WolfBytes 8/21/23

Western Oregon University’s Newsletter: August 21, 2023

Following three years of alternative commencement ceremonies, McArthur Field was filled with a standing-room-only audience who watched 774 students walk across the stage to receive their diplomas for the 2023 ceremony.
A Message from President Peters
Just over a year ago, I became president of Western Oregon University. It has been a year filled with both challenges and achievements. We have worked together as a cohesive team, focused on the success of our students, and embraced the power of the supportive and welcoming community that defines the Western experience.
As you read this newsletter, you will witness the profound strength and power of that community. I invite you to join me in celebrating our accomplishments, including the magic of watching almost 800 students graduate this past June. In many respects, that ceremony marked a reawakening. We came together as a community, in one place, at one time, with palpable energy and excitement as we watched those students walk across the stage and receive their diplomas. That vibrancy on campus, coupled with our dedication to our mission, is what sets us apart from other institutions.
This year we will become even stronger as a community. We are back! We are better than before. We. Are. Wolves!!!

Western celebrates 166th Commencement Ceremony
For the 2022-23 academic year, which is from the summer of 2022 through the spring of 2023, the university conferred degrees to 1,035 students. The evening prior, master’s degree candidates participated in Western’s first Graduate Hooding Ceremony.

Western’s First Doctoral Program Announced
Western announces its first doctoral program in Occupational Therapy. The program will be housed at the Salem campus beginning in the fall of 2024. This will be the Western’s first doctoral program and the first Occupational Therapy program within Oregon’s public university system.

Western unveils Peace Pole, fostering harmony and unity
Crafted as a profound monument, the Peace Pole stands as a powerful symbol, bearing the timeless message “May peace prevail on earth” in an array of languages that resonate deeply within Western’s diverse community. Western’s International Club, Model United Nations Club, Stitch Closet, and MEChA Club united their passions to bring this vision to life.

Spring 2023 Honor Roll Announced
Western announces undergraduates for the spring 2023 Honor Roll which recognizes their academic achievements. The honor roll includes students who earned 12 credits or more which are not of a pass/no pass nature, and who earned a grade point average of 3.50 or higher.

Western takes home Silver for Best of the Willamette Valley
Western proudly secured the silver award for the best college/university category at the recent Best of the Willamette Valley event. The event was also elevated by the attendance of many accomplished Western alumni, who played integral roles in its successful execution.
Western being at the right place at the right time
After 11-year-old Cohen Schaumann fell 40 feet at Smith Rock State Park, one of the first groups to rush to his rescue was a Western wilderness response team in training.
We are so proud of our students and staff who helped rescue this child. This is what makes our community a wonderful place.

We are First Generation, too!

Did you know 47% of our students are first-generation (first-gen)? What does it mean to be a first-gen student?
This includes students whose parents and caregivers did not attend or receive a four-year degree from college. Western faculty & staff share messages about how proud they are to support first-gen students because they are first-gen, too!
Western Success Story: Rep Paul Evans ’92

Oregon House of Representatives Paul Evans ‘92 graduated from Western with a Public Policy & Administration degree. Hear why attending Western was a critical decision and how it helped him become the legislator he is today!
More News
Western celebrates new Student Success Center with Groundbreaking Ceremony
Maureen Brakke named Director of Marketing and Communications
Jamiere Abney named Director of Admissions
Jose Coll selected as Western’s Provost & VP of Academic Affairs
Desiree Noah named Executive Director of Human Resources
Western hosts 2nd annual Hispanic-Serving Institution Summit
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Western Oregon University. Where YOU Belong!
Western Oregon University
345 Monmouth Ave. Monmouth OR, 97361