Day 1

We visited the tai chi center for the first time today. It was really cool to see that this form of exercise was given a high regard. From studies I did on qi gong I know that the benefits can be tremendous if someone practices this exercise everyday. I am glad to see more people in the U.S. Practicing tai chi, which is a branch off of qi gong. Hopefully this practice increases the amount of students attending. This exercise can help improve the overall health and well being of the individuals practicing it. It was quite exciting to see the students who had been practicing this all their lives.


Day 2

Visiting this amazing paragon garden was breathtaking. It was very cool hiking to the top of the pagoda and seeing the city from so far away. We didn’t really learn much about the gardens other than that they were a very nice place to visit. Walking around we got to see a lot of how the city grew. You could see where it started and how they were always expanding in size.


Welcome to America!

Oh my, am I glad to be home. I want to kiss the clean, clean floor and run and drink water from the sink just because I can. After hours of flights and waiting in airports I can fall into my amazingly comfortable bed. I don’t think the culture shock got any better throughout my trip, which is why being home is so welcome. I am glad to be back where the sky is clear and no one is using the sidewalk as a bathroom. But, aside from all of the negatives, I will definitely miss China, and do plan to go back. I think it was an amazing trip, definitely worth my time. I wish I could have done things a little differently. But I have no regrets! My teacher and classmates definitely made the trip interesting. Hopefully they had a great time just like I did.
Thanks for the fun time China!

Welcome to China!!

So I finally arrive in Beijing after missing two flights. Thanks united airlines. I met my group, yay! I’m so happy to see people I know! What a relief! After having spent way more time on planes than I want in a 24 hour period I am glad to arrive in Xiangtan and shower and relax. But I forgot that China isn’t like home. So much smoking everywhere! In the cabs in the restaurants. No matter what you feel like you’re either choking on cigarette smoke or smog. Then you have the people hacking and spitting snot on the ground right where you are walking. I got laughed at for being offended, talk about culture shock. Seeing children with the crotch area of their pants missing is so common, I was trying not to take photos but it’s just too funny. And then there’s the traffic. Wowza can these people drive. It doesn’t matter if there is a lane divider or not, wrong side of the road? It’s all good. Drive in two lanes at once? No problem. Feel like cutting off a bus while on a mo-ped? Go for it. Nothing seems to be illegal. Most cars don’t have seat belts in the back seat and when there’s this much traffic I doubt you’d need it. But surprisingly there were no accidents during the first couple days, but we were about 4 inches from hitting someone or having them hit us. Great breaks I guess. I do miss home at this point but I am so happy to finally be in China again. Even with the different cultural ideals I know that eventually I will get used to it.
More about China later,




Week 1

Well. I’ve described some of the culture differences so I’ll just jump into what we’ve done. We visited the paragon gardens. Amazing!! It started raining towards the top and it was gorgeous(just know I love rain). We got massages!! Omg they felt so amazing! I got the suction cups and they kind of hurt but in a good way. Then when it was over they gave us a sugar tea which I plan to buy and hoard for myself. It’s that good, definitely be jealous. But dang I am sore. I can’t even lay on my back. The bruises, oh wow. It’s not pretty. But I am glad I experienced it. Now the tai chi? I could do that more often. Even though I am the most uncoordinated person you’ll ever meet, it’s still a lot of fun and a great work out. Sitting in a horse squat stance for that long is “painful” but definitely worth it. Now I’m hoping I can describe the food once and then only talk about the amazing things I do physically. But I feel once is not enough. I am a vegetarian so I had some worries coming to China, but I can now tell you that was a waste. The veggies here? To die for. Want to learn to cook eggplant that melts in your mouth and tastes like heaven? Go to China. Bok choy isn’t just plain and boring it’s so good. I just can’t even. It’s just something you have to experience. The only thing you might want to get used to in this particular town is the spice. Whooey do they know how to put chili peppers in food. Most of the time the only thing left on the plates are the peppers, but I digress. Oh and also, when trying to buy water for the first time, I bought a giant jug of clear liquid, thinking this had to be water. Turns out it is alcohol. Party time! This has been an amazing first week to what I hope is an epic journey.
Happy in China,




Week 2

Let’s see… We went to a party to celebrate the tai chi center. Very posh. The snacks were yummy. Got to watch a traditional Chinese tea ceremony which was awesome. And the tea they made was delicious. We also learned some Tuina massage. It feels good but dang does it require strong hands, similar to the other massage we learned about, but definitely less bruises. We got to go to a traditional Chinese medicine doctor which was very interesting. I always am kind of suspicious of those but this guy was really knowledgable. Even though the hospital itself wasn’t the cleanest place. We learned about the meridians and different acupressure points from doctor Li and a visiting doctor as well. We went to another garden and were shown all different kind of plants that healed things. We saw things that helped with the smallest such as headaches and plants that are considered to have anti cancer benefits. The zoos. If you are an animal lover do not, and I repeat DO NOT visit the zoos. The conditions are horrible for every animal. It’s just awful. I wanted to cry at almost every cage. I am never going back until they fix it or at least improve the quality of life by 100 percent. But even with that negative part, overall, it was an amazing week. I’m so sad that the second week is already over. I’m just glad I got to experience so much. But it is travel time, lets do this!
Still roaming China,




Week 3

We are in Zhangjiajie and the hotel is amazing. Beyond actually. The breakfast, not so much. But more on that later. We went up the mountain everyday but the last one here. It’s very cool because this is the backdrop of Avatar, blue people not the air bender. The downside is almost every time we went up the mountain the photos looked almost the same. The only difference is the weather you see. Plus on the trip up to Tiananmen mountain it was really cloudy so the photos are not that great. Even though you are really high up it doesn’t feel like it because you can’t see that far below. But the bus ride down on that trip was amazing! On the last day we went to see the caves, which while very interesting, weren’t that different from caves I’ve visited in the U.S.. The biggest difference is these caves were massive. We went on a boat ride inside it, which is like wow. Okay so our plan was to be in Wudang Friday night.. Oh how plans change. Dr Flatt and Jessica got sick on the train, so bad they went to the hospital. Then almost everyone in the group got sick, including my amazing self. So we ended up in a random city for the night. I was lucky enough not to be in the hospital, unlike most of the group. I have an iron stomach and will. Yay me! Because of this delay we ended up in Wudang a day late and the plans were switched around a bit. But that goes into my fourth week, so…
That’s all folks,
Getting better in China,




Week 4 and extra bits…

Wudaaaaaaaang! Woot, more mountain climbing.. Oh wait just kidding got a headache and my stomach was wonky so I just rested a bunch. Maybe hiking later? Onto Xi’an! Walk around the city wall? Okie doke. That was super cool. Just look at this really interesting photo of more big cities that are considered small because, actually I have no clue why. Then I got to wander around the city a bit, always fun to get stared at like some freak of nature. Estely and I went to an amuzement park and rode a child coaster, a sling shot, and water bumper cars. I think the sling shot was the coolest but the water bumper cars were fun, especially when the kids kept ramming us. So I can’t remember if I explained these amusement parks yet or not. But anyways, they are just small parks inside legitimate parks that have roller coasters. There was also one in Xiangtan next to our hotel. Anyways they are basically empty and you have no lines and each ride is less than 10 dollars.which means essentially they are really awesome. But yeah, that was Xi’an city. So terracotta next. That was cool, even if it was the second time seeing it. The vastness of this room will just blow your mind. The statues are cool too, don’t worry. And the next day we left for chengsha on a bullet train no less. This thing was booking! Very cool. We only really visited the Tai Chi village here. No offense, but basically the worst part of the trip so far. It was quite boring, and the town it was in had like nothing. But we got our tai chi suits which look really snazzy, no joke. So that was a definite plus. Another train ride, overnight to Beijing. And already the day starts with the forbidden city, dun dun duuuun! Hot out, and crowded. If you know me at all, both of those make me very happy. Then the group went to the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. Neither of which I could attend because of stomach issues, again. Even though my last few days in China were in a hotel, I had a lot of fun. I can’t wait to be home. I feel gross, but I will be sad to leave. I think this trip was totally worth it. Although I still have trouble understanding why everyone here is okay with the smog and trash everywhere. It does not make sense why they would be okay with destroying the world in such a way.
Catch you on the flip side,


2015-08-23 19.01.46


Pre trip.. Pre flight.. Anxiety!

Less than three days until I am in China, well at least I hope I am counting right. Anyways.. I am so very excited! I cannot wait to arrive and be swamped by the new culture. I am definitely apprehensive about the warm weather and humidity, I’m more a cold person. I have heard so many stereotypes..
Like the smog will be choking you and
the traffic will last all day. Most of the time I hear you drive forever to get nowhere.
I think I will be fine though, because of how awesome my TCM class will be. I think I will have a ton of fun because I am going into this so excited. I plan to wake up every day and look at all the great things I will be experiencing. No negative thoughts whatsoever. Well, at least I can hope, right?
Anyway.. Until I’m in China,