe it’s week 4 already!! We went to a Karaoke place and sang in spanish and some english songs too! We went to a real fútbol game! Soccer! It was so much fun and so cool to experience! Especially for less than $20! A couple of my new friends here invited me to a BBQ where I got to meet more new people and learn to dance and learn some spanish songs! Definitely got to practice my spanish too! The food looked delicious but I didn’t eat anything since I ate beforehand. We went to a water park! It wasn’t what I was expecting but it was still fun! Public transportation is not fun at all! I hope I never have to ride the bus again….classes are getting more and more interesting and I swear they are getting shorter too! Everything is starting to pile up! Studying for finals and writing final papers and it’s getting a bit stressful. Only a week left until I come home though! It’s so weird! I feel like I just got here! I’m ready to leave but at the same time I definitely want to stay here longer…

About to leave!

I am going to be leaving soon for the land of Oz! (Australia) I am really excited!! there are a few things that I can think of that I will be doing there or things that might be there. I know I will see a kangaroo there, also I think there wont be any cooperations there like walmart or fredmeyer. Also I am hoping the people there are friendly towards americans! I also think I will make a lot of new friends. and I am expecting everyone there to be surfers for the most part!
The next post I will have will be for week and I will be there in newcastle!!

Week Four!

Well we are coming down to our last week of the program and its been nice to sort of take a break from going going going. We actually had a weekend where we just got to relax! We also finally had time to do our homework in a timely manner! This last weekend my Uncle came to visit from the states so I was able to spend a little time with him, showing him my home away from home. He loved it here! We went out with the group to dinner, on friday and he was able to practice his Spanish. Then saturday we went to a little Ghost Town called Pozos. It was AMAZING! We went down into a mine and even tried our hand at “mining”. Im thinking teaching is a better career choice for me… after that we went out to dinner with his host. Oh my gosh it was the BEST tacos I have eaten yet! The locals sure know how to pick the places! We stayed up until 2 or 3 in the morning just talking! Not sure if that was such a great idea though since we decided to go back to Bernal on Sunday! My Uncle wanted to hike to the top, and I said ok ill do it again! It was such an amazing experience the first time I couldn’t pass it up. Once we climbed Bernal, we went to a town called Taquisquiapan, where we met my host family for dinner and shopping! I am absolutely in love with this city and the people here. I will be saddened to leave in a week, but am also excited to see my family and friends back in the US. Screen shot 2013-07-28 at 11.10.50 AM

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Screen shot 2013-07-28 at 11.13.56 AM

Week 4!

And it’s down to only one week left in Mexico! I’m a little sad but am ready to head home! It’s hard being abroad and hearing about everything my family and boyfriend go out an do. I’m having a wonderful experience here but just always feel like I’m missing out. If only I could be in two places at once! Today my older sister is giving birth to her first baby and I’m so sad that I’m not there to see my first niece. But I will meet her in one week!

As I’ve been here I’ve noticed many differences between my culture and the one here. For starters couples, no matter what age, are very affectionate in public. Not something you see very often in the US. I have become more use to it than the first week I was here but it still surprises me. One professor helped me understand why by telling me that children here typically live with their parents until they get married so they don’t have as much privacy when it comes to relationships. In the US many children move out at 18 or go away for college and have more private time which explains why they are more open about it. Makes much more sense now!

The time here is very different also. Being late isn’t a big deal here and everyone is okay with that. Personally I find it very frustrating because I’m use to American time where it’s important to be on time or let people know in advance that you are running late. This morning some friends and I went to grab breakfast at a restaurant and it was a little crowded so we waited but they didn’t seem to be trying to hurry for us to be seated even though there were open tables. Not the worst thing in the world but when when that happens almost every time you go out it gets a little old..but that is just part of the culture here!

All in all week four was a little stressful as were all the others but I’m down to my last week! Three days of classes and then finals! I decided not to go anywhere with the group this weekend since it is my last weekend here. I just wanted to rest and buy gifts for my family and friends and hangout in the Centro. I love Queretaro and hope I can come back to visit after this trip!

mexican clownhuevos