Week 1

Well arriving in Mexico was smooth and all but getting around was the part that I was worried about. I know that bus drivers are crazy and full and I knew that it wasn’t going to be a easy drive. My senora took me to school the first day as if it was my first day of kindergarten. I was glad she did. I told her to tell me what bus to take home and that I would find my way home. She showed me where my bus would pick me up at and where to get off at. That’s all I needed. I made it home. Then we went to our arrival dinner. It was pretty good but I know what it’s like to be sick in Mexico and so I didn’t want to eat crazy so I limited myself. The next day my Senora asked me if I wanted her to take me to school again and I said No. I could do it. She said ok. I made it to school with time to spare. Just like I thought bus drivers are nuts and don’t use Blinkers or yield for pedestrians (which is something you have got to look out for). Roads are not the best either and well there are cars that all drive nuts. The good thing about the bus ride is that I drive up Ave. Saragosa which is completely down the Arcos. Which is something special about Queretaro. Arcos de Queretaro
These Arches or Arcos are about 400 years old and was created as an aqueduct to bring water to the City of Queretaro. Well like I had said I made it to school and back and after that I think my senora knew that she could relax about me. She was also thankful that I already knew spanish it made it easier for her. She had said that the student before me was a little difficult.
On Wedendsay Me and a few friends decided to go to a soccer game and we fell in love. We have made a packed to say that we are going to go to every game thats at home and that we are her for. So that was game one and they Los Gallos blancos de Queretaro tied Monterey 3-3! So we got to see 6 goals that night which was awesome!!!!!!Gallos Vs Monterey
First weekend we went to Bernal which a very small city about 40 minutes from Queretaro and it is home to “La peña de Bernal” which is the 3rd highest monolith in the world, and I had to opportunity to clime it, not all the way to the top and also night rock climbing but hiked to about 3/4 of the way up. I’m glad I had that opportunity. Bernal and Mario
Like I said I’m glad that I’m here safe and with no problems and I hope that It continues this way for the next 5 weeks!

Buenas Noches!


Week One:Macerata,Italy

The first time I arrived in Germany (where I was catching my connecting flight to Italy from) was when I noticed that I was the foreigner. Everyone around me was speaking in German and it all just sounded like gibberish. But the real culture shock happened when I landed in Bologna, Italy. At least in the German airport there were a lot of things in English. Here mostly everything was in Italian. The airport was super relaxed and security seemed very slim. I didn’t even have to go through customs-unlike when you land in the US. My first encounter with an Italian was when Sarah (my traveling partner) and I caught a bus to the train station. When we went to pay we didn’t have exact change and the bus driver was very confused. He was also a really crazy driver. Driving down the streets was gorgeous and surreal because it was exactly like the photos I had seen of Italy. Tall and narrow old buildings lined the street we were on. They were colorful with plants and laundry hanging outside different windows.

Getting to Macerata was such a struggle. Our flight from Washington DC to Munich, Germany was delayed 2 hrs which threw our entire journey off. Not only was it challenging figuring out the public transportation system but there was the language barrier. This was such a greater deal than I anticipated.

At the deserted train station...just hoping our train comes

At the deserted train station…just hoping our train comes

We managed to get to our hotel in Macerata at 11:30pm (or should I say 23:30 because they use military time) thanks to the help of many kind people. It thundered in the night and poured rain all the next day…not really what I was anticipating summer in Italy to be. But luckily I packed a few warmer clothes and a rain jacket.

Rainy Italy

Rainy Italy

Once we met up with the two other girls in the program (Marissa and Kris) and our site director (Filiberto) though, things (including the weather) started to turn up. Although I am very homesick and due to this find it hard to eat. Wish my laptop hadn’t broke on the way over as well…but the internet access here is very slim so not like that would change anything. I am also having issues finding a phone so I can just say hello to my loved ones. At least we are in our apartment, have started classes, and are starting to get settled here.We have also been assigned tandem partners to better learn the language so I now have an instant friend. We have been on many tours of the town, but I am tired, jet lagged, home sick, and due to this have a detachment of interest in all the things we are seeing. This weekend we are going to the beach!

My Italian Family

My Italian Family

So far I have learned that I am more independent than I thought, and more dependent than I thought. What I mean by this is that during all of the travelling I was able to figure out a lot of things and not afraid to try talking to people or asking people for help, which is something I have issues with back in the states-perhaps under pressure it forced me to do this? And being more dependent is in reference to how homesick I am feeling-and just within the first day I noticed it! During school in the states there are times when I go months without even talking to my family and yet here I severely miss them. Is it just the greater distance?

-Jolene Johnson

Return Home!

Arriving in the US was a great experience! Being able to understand everything that was said to me was a great feeling! I didn’t have to question whether or not I heard someone right! What has been interesting to me though is that since I’ve returned back I have answered some peoples questions in Spanish. Just simple questions that I answer yes to or say thank you but it sounds funny to me.

I’m thrilled to be back in the US with my family but do miss Mexico!

Week 1 – Mexico

My first week in Mexico has been great. I am now feeling pretty comfortable and settled in here. Sometimes I even catch myself thinking in spanish at the end of the day. The city is really nice, and quite different from Eugene. The city has a very colonial feel to it, with cobblestone streets and lots of beautiful churches. The sidewalks are also really skinny here, and it is often not possible for two people to walk side by side.

IMG_1982[1]This is a view at one of the main plazas in town. As you can see, the buildings are also much more colorful than in Eugene. Walking around, you see lots of reds, pinks and yellows. Also, some of the streets are made of red stones. I learned that this is because they come from a quarry near the city in which all the stones are red.

My spanish is going quite well. I talk with my host-mom everyday in spanish for a couple of hours, which is really good practice. Most of the other Oregon students don´t want to speak in spanish, but I made a few Mexican friends that I am able to speak spanish with. This was one of my goals before coming, and I have already done well with it. Before coming, I told myself that I wouldn´t just hang out with the other Oregon students; I wanted to meet Mexican friends and step outside of my comfort zone a bit. All in all, it has been a great week!


Week 3

I cannot believe that I only have one week left! Time has flown by and I am amazed at how much I have seen and done. Taking two classes keeps me very busy with field trips and homework, but I don’t mind. Since I am taking two classes, I have been able to see double the field trips, and for my Downton Abbey class we usually do two field trips a week which is great. My all time favorite field trip has been to Highclere Castle where Downton Abbey is filmed. There was some anxiety surrounding this field trip because we didn’t actually have tickets. Group tickets have been sold out since last summer, and individual tickets have been sold out since February. That being said we were all very nervous as to whether or not they would have any tickets for sale at the gate. Our worries were for nothing though because they had plenty! We were able to walk through the gardens, go through the house and of course hit up the gift shop! Something fun that I’ve been doing with friends from my Downton class, is that we try and have tea and scones at every country house we visit. Now I can add Highclere to my list of places I’ve had tea at! My other favorite field trip so far was for my Harry Potter class. We went into Scotland to Alnwick Castle which is where they filmed parts of Hogwarts for the first and second films, and then they used it as their model for the set. We saw where they learn to fly in the first movie and then some general exterior shots. The castle itself was beautiful, but inside the state rooms and the countryside were just amazing.

This past weekend I went to Paris. I have been once before in High School on one of those spring break trips, so I was only in Paris for two or three nights. So I was very excited to go back and see it again, and see if what I remembered was the same. I remembered it being very dirty and it was. Compared to London, Paris is filthy. I don’t know if it is because the people just don’t care, or they just don’t have as good sanitation services that London has. The other thing that I really noticed was how different their metro and bus system is. London’s transportation system is very efficient, very well kept up, and very clean. Paris on the hand is very confusing. Some lines on the metro maps are really only train lines, but they are not marked so. Needless to say we got very lost and turned around the first night, but after that we had a somewhat better handle on it. But we tried to stay above ground as much as possible! One thing about Paris that I found wonderful was their youth discount. They have great discounts for anyone under the age of 24. Some places require you to show a student id, others just ask your age. Because of this discount we were able to go into the Louvre for free! We also go a discount on the Eiffelimageimage Tower and a boat tour.


Well, My flight went as good as a flight can go. I got a window seat bought a great book and time litterally flew by. I arrived to Denver which was where my layover was a little early. I was worried that even thought my second flight was also with United airlines that it was going to be in a terminal miles away from where I was. When I got off the plane I immediatly went to the flight screens to see where my next terminal was going to be. I looked at the screen in a panic trying to find my flight. Finally I see it Mexico City leaving 10:10 am Gate B18 I quickly look around to see where I was and the gate that I had just got off a was gate B18. Is that some luck or what? Then I waited calmly and met another person who was going to study abroad with me as well. He is from La Grande. We made conversation and then it was time to board. Well, that flight went just as good as the first one. A little more of a rough landing but we landed. I get off the plan, and everything and I mean everything is in Spanish. I’m hispanic so I kept thinking Mario your mexican you should be able to read signs. Well, I couldn’t because when I arrived to the immigration line I just followed the people ahead of me and get in a line. I then saw my buddy Erik walk by, I then saw him going to a different much smaller line and it read “Foreigners” the line I was in read “MEXICANOS”! Man, my first mess up. Well, I got passed that and picked up my bags. Made it to the bus stop and there we waited for a guy named Tanner and two girls to show up so we didn’t leave them alone. Well, It was a pretty nice welcome and I hope it goes that well the Entire time. I couldn’t reach any internet so thats why this one is so late. I will post about week 1 tomorrow. I will leave you with a screenshot of the Denver Airport that I took to study so I knew where to run when I arrived in Denver. That way you know what I was fearful of.


Back in Oregon!

After my long flights home I’m finally here! As happy as I am with my experience abroad I am so glad to be back home! I was filled with emotions as I was walking towards my family at the airport, at first sight of them a huge smile took over my face and then as I was about half way to them I began crying. I missed my family so much and it was so good to see them again.

My arrival back in the U.S. gave me a feeling of relief, the complete opposite of how I felt after landing in London. My arrival in London was so overwhelming, there was so much to take in that it took me awhile to truly get settled in there and begin feeling comfortable. Arriving back home is coming back to a place that I know and I was actually excited to get back to my normal schedule and getting settled in to my new house here in Monmouth.

I do however miss things about the culture and lifestyle I had in London. I obviously miss the people, all the friends I made while abroad. Culturally I miss some of the food, like the sandwiches and how the foods there have simpler ingredients in them and appeared to be less processed than the food in America. I also miss how walking became such a big part of my day there because that was my only way around. It inspires me to make walking more of a habit here when it’s reasonable rather than driving places like school and the grocery store.

Being back home I appreciated my home, kitchen and being able to cook myself dinners again. I definitely appreciate having air conditioning again! But most of all I am just appreciating being around my family and loved ones again and spending time with them before school begins.

Like I’ve said, looking back on my overall experience abroad it was absolutely amazing. I learned so much about being in a different culture and I truly don’t regret a thing.

Pre Departure: Homeward bound

Time to go home tomorrow morning!

This experience wasn’t quite what I expected but a great one none the less! I had originally thought it would only take a few days to settle into the culture here and for some things I was right but there are some things I’m still not completely use to. For example the timing here is much more relaxed and everything seems to take longer because the people aren’t typically in a big hurry. I’ve really struggled with this and am more okay with it now but I think it would take me a long time to get use to it, if I ever could.

My second host family has been everything I pictured! They are wonderful people that I am going to miss so much! They’ve welcomed me into their home and treated me just as my real family would. I hope that I’m able to keep in touch with them and come back to visit! I’m so happy that I decided to change families and beyond grateful that I was placed here!

As I leave tomorrow it’ll be a little hard for me because I’ve gotten to know so many great people and I don’t like saying goodbye. However, I’m also really excited to be back in Oregon tomorrow night with my family. I’m definitely experiencing mixed emotions and hope that I can keep myself to together when I leave here and when I arrive in Oregon.


Week 5!

Well my fifth and final week is just about over! It’s surreal to me right now but I’ve had an amazing experience here in Queretaro!

Throughout my trip I have had many struggles with my health, my first host family, and just being away from my loved ones at home. The people involved in this program have really made the experience so much better for me! I have learned so much about the culture here and have had to adjust to many changes that I have mentioned in other posts. Although it was and still is difficult to live in another culture for five weeks and try to understand why they do things a certain way it is eye opening and I would encourage anyone to take part of it. I feel that I have gained so much knowledge by completely immersing myself in the lifestyle here. I don’t think I could have ever fully understood the culture here just by taking a class in the US about it.

In the fall I will continue pursing my teaching degree and my bilingual endorsement. I hope that I keep this experience with me and am able to continue traveling and really experiencing the cultures where a good majority of my students might come from!waldo

Preparing to go home:

Well I am now finishing my last day in Queretaro, Mexico and I a little sad to leave. While I am very excited to be home with my family and friends, it is sad to leave such wonderful people that I have meet here, behind. In looking back to my Pre-departure post, I was completely wrong. There are very tall buildings, many cars, and the city is very clean. There was not a time while being in Queretaro did I feel unsafe. I love this city and all the people in it. Queretaro will forever be my home away from home. Having been both in Spain and Mexico, I was trying to look for similarities, however, there are none that I have seen. Even though both are places that speak Spanish, the only other similarity is the way in which History is preserved for the culture. Screen shot 2013-08-02 at 4.20.14 PM

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