Vice President Karaman's Fall Highlights
The Finance & Administration division had their annual retreat on September 9th and created 9-month goals to aid in increasing enrollment, and supporting efforts in becoming a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive institution. Once example of these efforts is that the Finance & Administration division is in the early stages of developing a Finance & Administration mentoring program to offer paid internships to WOU students. Camarie Moreno and Kolis Crier are leading this project and more information will be shared as it becomes available.
WOU received the 2021 West Valley Hospital Community Health Philanthropy award.
Ana Karaman is now the advisor for the Freedom Center Board as of August 23, 2021.
Freedom Center Board Grand Opening on October 1, 2021

- WOU’s newly established Freedom Center Board has moved into its temporary space in the Werner University Center until the Student Success Center is completed.
- The Freedom Center Board in partnership with the City of Monmouth, hosted two events to celebrate Latinx Hispanic Heritage Month. The center hosted Bilingual Story Talk on September 29, 2021 and Creating Communidades on October 15, 2021.
Human Resources
- The newly revised mission of Human Resources is to partner with campus to help create and promote a human-centered organizational culture anchored in diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect.
- Human Resources has developed the DEI Statement below as an application requirement for middle to high-level management/director positions.
- Western Oregon University (WOU) is committed to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Board of Trustees’ Statement on Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Accessibility was recently approved on April 21, 2021. Please review the statement and address the following:
- Explain how you see yourself contributing to WOU’s work on advancing racial equity and eliminating systemic racism.
- How would you demonstrate a commitment to diversity across the WOU campus that values all individuals and respects differences in regard to race, ethnicity, age, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, disability and socio-economic circumstance?
- Identify at minimum, one (1) inequity in higher education that you believe needs to be addressed and how you will address that inequity as an employee of WOU.
- Western Oregon University (WOU) is committed to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Board of Trustees’ Statement on Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Accessibility was recently approved on April 21, 2021. Please review the statement and address the following:
- The Bereavement Leave Policy and the Remote Work Policy and Agreement documents are now available.
- Mental Health Awareness week for Faculty and Staff will take place November 3-10, 2021. More information to follow. This event is co-sponsored by: Human Resources, the Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling Program, Student Enrichment Program, Health & Wellness Center, and Student Health and Counseling Center.
- Crystal Talitonu will start working in HR on November 1, 2021 as the Talent Acquisition Coordinator.
- Mayra Rodriguez Osorio (pictured below) has joined the Human Resources team as interim HR Support Specialist. Mayra is bilingual in English and Spanish and will be assisting HR with Spanish interpreting services for faculty and staff who need to meet with HR.
- In collaboration with UCS, Payroll is implementing Web Time Entry in phases. By the end of November, 27 unclassified staff members will be setup in Web Time Entry.
University Computing Solutions
- Zoom Phone is live! UCS has completed a long-awaited replacement of WOU’s phone system. Elaborate demos from multiple vendors were followed by a pilot trial of Zoom Phone. After that pilot demonstrated the power and convenience of Zoom Phone, UCS began a series of presentations for stakeholders across campus. Those presentations generated many great questions and operational insights that we folded into our deployment plan. Zoom Phone entered the production phase on September 1st, when all 2,800 of WOU’s phone numbers moved to the cloud! WOU staff are really enjoying the new features like voicemail transcription, presence icons, and great sound quality. It’s awesome to seamlessly receive calls on your computer and smartphone, and even use texting. Western users made over 30,000 calls on Zoom Phone in September. And with Zoom enhancing its products at such a brisk pace, we’re in for some exciting new features in the future. The Finance & Administration division recognizes and appreciates Tom Groves for leading the implementation of Zoom phone.
- UCS was asked to upgrade ten classrooms with technology that would allow remote participants to be able to connect to WOU Technology Enhanced Classroom systems using video conferencing software. This software would allow remote participants to see and hear what is happening, as well as interact with people in the classroom. After some careful evaluation of different technologies, discussions with colleagues at other universities, and internal discussions, we chose high quality pan / tilt / zoom cameras and beam tracking microphones for these classrooms. The equipment was purchased using CARES funding, and the classrooms were chosen based on their size, seating capacity, location on campus, as well as the age of the equipment already installed in the room. Cameras and microphones were installed over the summer, system programming was completed, and all ten rooms are now fully upgraded. These classrooms can now utilize soft codec software such as Zoom, to connect remote students, remote faculty, or guest lecturers. The Finance & Administration division recognizes and appreciates Nathan Sauer and the Customer Services and Support team for completing these upgrades.
- UCS is hiring for a Warehouse Programmer and an Admissions Systems Programmer. To learn more about these positions, visit the Human Resources website.
- Monica Valencia (pictured below) has recently joined the UCS team as a Customer Services & Support Technician. Monica is from Tillamook, Oregon. Monica received a bachelors in Business Information Systems at Oregon State University.
Capital Planning & Construction
- On August 1, 2021 Michael Smith became the Director of the new Capital Planning and Construction (CPC) department. Gabriela Eyster and Mike Elliot have also moved into the new CPC department.
- Check out the new CPC website (currently under construction) where you can learn about WOU’s steam system.
- The WOU Salem Grand Opening took place on September 20, 2021.
Treasury Services
In addition to projecting monthly cash flows and completing bank reconciliations and proof of cash, Treasury Services has been providing support on the following tasks:
- Supporting the Tix/Bluefin new Ticketing system for Athletics, Creative Arts and Smith Fine Arts Series.
- Supporting the Financial Statement Notes as needed
- Supporting Financial Audit as needed
Office of Budget & Planning
- The Budget & Planning Office is preparing the FY22 Adjusted Budget.
- Camarie Moreno is Co-developing the Finance & Administration Internship program.
Accounting & Business Services (ABS)
- Shadron Lehman will serve as the interim controller until the position is filled.
- The annual audit is in the final stages of completion. The goal is to complete the audit by the extension deadline of December 1, 2021.
- ABS is hiring for a Collections Agent (Revenue Agent 2) postion, and will soon be posting the job announcement for a Bilingual Receptionist position. To learn more about these positions, visit the Human Resources website.
- Crystal Jones (pictured below) was hired in August as the ABS Procurement and Purchasing Accountant. Crystal has a Bachelor of Science in Business Accounting with an emphasis in management. Crystal’s background has primarily been in banking, however Crystal has always wanted to switch into an accounting role. Crystal is excited to be at WOU.
Campus Public Safety
- In late July, Rebecca Chiles moved into a new role as the Assistant Vice President for Safety and Operations.
- Public Safety staff participated in all Student Orientation Advising and Registration (SOAR) activities.
- Public Safety staff also participated in many New Student Week events and supported Housing with a successful move-in.
- Public Safety Officers will participate in a Racial Justice Training fall term.
Facilities Services
Facilities Services staff have completed the following tasks:
- Facilities staff completed WOU Salem and prepared it for grand opening
- Facilities staff completed Freedom Center Board space
- Facilities staff are continuing to work on the third floor of the Administration Building
- Facilities staff placed air purifiers and cleaning kits in all classroom and meeting spaces
- The damaged campus trees have been pruned or removed
- The Giant Sequoia was pruned from ice storm damage and is ready for lights installation on November 9, 2021
- To follow HB3294, Facilities Services installed menstruation products in at least one bathroom (women’s, gender neutral) in every building
- Provided set up for all Destination Western and New Student Week events