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The following policies have been established by Campus Recreation to ensure the fair and consistent treatment of all participants. Questions about policies should be directed to a Campus Recreation staff member. It is each member’s responsibility to read and understand all general and area-specific Campus Recreation rules & regulations.

Health and Wellness Center

Member Guidelines and Responsibilities

Code of Conduct

Campus Recreation is committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for patrons. The staff will proactively intervene to support an environment where all members and guests can enjoy the facilities and programs free from the following behaviors:

  • Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures
  • Failure to adhere to facility policies and procedures
  • Intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption or illegal drug use.
  • Fighting, taunting, or making threatening remarks or gestures
  • Spitting
  • Horseplay that risks the safety of participants or others
  • Mistreatment of dumbbells, weights, or any other equipment
  • Displays of affection not appropriate in a public setting
  • Obscene or indecent clothing
  • Any disruption to the progress of a sanctioned activity
  • Unsporting conduct
  • Obtaining entrance under false pretense


Behavior and Personal Safety

Patrons are expected to display acceptable social behavior while recreating in any of the Campus Recreation facilities.

  • Abuse of staff in any form is not tolerated and will result in expulsion and exclusion for a period of time deemed appropriate by the Campus Recreation Department and Student Conduct.
  • Not all rules are posted.
  • If the HWC staff asks for your cooperation, please adjust your behavior and make a recommendation to HWC Administration at a later date for changes you feel might be necessary.
  • Uncooperative patrons will be asked to leave the facilities and will be excluded from its use until deemed appropriate by Student Conduct.
  • The HWC reserves the right to take whatever action necessary to preserve the safety and integrity of its facilities and programs.
  • Fighting is not tolerated and will result in an immediate call to Campus Public Safety and Monmouth Police.
  • Please help maintain a secure environment by watching your valuables carefully and notifying staff if you see something out of the ordinary.
  • The HWC is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • All acts that are considered violations of the Code of Student Responsibility shall be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary action.
  • The HWC has an announcement system to alert patrons to the end of operational hours. All patrons are expected to be prepared to exit the facility after the announcement that the facility is closed. Individuals who delay their exit from the facility may lose membership privileges.
  • When using the HWC please consider your own health history, seek counsel from your health provider, and use common sense. In case of an accident or illness, notify an HWC employee immediately. Your assistance in promoting safety is greatly appreciated.
  • Participation is at your own personal risk.


Misconduct and Ejection Policy

If a participant(s) or spectator(s) in a Campus Recreation program or facility are ejected or suspended from any facility (indoor or outdoor), program, contest, or activity, they are immediately ineligible for further access or competition in any Campus Recreation program or facility until they are cleared by both Office of Student Conduct and the Campus Recreation Assistant Director/Director responsible for the program in which the misconduct and/or ejection occurred. Furthermore, any participant or spectator who violates Western Oregon University and/or Campus Recreation policies and procedures may also be suspended until they are cleared by the Campus Recreation Assistant Director/Director responsible for the program in which the misconduct occurs.

It is the participant’s responsibility to schedule an appointment with the appropriate Assistant Director to review their behavior and subsequent eligibility to participate in any Campus Recreation program or to utilize facilities after completing the Office of Student Conduct requirements. Participant suspensions are determined during the meeting with the Assistant Director/Director (i.e., self-imposed penalties are not considered). Assistant Director’s decisions may be appealed to the Campus Recreation Director; however, suspensions remain in force during the appeal process. An appeal beyond the Campus Recreation Director may be made to the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Anyone who commits, incites, or aids others in committing any of the following acts of unsportsmanlike or misconduct shall be subjected to disciplinary procedures after any sanctions provided by the Office of Student Conduct.

  • Hitting, striking, or pushing a Campus Recreation employee (student or professional)
    Disciplinary Action: Immediate suspension from Campus Recreation programs and/or facilities. Petition for reinstatement will be considered by the appropriate Assistant Director after a minimum of one calendar year up to an indefinite suspension.
  • Hitting, striking, or pushing another participant, spectator, user, member, or guest
    Disciplinary Action: Immediate suspension from Campus Recreation programs and/or facilities. Petition for reinstatement will be considered by the appropriate Assistant Director after a minimum of one calendar year up to an indefinite suspension.
  • Threatening physical harm towards a Campus Recreation employee (student or professional), participant, user, member, guest, or spectator
    Disciplinary Action: Immediate suspension from Campus Recreation facilities and/or programs for a minimum of one term up to an indefinite suspension.
  • Verbally abusing, swearing or defaming a Campus Recreation employee (student or professional), participant, user, guest, or member
    Disciplinary Action: Immediate suspension from Campus Recreation programs and/or facilities for a minimum of one month up to an indefinite suspension.
  • Acting in a way which would cause equipment or facility damage (including spitting, snorting, screaming), and/or injury to a person
    Disciplinary Action: Immediate suspension from Campus Recreation programs and/or facilities for a minimum of two weeks up to an indefinite suspension.
  • Failing to cooperate and respond honestly to injuries or requests for assistance in identifying individuals who may be involved in incidents
    Disciplinary Action: Immediate suspension from Campus Recreation programs and/or facilities for the individual and/or their team, club, or organization for a minimum of two weeks up to an indefinite suspension.
  • Entering, using, or accessing any facility or program illegally such as using an assumed name or a WOU ID card illegally/inappropriately
    Disciplinary Action: Indefinite suspension from Campus Recreation programs and/or facilities for a minimum of one week up to an indefinite suspension.
  • Personal conduct situations that are not covered by other provisions not stated in the above items will be dealt with in an appropriate manner by the Assistant Director/Director. Any incident of unsportsmanlike or inappropriate behavior will be forwarded to Student Conduct and/or Campus Public Safety for additional appropriate action.
  • All acts that are considered violations of the Code of Student Responsibility shall be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary action.


Clothing Standards

Campus Recreation strives to promote wellness education, safety, an inclusive environment and reduce the spread of communicable diseases (such as MRSA, ringworm, etc.). All members and guests should adhere to the clothing standards to participate in the HWC.

  • All guests must wear a top, shorts or pants and closed-toe shoes, unless noted otherwise (ex. aquatic center). 
  • If clothing in deemed unsafe, it will be addressed by a Campus Recreation staff member.
  • For health/sanitation reasons, bare feet are not allowed anywhere except:
    • Locker rooms and swimming pool
    • During HWC instructed fitness classes only in the multi-purpose studios
    • In HWC 253 (The Loft) for stretching/personal yoga routines on their own mats
  • Non-marking shoes are required in multi=purpose rooms:
    • In HWC 253 (The Loft) an exception is granted for socks or soft dancing shoes (Toesox and TheShu are acceptable) while working out due to no dumbbell, barbell or free weights being allowed.
    • In HWC 202 (The Studio) an exception is granted for kicking the heavy or Thai bag patrons may use socks.
  • Sandals, clogs, and other open-toe shoes are permitted in the lobby and climbing area while belaying.
  • Vibram Five Finger shoes, crocs (and other similar shoes) are permitted to be worn throughout the HWC. Patrons choosing to wear such shoes while using the HWC do so at their own risk.
  • Due to the increased risk of injury, it is recommended that jewelry is removed prior to participating in any activities or before utilizing any equipment in the fitness areas.
  • HWC staff reserves the right to determine if attire and footwear meet clothing standards and may deny access to anyone.


Bags and Personal Items

  • Please store all items (personal, gym or book bags, sweatshirts, coats, etc) in a locker, on a wall hook or cubby. Open-faced cubbies and wall hooks are available throughout the facility or day lockers are available in both locker rooms.
  • Campus Recreation staff shall not hold equipment, valuables, skateboards or bags for patrons or guests.
  • Unattended items will be collected and considered lost if they are not stored in a cubby or locker. Please visit the Front Desk for lost and found items.
  • Due to the lack of space and to limit possible hazards in the cardio and free weight area items are not allowed.
  • Personal items, such as sweatshirts and additional articles of clothing, should not hang on cardiovascular and weight equipment. Items can fall and become lodged in moving equipment, such as treadmills.
  • Lost and found items will be stored at the HWC Front Desk for one week before being relocated to University Public Safety.


Bicycles and Other Wheeled Vehicles

  • The Health and Wellness Center supports the use of alternative transportation; however, wheeled vehicles (e.g., bicycles, skates, skateboards, longboards, and scooters) are prohibited in the HWC and within the exterior plaza.
  • Bicycles, skateboards, and longboards may be parked in the racks provided outside at the owner’s risk. Bicycles and scooters locked to fences, handrails, or signs risk being removed.
  • Skates and foldable scooters carried into the building must be stored in a locker.


Cell Phones and Paging

  • The use of cell phones is permitted inside the HWC lobby, provided they do not interfere with others’ enjoyment of the facility.
  • Cell phone use for talking or photography is not permitted while using equipment or during activities.
  • Due to privacy concerns and in fairness to other patrons, cell phone use is not allowed in activity (ex. cardio floor, weight room) areas or locker rooms and may be confiscated if inappropriate use is suspected.
  • The HWC is equipped with a paging system; however, the paging of patrons is only permitted in the case of an emergency.
  • If there is an emergency and a patron must be reached, please contact the HWC Front Desk at 503-838-9530.


Electronic Surveillance

  • For your safety and security, video cameras that can be monitored are located throughout activity areas of the HWC (not in locker rooms, restrooms, or changing areas).


Photography and Video

The intent of this policy is to maintain respect for the rights and privacy of our members and guests by preventing pictures without their consent. 

  • Individuals wishing to take pictures or video of themselves in the HWC is permitted. Ensure you receive consent from all subjects in pictures or videos.
  • Members and/or guests involved in individual workouts such as weight lifting, aerobic dance, swimming, cardiovascular exercise and/or climbing cannot be photographed except as they appear in the background of a facility area. Unless assigned for an academic course or are apart of the Campus Recreation activities or programs.
  • No close-up pictures allowed unless consent has been given by the individual being photographed.
  • No member may be singled out for recording purposes without their consent.
  • Complaints from members regarding any aspect related to the production of recordings in the HWC will result in termination of the recording process and forfeiture of the actual video (camera, phone) or memory card.
  • The Department of Campus Recreation reserves the right to have the recordings made in our facilities removed from all viewing formats if a representative of the HWC Administrative staff determines that the standards of this agreement have been violated.


Disability Access

  • It is the policy and practice of the Health and Wellness Center to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, state and local requirements regarding people with disabilities. Under these laws, no qualified individual with a disability shall be denied access to or participation in services, programs, and activities of the HWC.
  • Participants are encouraged to contact Disabilities Services at 503-838-8250 (v/TTY) to request an accommodation in order to participate in HWC activities or if they feel an accommodation is not being met.



  • As the WOU service animal policy states, the ADA defines a service animal as “any guide dog, signal dog, or other animals individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability,” and only these animals are permitted to enter the HWC—all others are prohibited.
  • Bear in mind, however, that “the ADA authorizes places of public accommodation to impose restrictions if it [a service animal] is a safety requirement.”



  • The HWC is equipped with an elevator providing access between the first and second levels of the facility.


Emergencies and Evacuation Procedures

  • In the event of a serious emergency, the HWC staff will direct patrons to a safe location.
  • For your safety, and the safety of others, please follow all instructions given by staff.
  • Disregard of posted emergency exit rules will result in the suspension of membership privileges.


Entrance and Exit

  • The HWC is a dual entry/exit facility: use either the glass doors at the northeast or west side of the building.
  • Other exits are for emergency use only and are monitored with alarms.



  • Water in a clear plastic or metal container with a sealable lid is allowed throughout the facility. Glass containers are not allowed.
  • Food, sports drinks, and water with color or supplements added are prohibited except on the first floor.
  • Chewing gum is prohibited within the facility.
  • Anyone exhibiting signs of being under the influence of a controlled substance will be reported to Campus Public Safety.



  • Smoking and tobacco use is prohibited on all Western Oregon University property and vehicles.
  • Any individual who violates this policy may be subject to sanctions under the code of Student Conduct, discipline from Human Resources or membership cancellation.



  • Limit your personal music to headphones at appropriate volumes.
  • Portable Bluetooth speakers, laptops, tablets or cell phones are not permitted in common workout or court areas playing music.
  • Portable Bluetooth speakers, laptops, tablets and cell phones are allowed in the multi-purpose rooms for practice sessions as long as it does not interfere with others using the room. HWC staff does have the right to ask individuals to turn down or turn off the music.


Advertising, Solicitation, and Publicity

  • Flyers or posters are rarely posted within the facility without the approval of the VSPA Office. HWC administrators may permit flyers to be distributed at the HWC Front Desk.
  • Tape is not allowed on painted surfaces or gym floors.
  • No flyers or posters are permitted on the exterior of the building.
  • Off-campus advertising is not permitted.
  • Solicitation is not allowed in or around the HWC without permission from Campus Recreation or Western Oregon University Administration.
  • The HWC may not be used for private or commercial purposes unless such activity has been approved by Campus Recreation Administration. Examples of prohibited activity include, but are not limited to: personal training, private instruction, sales, solicitation, etc.


Comments and Concerns

  • Please direct comments and concerns to the HWC Front Desk, through the website or by calling 503-838-9530.


Lost and Found

  • Please contact the HWC Front Desk regarding lost or missing items.
  • Lost items will be kept for up to two days; items that remain unclaimed will be sent to University Public Safety.
  • HWC is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Found ID cards are kept in the business office for one week.
  • All unclaimed WOU ID’s will be sent to the Werner University Center Information Desk at the end of each week.


Removal from Facility or Program

  • The HWC reserves the right to remove anyone whose behavior violates the code of conduct, behavior, or personal safety policies.
  • An individual who has been ejected/removed must leave the facility (defined as completely outside the exterior doors) and may only return if they have an academic commitment in the classroom portion of the HWC.
  • In such cases, membership privileges will be revoked without a refund.


Family Changing Rooms

  • Children 4 years and older are not permitted in the locker room of the opposite sex. However, the HWC does have two family changing/shower rooms.
  • These rooms are also available to anyone needing special assistance or desiring a private changing area.

Facility Usage Requirements

Damaged or Unreturned Equipment

  • Equipment that is lost will be billed to the individual to whom it was checked out.
  • Damaged equipment (ie. walls, mirrors, weight or cardio equipment, etc) will be assessed to the individual who caused the damage at current retail prices for repair or replacement.
  • All equipment is due back to the HWC Front Desk 10 minutes prior to closing time.
  • Any equipment not returned by the closing of the building will be billed as lost equipment.

Lounge and Mezzanine Policies

  • Water in clear plastic or metal container with a sealable lid is allowed throughout the facility. Glass containers are not allowed.
  • Food, sports drinks, and water with color or supplements added are prohibited except on the first floor.
  • Wireless Internet access is available for use.

Weight and Cardio Area Policies

  • In an effort to promote safety, reduce the spread of communicable diseases and prevent additional wear and tear on the equipment, all members and guests must adhere to the clothing standards to participate in the HWC.
  • To preserve the equipment and improve health conditions, all participants are asked to wipe down equipment after each use.
  • Personal towels are highly recommended for use during all workouts on exercise equipment and required for indoor cycling classes.
  • Please re-rack all weight plates, dumbbells, and barbells after use.
  • Weight collars must be used at all times while lifting in the squat racks. Weight collars and spotters are recommended for bench, decline and incline press.
  • No dropping or rolling weight plates, dumbbells, or barbells at any time. If you cannot control the weight, enlist the help of a spotter.
  • To ensure an inclusive environment inappropriate language, loud grunting or screaming is prohibited.
  • Cardio and selectorized training equipment users must be at least 16 years old.
  • Please limit the use of cardio equipment to 30-minute sessions during peak usage time.
  • Outside personal trainers are not allowed to provide training in the HWC.
  • If a machine fails to operate correctly, do not attempt to repair or operate it. Notify an HWC staff member at the Front Desk about the problem.
  • Equipment may not be altered or removed from the facility.

Power Lifting and Chalk Usage

  • The Health and Wellness Center was designed to accommodate students with varying interests, ability levels, and fitness backgrounds with the goal of providing opportunities to develop lifelong health and fitness habits. The intent is to provide our students with access to a variety of fitness equipment in a safe, inviting an accessible facility. Certain weight-training equipment was not provided in the HWC due to space, supervision, liability, safety, and environmental concerns. 
  • Many power lifts create safety concerns for those completing them, those imitating them and surrounding users as this type of lift is more likely to get out of control. We discourage performing unsupervised, unspotted, uncontrolled, lifts with excessive weight.
  • We strongly encourage lifts that can be controlled from start to finish. Dropping the weights is harmful to our facility/equipment, including the lifter and bystanders.
  • All bars must remain within the racks or on benches.
  • Athletic shoes are required. No bare feet lifting
  • Chains are not allowed, but many of our pieces of strength equipment have been designed to accommodate bands. Please ensure the bands being used are designed specifically for the lifts you are attempting.
  • Use of chalk is not allowed on the cardio floor. Use of chalk is permitted on deadlift area on the first floor.
  • Chalk creates a large cleanliness issue in the facility and an issue for the mechanics of the equipment including weight stacks, cables and bar grips.
  • Chalk, or better defined as talc, can also create respiratory issues for many individuals.
  • Encouraged alternatives to weight lifting chalk are weightlifting gloves, weightlifters’ wrist straps, a sheet of inner-tube rubber wrapped around the bar and weight lifting hooks.

Power Rack and Platform Policies

  • Policies may be adjusted if any abuse of equipment or perceived endangerment is viewed.
  • Weight belt should be used when approaching or exceeding 70% of your personal maximum lifting capability. Weight belts are available at the HWC front desk.
  • No decagon shaped weights more than 10lbs are to be used on the platforms. If over 10lbs then all weights must be the Olympic rubber plates.
  • Deadlifts, power and hang clean, high pull, good morning, rack pull, bent over row and military press are permitted inside power racks. Lifts such as snatch, clean and jerk must be performed on the first floor weight lifting area.
  • Any approved lift which goes over an individual’s head requires the power rack’s safety catch bars to be in place if being performed inside a power rack.
  • Only the rubber bumper plates will be used on the rubber platform. Decagon shaped weights may be used for lifts not utilizing the platforms.

Dumbbell and Barbell Usage Policies

  • The Health and Wellness Center is a dual-purpose building for recreation and academic classrooms. Due to this dual purpose, we have developed policies to assist in the learning environment as well as the recreation environment. In accordance with mens sana in corpora sano: healthy mind, healthy body we ask that facility users try and respect the community space by being conscious of their noise level.
  • Dumbbells and barbells are not to be dropped from any height, slammed down or thrown down. Weights should not bounce off the ground at any time, with the exception when using the first floor weight lifting area.
  • Users should not rest dumbbells or barbells on top of the upholstery padding. Weights should be placed on the ground between sets. Hex dumbbells and barbells are not designed to be rolled on the weight room floor.
  • All dumbbells and barbells must be put back on their designated racks after use. Return all dumbbells and barbells to correct location on dumbbell or barbell rack after using.
  • Please wipe down all bench upholstery after use to help reduce the spread of diseases.

Alternate Training Policies

  • Hypoxic training is not permitted in Campus Recreation facilities. This includes, but is not limited to, breath-hold training in pool areas and the use of oxygen deprivation masks.
  • Blood flow restriction training is not permitted in Campus Recreation facilities.

Lower Court Policies

  • In order for the basketball structures to sustain a 30-year lifetime expectancy before replacement, the basketball hoop, backboard, and support system will require limited stress placed upon the entire system.
  • Dunking is permitted only during the participation in a game. A game is defined as 5 vs 5, 4 vs 4, 3 vs 3, 2 vs 2, 1 vs 1 or 21.
  • Dunking while not engaged in a game (as defined above) is prohibited.
  • Hanging on the rim (defined as holding the rim down for longer than one second) is prohibited.
  • Tape is not allowed on gym floors or walls.
  • Do not move any equipment already set up on the courts. Information regarding the daily activities and schedules are posted within the gymnasium.
  • Do not prop any outside doors open, door alarms are activated.
  • The lower courts are intended for basketball, volleyball, and badminton. Other activities are not approved.
  • No personal items are allowed on the playing floor. Place items on the open bench or in the locker rooms.
  • Wear proper athletic shoes. No flip-flops, street shoes or black marking soles are allowed.

Full-court vs. Half-court games

  • Full-court games take priority, however, the ongoing half-court game must be allowed to finish in a reasonable amount of time.
  • All players interested in participating in a full-court game must be given equal opportunity to play (i.e. waiting players shoot a 3-pointer to get on the court).
  • Half-court games may be played when an open court is available.

Multi-purpose Room Policies

  • For health/sanitation reasons, bare feet are not allowed anywhere except:
    • Locker rooms and swimming pool
    • During HWC instructed fitness classes only in the multi-purpose studios
    • In HWC 253 (The Loft) for stretching/personal yoga routines on their own mats
  • Non-marking shoes are required in multi-purpose rooms:
    • In HWC 253 (The Loft) an exception is granted for socks or soft dancing shoes (Toesox and TheShu are acceptable) while working out due to no dumbbell, barbell or free weights being allowed.
    • In HWC 202 (The Studio) an exception is granted for kicking the heavy or Thai bag patrons may use socks.
  • Equipment (sharp or otherwise) that may damage the floor, mats, or mirrors is not permitted.
  • Use caution to avoid contact with the mirror.
  • Patrons may only utilize multi-purpose room equipment if the room is not in use by a scheduled program.
  • Rooms may be kept locked, and patrons must ask staff for assistance.
  • Rosin powder, wax, or other substances which would alter the floor surface are strictly prohibited.
  • Boxing equipment must be used in an appropriate manner for which it was designed.
  • We recommend that patrons utilize the jump ropes in the multi-purpose rooms.

Racquetball Court Policies

  • Personal equipment is permissible but racquets, balls, and protective eyewear are all available for checkout at the HWC Front Desk. Please inspect all equipment during checkout.
  • Court reservations can be made in person at the HWC Front Desk or by calling 503-838-9530. A Racquetball court can be reserved one at a time, up to 24 hours in advance for one hour on the hour. Participants must claim their reserved court within 15 minutes of the hour reservation. Once the 15 minutes have passed, the reservation is null and void and anyone may use the court.
  • Protective eyewear and wrist straps are recommended for personal safety.
  • Non-marking shoes are required.
  • If participants choose not to abide by these policies, they will be asked to exit the courts.

Indoor Track Policies

  • 15 laps = mile
  • Please run/walk in the direction designated for that day.
  • Enter the track with caution.
  • Keep slower activity to the outside lanes of the track.
  • Non-marking, closed-toe athletic shoes are recommended in this area; no sandals or bare feet.
  • Please respect others; no spitting.
  • Patrons may not use free weight bars on the track.
  • Items and activities prohibited on the track:
    • Standing, watching first floor activities or blocking lanes in any way.
    • Using railings as stretching aids.
    • Throwing or dropping items to or from the track is not permitted.
    • Watching first-floor activity from the track (Exceptions may be made in advance for special internal events).

Personal Training and Instruction

  • Due to the lack of oversight, unsafe and unstructured workouts, the HWC does not allow personal training.
  • Instruction for pay or trade by outside entities is strictly prohibited and could jeopardize membership privileges for all parties involved.

Aquatic Center

Member Guidelines and Responsibilities

General Rules

  • Aquatic Center use is prohibited unless supervised by a Health and Wellness Center lifeguard.
  • To ensure proper supervision and safety, the HWC reserves the right to limit the number of individuals in the pool.
  • Swimmers must take a cleansing shower before entering the pool(s). The use of oils and body lotions is prohibited.
  • Individuals with a communicable disease, skin disease, open sores, bandaged wounds, boils, inflamed eyes, or discharging nasal or ear passages are prohibited from using the pool(s). Dispose of bandages on minor cuts before entering the Aquatic Center.
  • Individuals who have had diarrhea in the last two weeks are asked not to use the Aquatic Center.
  • Immuno-compromised individuals should use caution when using pool(s).
  • No food, gum or beverages are allowed on the deck or in the pool(s). (A plastic or metal bottle of water is the only exception, no glass containers)
  • No person under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances may use the pool(s).
  • No running on the deck, stairs, spectator area, or in locker rooms.
  • Appropriate swim wear is required for all swimmers.
  • Street clothes, street shoes, and see-through swim wear are prohibited.
  • Wrestling, dunking, horseplay, excessive public displays of affection or chicken fighting is not allowed.
  • Diving is allowed in the deep end in a controlled, guard-supervised setting.
  • Only Coast Guard approved lifejackets are allowed as personal flotation devices within the lap pool with complete adult supervision.
  • If a child is not able to move in the water without feet touching the bottom or needs to wear a Coast Guard approved life-jacket, the child is considered a non-swimmer.
  • Only three non-swimmers per adult and the adult must be in the water within arm´s reach of the non-swimmer.
  • Only five swimmers per adult and the adult must be able to directly observe the children at all times.
  • Infants and toddlers are allowed in the pool(s) with plastic leak-proof bottoms or swim diapers.
  • Only service animals are allowed in the Aquatic Center.


Lap Swimming Rules

  • All swimmers must “circle swim” (i.e., remain in the right half of the lane). Slower swimmers should stop at the wall and allow faster swimmers to pass.
  • Water exercise equipment may be used during lap swims, but must not interfere with lap swimmers; lap swimmers have priority during lap swim times.
  • Hanging on lane lines is prohibited.
  • Aquatic exercise classes and swimming lessons can be conducted concurrently with open/lap swim times and shall have priority of use.
  • Return any pool equipment to the storage bins after use.


Therapy Pool Rules

  • Elderly persons and those suffering from heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure should consult their physician before using the pool. Persons using prescription medications should consult their physician before using the therapy pool.
  • Therapy pool entry is permitted only at designated stairs.
  • Items not allowed in the therapy pool include newspapers, magazines and other reading material.


Aquatic Spectators

  • Spectators and parents or guests will be asked to stay within the Aquatic Center spectator area.

Climbing Wall


General Rules

  • CRD climbing staff must be present in order for members to climb.
  • All participants must attend a belay orientation course, read and understand the climbing rules and sign the Liability Waiver and Assumption of Risk before being allowed to climb.
  • Rental climbing equipment is located at the HWC Front Desk.
  • Climbers must check-in/check-out at the HWC Front Desk before climbing.
  • No loose chalk. Chalk balls only. Try and minimize use of chalk when possible.
  • The Figure-Eight Follow-Through knot is the only knot allowed to secure the rope to the climbers harness.
  • Only a locking carabineer may be used to secure the belay device to the harness.
  • It is recommended that belayers use the floor anchors to prevent being pulled up into the air or into the wall.
  • Climbers and belayers should use commonly accepted communication signals such as: “On belay” – “Belay on” – “Climbing” – “Climb on” – “Ready to lower” – “Lowering”
  • Rock climbing shoes or closed toed athletic shoes are required to be worn by climbers and belayers. Bare feet, sandals, open toed shoes and boots are prohibited.

Prohibited Actions

Items and activities prohibited in the climbing wall area:

  • Swinging or jumping on ropes.
  • Climbing into a position where you are eye level or higher with top anchors.
  • Grabbing bolt hangers; bolt hangers are for carabineer attachment only.
  • Listening to music while climbing or belaying.


  • Belayers are required to go through an introductory belay orientation course.
  • Belayers must lower climbers in a smooth and controlled manner.
  • Belayers must keep their brake hand on the rope at all times.
  • Belay from a standing position only.
  • Climbers should not step under or over an active belay.
  • A follow-through figure-eight knot is required to tie in a climber.
  • Please report any injury or unsafe climbing wall conditions to climbing staff immediately.
  • The number of climbers at any one time may be limited to ensure proper supervision.

Right of Refusal

The CRD climbing staff reserves the right to refuse wall access. Reasons include, but are not limited to:

  • Use of dangerous climbing techniques.
  • Suspected recent use of alcohol or other drugs.
  • Use of unsafe or unacceptable climbing gear.

Lead Climbing

  • A current lead climbing pass is required to lead climb.
  • Climbers are required to check out and use the lead ropes provided by the HWC.
  • Climbers must check out and display their lead card in a manner that Climbing Specialists can quickly identify.
  • Only fixed quickdraws and anchors are to be used for leading.
  • Repeated falls, failure to clip properly, or skipping quickdraws may result in suspension or termination of lead climbing privileges.
  • Climbing Specialists reserve the right to revoke lead climbing privileges at any time.

Bouldering Wall Policies

General Rules

  • Bouldering climbers are not required to have the ability to belay.
  • All participants must read and understand the bouldering rules and sign the Liability Waiver and Assumption of Risk before being allowed to boulder.
  • Otherwise, all climbing wall policies, rules, and regulations apply to bouldering.


The CRD strongly recommends the use of spotters while bouldering. We encourage climbers to ask climbing staff about proper spotting techniques.

  • Climbers may not boulder more than 12 feet above the floor.
  • Climbers must check in at the HWC Front Desk before bouldering.
  • Climbers may not boulder above or below any other climbers.
  • Climbers, with the exception of climbing staff, may not switch holds.
  • Barefoot climbing and loose chalk are not permitted.

Turf Field

Facility Responsibilities

Prohibited on the Turf Field

To maintain a safe and healthy environment the following are prohibited:

  • All food and beverage products, except water, including gum, and shelled seeds or nuts (a serious allergy risk to others)
  • Glass of any type
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Smoking and use of smokeless tobacco products
  • Sharp objects such as tent stakes, corner flags, and poles that may penetrate or damage the turf field
  • Chairs or benches (these items may puncture the turf field or cause damage)
  • Portable heater and any open flame
  • Bicycles, skateboards, or skates
  • Metal cleats or high-heeled shoes
  • Dogs or other pets
  • Fireworks or any other open flames
  • Any golfing or throwing activities such as hammer, shot, discus, or javelin
  • Suntan lotions, oils, or creams of any kind – Please apply sunblock before entering the turf area

Appreciated on Turf Field

  • Always lift and carry (Do Not Drag) goals and equipment.
  • Please deposit all trash in the trash receptacles provided.
  • Finishing practice times on time and allowing other WOU students to utilize the Turf Field if space is possible.

Athletic Department/Club Sports Usage
These policies have been established between the Campus Recreation Department, Campus Recreation Advisory Committee, and the Athletic Department for Turf Field usage and priority of schedules.

User’s Responsibilities

Because the turf is not regenerated like natural grass, anything left on the turf remains there, posing health and safety hazards as well as general degradation of the turf.

  • You are responsible for leaving the field as clean and ready for the next user. When you are done, please inspect the field and remove anything left by your players or spectators, such as trash, athletic tape, or equipment. Be very careful to remove all mouthguards left by players (a biological hazard). Have your participants walk the field in a line at the end of their event.
  • Spills of foreign substances should be removed as quickly as possible. Thoroughly rinse any cleaning attempts to avoid slippery areas that could result in injury. Contact the Campus Recreation Department 503-838-9530 for assistance if needed.
  • In the event that a user has left the fields without cleaning up or has allowed sunflower seeds and/or gum onto the field turf. A cleaning fee may be charged or future reservations canceled.

Hazardous Waste

  • In the event of an accident or injury resulting in bodily fluids onto the Turf Field – Stop all activity, and contact the Campus Recreation Department or Facility Specialists (present for Turf Field Rentals) for proper clean-up.
  • For obvious reasons, please encourage your participants to avoid spitting on the turf field. Notify Campus Recreation Department 503-838-9530 if any area of the turf field is damaged or deficient.

Physical Damage – Reduction actions

The Turf Field is a composite system consisting of synthetic grass fibers sewn into a mat. Between the fibers is a 1 ½ inch layer of small rubber pellets (infill). The rubber infill makes the blades of grass stand up and is also the critical cushion between the player and the stone base beneath the mat. Foreign objects pose physical risks to the turf fibers, the mat, and the rubber infill.

  • Footwear is restricted to molded cleats (max 1/2″), turf shoes, or other soled athletic shoes such as cross-trainers or running shoes. Metal cleats or spikes are prohibited.
  • Protect the turf surface from sharp or pointed edges of objects or equipment placed on the field. When goals or other equipment are moved, they should be picked up off the turf. Dragging goals, such as lacrosse goals and soccer goals will damage the turf.
  • Bleachers or benches may not be moved or placed inside the fenced area on the turf field. Spectators, coaches, athletic trainers/staff are not allowed to place chairs, tables, tents and/or canopies on the turf field to eliminate the possibility of objects penetrating the turf field.
  • All motorized vehicles (i.e. Gator, Utility vehicles, etc) are not permitted on the turf field. Exceptions are allowed for assisting an injured participant or Ambulance in case of serious injury. Per Shaw Sports Turf maintenance – prohibited activities on a synthetic turf system are unnecessary vehicle travel.
  • We ask all teams and conditioning to alternate or move their practice areas around the Turf Field. This request is designed to reduce the wear on the center of the field or repetitively used areas.


  • All equipment is to be removed from the field after each allocated practice time or paid practice, game, event, or clinic outside allocated practice times.
  • Tires and blocking, weighted or speed sleds are not permitted on the field at any time. All large items should be used and stored away from the East side of the field if feasible. Prior to leaving any item outside of the Turf Field contact Campus Recreation Department 503-838-9530.
  • Please be respectful when moving Lacrosse goals, soccer goals and/or rugby uprights. Club Sports goals or uprights should not be used during athletic team practice. An exception is given for soccer utilizing the soccer goals.
  • Extra equipment must be requested and approved prior to any practice, game, event or clinic (i.e. soccer goals). Extra equipment not removed after approved practice, game, event, or clinic will be subject to a late fee of $45/day or a minimum of $75 for the one-time removal.
  • Use of the scoreboard is allowed during paid practice, game, event, or clinic outside allocated practice times and is run by Campus Recreation Department Facility Specialist(s).
  • Light usage can only be requested through the Campus Recreation Department 503-838-9530 at a cost of $20.00/hr.

Field Lining

  • The turf field has regulation rugby, lacrosse, and soccer lines, so no additional field lining paint if allowed.


  • For safety and liability purposes all spectators must stay off the turf field during all practice, games, events, or clinics.
  • Restrooms are provided. Cleaning charges may occur if deemed appropriate by WOU’s Custodial Services.


  • Groups who damage equipment or the field will be responsible for the cost to replace/repair the specific piece of equipment or property. Cost will vary depending on the piece of equipment’s retail value and/or repair costs (shipping, handling, tax, travel, etc).

Inclement Weather
While using the Turf Field remain aware and alert for incoming weather. It is a large open area and is subject to lightning and other weather-related hazards.

  • Please be diligent about the signs of imminent lightning. All activity should stop during any lightning activity. Normal activity should not be resumed until 30 minutes after the last thunderclap is heard.
  • Limit activity on the Turf Field when snow and ice are present.
  • If weather threatens the safety of the field users, consider seeking shelter until it passes or discontinue the use of the Turf Field.

Disc Golf

Facility Usage Guidelines

Course Rules

  • Non-players, spectators and vehicles have the right-of-way.
  • Course is open during daylight hours only.
  • Altering or breaking shrubs or tree limbs is not allowed.
  • Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.
  • Smoking is prohibited.
  • Keep pets restrained on a leash and pick-up after them.
  • Do not climb over fences to retrieve disc(s).
  • Report suspicious activity to Campus Public Safety 503-838-9000.
  • Questions or comments call Campus Recreation 503-838-9530.
  • Please do not litter. Have Fun!

Course Overview

  • Play can occur between Sunrise to Sunset
  • Closed during Athletic Department´s Cross Country home meets
Hole Distances
Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Feet 260 240 330 384 351 320 366 354 444

How to Play
Disc Golf is played like ball golf, but you are using a flying disc. One stroke is counted each time the disc is thrown and when a penalty is incurred. The object is to acquire the lowest score.

  • Tee-off: Tee throws must be completed within/behind designated tee area.
  • Putting: Within 10 meters (32´, 10″) of the target, a player may not step past the point of their lie while putting. Falling or jumping is not permitted.
  • Completion of hole: A disc that comes to rest in the basket/chain, not on top of the target or wedged in the cage, constitutes successful completion of hole.
  • Disc above playing surface: If a disc comes to rest above the playing surface in a tree / other object, its lie shall be marked on the playing surface directly below with no penalty.
  • Out of Bounds: A player whose disc is ruled OB shall receive a one stroke penalty. The player may elect to play the next shot from: (1) The previous lie; or (2) A lie that is up to 1 meter (3´, 3″) from the point where the disc last crossed into OB. This holds true even if the direction takes the lie closer to the hole.
  • Course Courtesy: Do not throw until the players ahead of you have finished the hole. YELL “FORE” immediately if you think your disc might hit someone. Players assume all risks of sport.
  • Additional Considerations: Please keep this course looking nice! Don´t litter. If you see trash, please pick it up.

The disc golf course was built by the Campus Recreation Department in the spring/summer of 2013 to improve upon the recreation opportunities for students outside of buildings.

  • Restrooms on the south side of the Turf Field
  • Practice hole located between west of Hole #1
  • Trash cans located after Hole #2 and at Hole #8
  • Water fountain next to restrooms
  • Course map located east of Hole #1
  • Hole location/direction signs at each 5ft x 10ft concrete teepads

Refund and Privacy Policy

Refund and Membership Cancellations

It is the philosophy of Campus Recreation to be responsible in its commitments to customers and anticipates equal treatment in return. When a customer initiates action with registration or reservation, the department commits to the preparation and delivery of facilities, activities, events, products, and/or services.

Membership and Access Passes

  • To initiate a membership cancelation, please visit the Health and Wellness Center front desk.
  • Campus Recreation Membership and IM Passes are non-refundable. Special circumstances such as medical issues, leaving the university, or emergencies may justify an exception to the general rule and will be handled on a case-by-case basis if immediate notification is given. except in the case of documented injury, illness, or relocation.
  • Non-use of the facility does not qualify as a special circumstance.
  • Refunds will be given in the same payment method as the purchase.


  • Purchase of locker service is non-refundable. Locker transfers are available upon request.

Programs or Trips
We know that situations and plans can change. We encourage you to cancel as soon as you can to avoid reduced refund amounts and to free up program space for others. Cancellations can be made online through your DSE registration website account. The online capability is intended to provide more flexibility if an individual or household’s situation necessitates a change or cancellation. Refunds will be granted as follows:

  • 15 or more days out: 95% of the activity/program fee
  • 7-14 days before the start/event date: 75% of activity/program fee
  • 6 days or less before the start/event date: No credit or refund. (It is extremely difficult to fill canceled spaces with short notice).
  • After the activity/program start date/time: No credits, refunds, or prorating fees will be given for missed portions or early withdrawals.
  • Programs, lessons, and classes may be canceled if minimum registration numbers are not achieved before the start date. In this case, a full refund will be issued. Participants will be contacted regarding rescheduling.

Privacy information
Privacy is important to us.

  • We use the information you provide about yourself or your family to deliver recreation programs, facility passes, and rentals. We never sell this information to outside parties.
  • When placing a reservation, payment, or reservation the captured data will only be used for the payment for that specific registration or reservation.

Customer Service contact and online payment information

  • When utilizing the online payment systems with Campus Recreation you will see a charge from WOU REC CENTER ECOMMERCE.
  • Please contact us if you have any questions at: or 503-838-9530