Volunteer Workshop and Handi Festival

The last two weeks I have been spending my time creating a workshop for volunteers. On top of that I had a random moment in the Handi festival.

Like I said, I was part of a team to coordinate a workshop for volunteers. The workshop was based off research that I relayed to the founder. Then we had other NGOs and volunteer managers who were interested in volunteer management discuss what their organizations were doing with volunteers. I even got to sit on a panel and answer some questions. The whole workshop was a success and I feel that people came away from the workshop with fresh ideas of how to strengthen their programs for volunteers.

Since that was my last project, I got to rest for my last week at my host organization. Then I would head to Delhi and Agra for a small vacation. Then make my way to Mumbai and fly off to America.

The last week of my internship consisted of me resting and attending the Handi festival. The resting was nice because I got to reevaluate what I had done for the organization and look back on my journal entries. While reading through these entries I saw generalizations and assumptions that I had in the beginning, but as weeks passed the generalizations became nothing to me. I had grown and I realized that these were only half truths and not the whole truth.

Then for Handi festival, the celebration was amazing and exciting. The celebration  is about Lord Krishna breaking an urn of milk and butter to give to the people. So the celebration goes as follows. There are big crowds, dance parties, loud music, and did I mention teams making human pyramids 15-20 feet high to grab the urn that Lord Krishna broke to give to the people.

The teams that form these human pyramids train for months for this event because if you win you getting bragging rights and money. As they are forming these pyramids the urn is hoisted on a rope that up in the air.

On a side note, as I was taking pictures of this event I was coerced to come to the dias and speak to the thousands of people who came to the event. I was pretty much awestruck from what was happening. They even had the honoured guest–her name was Akshaya Gurav who is a Marathi actress–give me a coconut for being there. The whole entire event was crazy, fun, and amazing.

My supervisor speaking at the workshop

My supervisor speaking at the workshop

The founder on the left

The founder on the left

A presenter

A presenter

the people I worked with that came to the workshop

Handi Festival

Handi Festival

Celebrity that gave me the coconut.

Celebrity that gave me the coconut.

Week 3 Mexico

I realize that it is well past week 3 at this point, but I will post anyway. I am definitely very comfortable here in Mexico at this point. I have kind of gotten into a rhythm and Queretaro almost feels like home now. Some people in the group have gotten homesick, but honestly I still feel great to be here. Other students have been craving hamburgers and they have been organizing hamburger outings, but honestly I don´t crave American food in the least bit. The food here is so much better than the food in the states, I can´t see myself ever getting tired of it. But I never really loved hamburgers that much anyway, so maybe that´s the reason why I don´t miss them.

We took a trip to go see Mexico City and the pyramids at Teotihucan, which was pretty awesome. The pyramid of the sun at Teotihuacan is apparently the biggest pyramid in the world (not the tallest, just the most massive). There are pyramids in Mexico City, but not much is left of them because the Spaniards used them to build cathedrals. It´s amazing to think that the City of Mexico is built on top of an ancient civilization. And that civilization was in turn built upon a different, older one. Things seem so much older here than back in the states. There aren´t really any ancient cities in the US.


IMG_2075[1]These are the ruins in Mexico City. I like this picture because it shows the old and the new. In the back you can see the big cathedral built from the stones of these ruins.

Week 4

Well this week was a slow week for me. Mostly because I didn’t have anything planned on the weekend which is the first time since I’ve been here. The funnest thing I did this week was go to another soccer game, but unlike any soccer game it was against one of the most favorited mexican teams. Las Chivas de Guadalajara. They are my favorite simply because my dad is from Guadalajara and we have cheer for them my entire life.
Chivas game
That was on friday and we all decided to go out after the game for one of the girls thats with us birthday. We are all missing a home a little so we decided on a burger place that was surprisingly good. After the game I walked home at around 12am which didn’t feel sketchy at all but we just won’t tell my mom I did that.
I woke up on Saturday at around 8 am simply because I can’t sleep in any later but I’m glad I did. My host mom invited me to a Baptism/birthday party, I without a thought said yes and it was really fun. It was buffet style so there was a lot of great food that I enjoyed. Tequila, cerveza, and agua de jamaica. All great options for adults. There was a piñata and a really good cake. We were one of the first to arrive and last to leave. We had a great time.
Sunday rolled around and again I wake up at around 8 am. Then my host my says. Would you like to cook me a meal again. I said yes. I asked if her daughter and son in law were coming over and she was real quick to invited them over for breakfast. I made them some fluffy scrambled eggs, with french toast. They made it seem like they were in love. The daughter loved the eggs the most. I was like wow. Those were the easiest to make. Then we all had a lazy sunday afternoon and they asked what I wanted to make for dinner and I was like, what?? Ok since I love to cook. I thought well I should show off my mexican food and see if they approved so I made ceviche and they loved it as well. They actually later told my that the daughter doesn’t like seafood but she loved my ceviche so I guess I impressed them with my cooking, which I’m glad I got to do simply because I love to cook at home and it made me miss my family. I’m more than half way through and home is looking closer and closer. I’m glad Im here but I’ll be happy going home.
Breakfast and lunch I made

Leaving For Scotland!

In just a few hours, I’ll be getting on the plane to go to Scotland. The closer I get to leaving, the more nervous I feel, but also the more excited. I think I’d be much more nervous if I wasn’t travelling around Scotland with my parents before I start orientation for the university on the ninth of September in Edinburgh.


Most of my ideas about Scotland come from my godparents, who are from the United Kingdom and are one of the reasons I chose to study in Scotland. One of them is Scottish and the other is English. From my experiences with them, and with other members of their family, the Scottish seem friendly and very proud of their heritage.



I am curious as to what occasions people wear kilts, or if they wear them at all besides formal events. My goal is to go into the country intentionally with as few preconceived notions about the culture as possible, because I’m sure to be proven wrong. I really want to integrate myself and learn about the culture first hand while I am in Scotland. I’m going to try to experience everything that I can while I’m there.

I am expecting the culture to be similar in some ways to my own in America, but also that there will be large differences. Learning about these similarities and differences is one of the reasons I’m so excited about studying abroad.

Week #3 London/ Paris

My highlight for this week was our weekend trip to Paris! Though my week in London was full of adventure too. I went to Alnwick Castle where outside shots of the first Harry Potter film was filmed. I also got to visit Oxford for the first time.

Paris was fantastic! We really only had about a day and a half to do Paris so we fit a lot in. It was unnerving not knowing the language. Many people at least spoke a little English and we did not run into any problems but I felt bad not being able to communicate better. If I go back I will study more French beforehand.

Group shot with the Eiffel Tower

Group shot with the Eiffel Tower


Eiffel Tower at night

Eiffel Tower at night

View from the top of the tower

View from the top of the tower

Notre Dame

Notre Dame

The lock bridge #3

The lock bridge #3. People lock their love on the bridge and then throw the key in the river. There are so many locks they are on to the third bridge now. I put a lock on with some friends.

Week 2 in London

Another busy week here in London! I have classes for most of the day on Mondays and Wednesdays but I still manage to do something in the evening. One thing I love about London is the theatres. The shows here are the best casts you will see and there are so many shows to see! This week I saw “The Cripple of Inishmann” with Daniel Radcliffe in it. After the show we rushed to the stage door to try and meet Daniel but there were too many people there that night. Other girls went back another night and managed to get pictures and autographs. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have field trips for my classes. I enjoy my field trips because we go to places that I probably wouldn’t find on my own.

We went to Glastonbury Abbey and Tor. The Tor is a large hill completely surrounded by flat land so you have a gorgeous view at the top.

When I first got here, I met this amazing person named Paige! She has been so cool on this trip! We've climbed two mountains together.  If that's not bonding then I don't know what is! We started at the top now we're here.

When I first got here, I met this amazing person named Paige! She has been so cool on this trip! We’ve climbed two mountains together. If that’s not bonding then I don’t know what is! We started at the top now we’re here.

My second field trip was to a pretty little abbey called Lacock Abbey about 15 minutes away from bath.

My Harry Potter class in Snape's cauldron and classroom at Lacock Abbey.

My Harry Potter class in Snape’s cauldron and classroom at Lacock Abbey.


I also got to go to the Dr. Who experience in Cardiff this week.

I flew the tardis!

I flew the tardis!


Week 3

Well this week went by so fast. I think it had to do with the fact that we were all looking forward to the weekend. We were going to Mexico City and had a lot of things planned. The only problem was that we had to meet at the bus stop at 8am and people went out the night before so I knew people would have issues with that schedule. On the plus side was the the streets are pretty empty at that time and taxis are cheaper. I didn’t know that but I guess the taxi prices go and down depending on the time off day and if its raining or not. Well I got to the bus at 8 exactly and there were probably a good 7 our of 17 missing. So we waited and left at around 8:35am which wasn’t too bad. The best thing was that we had a tour bus for 20 or so people. Tour bus to Mexico City
Well, it took us about 3 hours to get to our first stop which was the pyramids of Teotihuacan which was a Mesoamerican civilization that had vanished before the conquista which explains why it still stands today. Simply because the Spanish had the tendency of tearing apart pyramids and using the rocks to build their own temples or cathedrals. Which is what you will see in a few more paragraphs. Teotihuacan was amazing! I had no clue the size of these pyramids and also the work done on the stones. It was an impressive sight to see. Teotihuacan had 3 main pyramids being Quezalcoalt, the moon and the sun. Quezalcoalt had figures on it that protected the village and it was the first one we saw. Pyramid-Quezalcoalt
Then we climbed the sun pyramid which is massive. Also the steps i don’t think were meant to be climbed because they are steep and also very high. It made for a very hard climb. Steps to the Sun Pyramid But we all made it and it had an awesome view. Mario B on top of the sun pyramidimageimage image
Then we went to eat and there they gave us free samples of some pulque which is an alcoholic drink that was the drink of choice by the mesoamericans. Pulque is made from the maguey plant the same as tequila. Its a milky white drink that taste almost like vinegar most of the people didn’t like it but I thought it was ok. I don’t think I’ll drink it again but I at least tried it. Pulque
After eating we all went to El palacio de Bellas Artes were we saw some awesome painting from Diego Rivera, Siqueros, and others. imageimage
After that we went to our hotel and we called it a night after sitting and chatting in our rooms. Awesome first day or so I thought. At around 4:30 am I hear a man screaming I look out my window and there is an Ambulance, and 3 police cars. The man had blood down his chest and back and pants and bandages with blood coming from his chest. He had been stabbed by I don’t know who, but was giving them a piece of his mind. I said to myself. “That’s why I don’t go out in Mexico City.” I went back to bed and the next day was just as awesome. We walked to the Templo Mayor which is the main pyramid of Tenotiichlan which is where the Aztecs were and were the Spanish took over, and this was a prime example of what the Spanish would do with the pyramids. I guess the pyramid was a good size but what was left was basically nothing. image
That church you see in the background was smaller than what the pyramid once was as well as that was what they made after taking apart the pyramid. There was an awesome pyramid there as well that was awesome.
Then we went off to the best place in the world in my opinion. The National Museum of Anthropology. We saw some of the things I’ve only dreamed about. A few were the great heads of the olmecas Olmeca head
The actual Aztec calendar Aztec calendar
there we must have spent 3 hours and I don’t think it was enough. It was just awesome. I stayed with the out teacher/tour guide so I could learn as much as I could. There was so much to see and I had so much fun. After that we went to eat and then we went to El Castillo de Champultepec which is where passed presidents of Mexico lived and also the last battle of the Mexican-American war and also the last battle of where the Aztec lost against the Spanish. Very nice big mansion. Castillo de ChapultepecCastillo de Chapultepec imageCastillo de Chapultepecimage
After that we went back to our hotel and another great day in the books. We literally went to go eat and I came back and went to bed. I must have walked about 10 miles that day. We woke up packed up and went to La Plaza de las 3 culturas. This is in Tlatelolco where people were killed on October 2nd 1968 10 days before Mexico Hosted the olympics. image image
After that we went to Frida Kahlo’s blue house which was very awesome to see. image we were not allowed to take pictures inside her house so I don’t have any for you but after that we went to El Museo Soumaya which is Carlos Slims the richest man in the world’s museum named after his wife who passed away in 1999. Its a gorgeous building designed by his son in law who is a very successful architect. image that was our last stop and we were all ready to go home. It was the best 3 day weekend of my life so far and I’m glad I had to opportunity to see those things in real life. Great time. Until next week you all. Adios

Feeling like a tourist again

I have been traveling with locals whom I have met from my internship that are from India. So it has been pretty easy for me to travel, but this time I made my way back to Mumbai by myself.

I traveled by train there, and the journey was not so bad. I met a couple people who spoke English. All together I was off to a great start. When I got to city the humidity of Mumbai hit me and I was feeling dehydrated. I ran straight to a food stand for water. My provider had a guesthouse in the city so that is where I went first to drop off my bag. Then it was off to downtown Mumbai.

My first impressions of Mumbai were where did all these white people come from. I live in the countryside where all I see is Indians. The last time I saw a foreigner was about my second or third week. The rest of the time I have been staying in the countryside where I have been hanging out with the locals.

As I walked around downtown, I headed towards Colabo Market. The city is so drastically different from the country. For one there is more people. Second, there is a lot more English speakers. Third, there is a lot more people who want you to buy things from them.

My first encounter of the people who want you to buy things from them was a guy who wanted to clean my ears for money. He came out of nowhere with a cotton swab and a metal pick and started to clean my ears. I told the man I was not going to pay him, but he incessantly tried  to clean my ears and put medicine in my ears. He kept telling me to give him 50 Rupees. Luckily, I got away from this man and made my way to the Colabo Market.

My second encounter was with some English Speakers who were Indian. They worked for Bollywood and they seemed nice. We had a nice chat, but then the conversation went in another direction. They asked me to be in one of their films because I was white. They would pay me 500 dollars American and give me room and board. I told them I was not interested and left.

Finally, I made my way to the market where I found cafes that sold steak! I know I said in my last blog that you could not find steak, but the two cafes that sold steak were more geared towards foreign tourists and not Indians. The cafes were nice and filled with many pastries.

The market itself is filled with vendors who sell clothes, instruments, and tricates. I only bought one item and the rest of the time I just walked around. As I was walking, there was a man who came up to me and asked me if I wanted some hash. The man sounded like a tweaker, and kept repeating himself saying, “You want some hash, you want some hash, you want some hash.” I told the man I did not want any hash. I finally got away from this man.

All together, I found my trip to downtown Mumbai successful because I got to enjoy the people of the city. I like to observe people and how they interact, and I feel I got some of that in Mumbai with my encounters.

Day 2

The next morning I made my way to the train to head back home. It was a pleasant ride, but then the train staff asked for my ticket, and they said I was on the wrong train. I ended up on the other side of the state. I had to backtrack, and make my way back home now. I got off the train, and I had to take another train to a city that had a bus stand. After I got to the city with the bus stand I got on the bus.

I  felt comfortable in the position that I was in. I realized two things. One is that you have to be calm in a certain situation like this and the second thing is that I feel more comfortable in the country then the city. I felt that I would be ok because I could find my bearings a little bit easier than the city.

As I got on the bus, and I met a person who was going the same way. He was Indian, and he asked if I wanted to travel with him, but as we were traveling our bus broke down. We had to get off and take a new bus to a village that had a bus that would take us in the direction that we needed to go.

We got on that bus and finally made it to the village that we needed to go to, but there were no more connecting buses that we could get to make it to our destination. The Indian told me to take a taxi to the neighboring village and take the bus to my destination. I did as he told me and made my way to the next village on the taxi. I got to the village and finally got on the bus that was going the right way and did not break down! The journey took around 7 hours.

From wandering around the city to getting lost in the state, I realized that I am a tourist who does not know what he is doing. The best thing to do is stay calm and just relax, because all is good when you have a good story to tell afterwards.

First day of school, in Lima, Peru

Today was my first day at the university, and as I already have realized, Lima’s schooling system is much different that those of the United States, but I didn’t realize HOW different it really is.

Before departing, I wondered if bringing school supplies such as notebook, pencils, pens, etc. was necessary and I thought, no, there will be stores in Lima with all the supplies I need….WRONG. I had no idea it would be so difficult to find a simple lined spiral notebook. All the notebooks that I saw had spider man or hello kitty on the front and the pages had paper that was cubed, like graphing paper. So then I moved on to my next option and thought I’d maybe find some lined filler paper, wrong again. I couldn’t believe that no one store I went had just a normal notebook…..not even the university could show me where to find a notebook.

The next difficult encounter I had was buying text books…there is 2 stores to buy books, one at the school and one in another district, but nowhere else. Luckily books aren’t as expensive as they are in the states but I am used to ordering them offline for a low price, and here they don’t have that option.

Lastly, there is no printers in the school…anything you need printed you have to take to a print shop and pay 30 cents per sheet. That is something I am going to have a difficult time with because I need to have things available in front of me to be able to look at, such as schedules and syllabuses.

All these things I know I will get used to, I just feel that I am back to the first week of arriving here, everything was different and took awhile to get used to, and as soon as I started getting accustomed to one thing something else popped up that is going to take time to get used to. It’s all a learning process 🙂

Below is a picture of the only “simple” notebook I could find…

photo (3)


The entire group of international students in front of the university 🙂
