Graduate Learning Outcome Assessment

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO)
Core Content Knowledge
Applied Skills
Dispositions and Values
The Graduate Learning Outcomes were approved by the Faculty Senate in March, 2020. The presentation describing the process for developing the GLO can be found here: Proposed Graduate Learning Outcomes.
The Graduate Studies PLC has created draft rubrics for each GLO.
The draft rubrics, linked below, are continuing to be revised.
Core Content Knowledge Rubric
Applied Skills Rubric
Dispositions Rubric
Work of GLO Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Each section below contains links to reports from the GLO PLC
- Pilot of assessment of writing
- Pilot rubric for writing
- GLO: Writing report
- Report from Faculty Senate
- Pilot rubric for analytic inquiry
- overview of analytic inquiry
- Review of Graduate Learning Outcomes
- GLO PLC Chair: Dr. Melanie Landon Hays (Educational Leadership)
- Content Knowledge Graduate Learning Outcome
- GLO PLC Chair: Dr. Melanie Landon-Hays (Educational Leadership)
- GLO PLC Report 2018-2022